30 research outputs found

    Assessment of In-vivo Anti-inflammatory Potential of Fruit Extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Using Carrageenan Induced Paw Edema Rat Model Study

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    Ethnobotanicals are important for pharmacological research and drug development. Indian medicinal plant Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for the treatment various human ailments. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are mainly used in the treatment of pain and inflammation with side effects like gastrointestinal irritation. Therefore, there is a resurgence to search for alternative anti-inflammatory drugs and medicines from natural sources. Hence, in the current study we aimed to assess the anti-inflammatory potential of Ashwagandha fruits in an in-vivo carrageenan induced paw edema rat model study. Fruits of Ashwagandha was subjected to successive solvent extraction by continuous hot extraction (Soxhlet) with methanol. Anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic fruit extract of Ashwagandha at doses of 150 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg was evaluated in carrageenan induced paw edema Wistar albino rat model test. Inflammation was produced by administering 0.1 ml of 1% carrageenan into sub-plantar surface of rat hind paw to negative control group; 150 mg/kg (Group-I), 300 mg/kg (Group-II), 600 mg/kg (Group-III) methanolic fruit extract Ashwagandha and Aspirin 100 mg/kg (positive control) was administered intraperitoneally respectively. Results depicted that there was a dose dependent inhibition of hind paw edema volume following treatment with methanolic fruit extract of Ashwagandha. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory effect of methanolic fruit extract Ashwagandha extract at the dose level of 300 mg/kg was comparable with that of standard drug viz. Aspirin. Moreover, maximum inhibition of paw edema volume was observed at 12 h time interval at all the dose levels of methanolic fruit extract Ashwagandha. In conclusion, this preliminary study demonstrated the anti-inflammatory potential of methanolic fruit extract of Ashwagandha. Therefore, Ashwagandha fruit extract could be considered for development of natural anti-inflammatory drug

    Effect Of Bacillus Subtilispriming On Growth And Pigment Composition Of Tomato Seedlings (Lycopersicum Esculantum Cv. Pusa Ruby) Under Different Levels Of Polyethylene Glycolstress Conditions

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    Objective: to explore the quantitative changes in photosynthetic pigments of Lycopersicum esculantum cv. Pusa Rubyseedlings to inoculation with Bacillus subtilis(ATCC No.: 11774) under different levels of polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) stress using sustainable techniques such as priming with PGPB strain Bacillus subtilis. Methods: This study was performed at laboratorycondition with Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Pusa ruby seeds as factorial experimentunder Randomized Complete Design (CRD) with fourreplications. Effect ofdrought stress induced by different per cent level ofPEG 6000 treatments on drought tolerance in Bacillus subtilis primed tomato seedlings was studied. In this experiment, twentyBacillus subtilis primed tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Pusa ruby) seeds were placed in each per cent of PEG mediated drought stress treatment. One set without Bacillus subtilis primed tomato seeds were also treated with different level of PEG 6000 (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%) mediated drought stress to observe the effect of Bacillus subtilis priming. Results: Radicle protrusion (%), opening of cotyledonary leaves (%) was increased in tomato seeds primed with culture of Bacillus subtilis as compared to not-primed tomato seeds under PEG 6000 mediated drought stress at 0-25% and 0-15% respectively. Furthermore, the growth response parameters of viz. fresh weight (g) and dry weight (g) tomato were increased in tomato seeds primed with culture of Bacillus subtilis as compared to not-primed tomato seeds under PEG 6000 mediated drought stress (0-20%). Chl a andChl b content was higher in tomato seeds primed with culture of Bacillus subtilis as compared to not-primed tomato seeds under PEG 6000 mediated drought stress (0-20%). Furthermore, the carotenoid (mg g-1) quantity was increased in tomato seeds primed with culture of Bacillus subtilis as compared to not-primed tomato seeds under PEG 6000 mediated drought stress (0-5%). Whereas, the quantity of anthocyanin (mg g-1) was increased in tomato seeds primed with culture of Bacillus subtilis as compared to not-primed tomato seeds under PEG 6000 mediated drought stress (0-15%). Conclusion:Bacillus subtilis (ATCC No.: 11774) could be successfully used to enhance fruit production and fruit quality of tomato plants grown under controlled conditions

    Evaluation of Matured Larval Weight and Larval Duration of New Breeding Lines of Bombyx mori L

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    We planned to conduct this study with the main aim to develop bivoltine breeds for our tropical climatic conditions by using silkworm breeds with known genetic backgrounds (KA, NB18 and PM) in various hybrid combinations and incorporating them over generations, followed by backcrossing and adequate selection of different generations with the objective of profitability and productivity. The isolated Bivoltin lines (R1 and R2) were reared with their parental races at different times of the year to evaluate their stability in the expression of commercial traits. For the present breeding program, the purebred Bivoltine Kalimpong-A (KA), which spin white oval cocoons, New Bivoltine18 (NB18) white cocoons with rotating dumbbells and Multivoltine Pure Mysore (PM), the yellow pointed cocoons of the mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori L., Selected. One-way and three-way crosses were made using the above three breeds. The first single cross comprised KA females and PM males. The second unique cross comprised NB18 females and PM males. Selection was performed at the egg, larva, pupal, and cocoon stages over the course to determine the desired traits. The offspring of F from the respective crosses were backcrossed with their respective bivoltine males to improve commercial traits. Heterosis in the F1 generations of crosses, including NB18 and PM, was determined by the mean score of the parents (MPV) and the best score of the parents (BPV). A significant test for heterosis was performed using a standard ANOVA table. Based on the results of our study, it was found that the performance of the characters, viz. The weight of mature larvae and the duration of the larvae over generations do not simply increase or decrease regularly, but fluctuate irregularly. The reason for this variation may be due to random genetic drift, sampling errors in estimating generational means, selection pressures, and environmental factors. Therefore, inbreeding variations due to random drift and sampling errors could be reduced by increasing the number sampled and selected. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i10.00

    Docking Studies of Some Novel Hetrocyclic Compound as Acat Inhibitors: A Meta Analysis

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    We use molecular modelling and pharmacological testing to identify TCM compounds that may suppress SQS activity. By utilising previously established SQS inhibitors, ten HipHop pharmacophore models were developed. Finally, we used active medicines to explore other potential anti-hyperlipidemia targets in HepG2 cells and establish whether or not the lipid-lowering effect was due to SQS inhibition. As a potential treatment for hyperlipidemia, this research seeks to identify TCM SQS inhibitors. The rings in a heterocyclic compound are each made up of atoms from a different chemical element. Pyridine, thiophene, pyrrole, and furan are the building blocks for quinoline, benzothiophene, indole, benzofuran, benzthiazole, benzimidazole, and benzoxazole, respectively

    Tissue culture-independent in planta transformation strategy: an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer method to overcome recalcitrance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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    The major constraint in cotton improvement has been the recalcitrance of cotton varieties to tissue culture. Alternate methods that avoid/ minimize tissue culture would be beneficial for the improvement of cotton. In this report, transgenic cotton plants have been produced by a tissue-culture independent Agrobacterium tumefaciens - mediated transformation procedure. Agrobacterium strain LBA4404 harboring the binary vector pKIWI105 that carries the genes for β-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase (npt II) was used for transformation. Apical meristem of the differentiated embryo of the germinating seedling is infected with Agrobacterium. Since the transgene is integrated into the cells of already differentiated tissues, the T0 plants will be chimeric and stable integration can be seen only in the T1 generation. The first proof of transformability in the T0 generation was indicated by the GUS histochemical analysis of the seedlings, five days after co-cultivation and subsequently in the pollen and lint. T1 transformants were identified by PCR analysis and subsequently confirmed by Southern. Three plants (T1) with single copy insertions were selected for continuing into the next generations. Molecular characterization and GUS expression analysis (histochemical and fluorimetric) of the T1, T2 and T3 generation suggested the feasibility of the method to generate transgenic plants in cotton

    Alkaloid Based Chemical Constituents of Ocimum santum & Cinchona Bark: A Meta Analysis

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    This article provides a concise summary of the recent developments that have been achieved in our comprehension of the asymmetric addition processes that are catalysed by native Cinchona alkaloids and their derivatives. This class of reactions includes cycloadditions, 1,4-adds, direct nucleophilic additions across carbon–oxygen or carbon–nitrogen double bonds, and direct nucleophilic additions across carbon–oxygen double bonds. Because of their capacity to catalyse the addition of a wide variety of functional groups to C9, many Cinchona alkaloids have been utilised in these processes as catalysts. These functional groups include amino, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amido, urea, and thiourea, among others. The importance of mechanical variables is emphasised in many different contexts. Additionally, the utilisation of adducts in future synthesis is sometimes broken down into its component steps. Ocimum basilicum was discovered to be mostly consisted of estragol (> 35.71 percent), (E)-ocimene (> 1.47 percent), trans-bergamotene (> 0.83 percent), a-cadinol (> 0.41 percent), eucalyptol (> 0.25 percent), and -caryophyllene (> 0.07 percent), whereas Ocimum sanctum is primarily composed of eucaly There is a greater concentration of chemical components in the leaves of Ocimum basilicum and Ocimum sanctum than there is in the actual inflorescence or flowers of the plant. The genetic distance between the two species was analysed in order to better understand the interspecies relationship, and the results showed that it was 2.86. The small difference in genetic makeup that exists between Ocimum basilicum and Ocimum sanctum is evidence that these two species are related to one another and share similar traits

    Burn Injury Management, Pathophysiology and Its Future Prospectives

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    For intensive care physicians, burns are a frequent and challenging patient complication. Specialist facilities prioritise patient stabilisation, infection prevention, and functional rehabilitation to the greatest extent possible. Researchers have been focusing on burns for decades, and thanks to their efforts, the mortality rate for burn patients, especially young patients and those with moderate burns, has been steadily declining. However, the intensivist often faces challenges that make it hard to provide care and stabilise patients. There may be unique complications associated with burn wounds that necessitate either delayed treatment or prolonged rehabilitation. Improvements in patient stabilisation and treatment have resulted from advances made in burn wound care thanks to research. This article discusses recent advances in the treatment of burn patients, focusing on the pathophysiology of burns and the management of burn wounds

    Bioactive Herbal Medicine Use for Eye Sight: A Meta Analysis

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    The use of chemical medications to treat eye conditions in a way that avoids causing harm is still a work in progress for modern medicine. Herbal remedies, however, may be able to solve the problems that conventional pharmaceuticals have. Given their efficacy, lack of adverse effects, and inexpensive cost, there have been extensive efforts to discover novel medicinal plants from various locations. Several plant species have been promoted in Traditional Indian Medicine for their ophthalmic effects, and it is estimated that around 200 plants worldwide have been documented to support therapy of eye problems. This review seeks to shed light on the history of using various plants to treat eye illnesses, the advantages and disadvantages of those approaches, and the advantages of modern medicine over those of the plants themselves. Based on the findings of this review, the most effective Ayurvedic preparations may be created by combining traditional knowledge with modern techniques and polymers

    Quality Risk Management Approach for Drug Development and Its Future Prospectives

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    These days, finding new marketing authorizations, guaranteeing regulatory compliance, and keeping labour costs competitive are extremely tough. Many pharmaceutical companies also struggle to deal with local regulatory issues and stay up with changes in key pharmaceutical markets. Regulations are thoroughly reviewed before being given to the RA department. This team compiles the most critical prescription information for global approval and marketing. This category accepts both new and revised product submissions. This is mostly handled by the RA department. RA\u27s job is to provide feedback on proposed or disputed legislation. This is a proactive measure. The ICH framework allows for more early intervention. Regulators have a wide range of responsibilities. In the US, the FDA must register and clear the goods with the export company\u27s regulatory professional. &nbsp

    Plant & Its Derivative Shows Therapeutic Activity on Neuroprotective Effect

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    In most cases, the death of neurons in certain parts of the brain is the defining feature of a condition that is classified as neurodegenerative. There have been studies conducted on both conventional and innovative drugs, however the results have shown that they only offer symptomatic advantages and come with a number of undesirable side effects. The finding of more potent compounds that can stop the pathophysiology of these diseases will be seen as a miracle in the present day. There is a wide variety of synthetic compounds accessible; nevertheless, these drugs may also create a broad range of additional health issues. As a consequence of this, scientists are looking to plants and other natural sources for the development of new medicines. In the practise of conventional medicine, it has been discovered that certain plants possess healing powers. The use of phytochemicals, which are produced from medicinal plants, may eventually replace the need for synthetic molecules. Numerous phytochemicals have been shown to be effective in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. This article discusses the potential therapeutic applications of plant-derived alkaloids for a number of neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs), including Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), Huntington\u27s disease (HD), Parkinson\u27s disease (PD), epilepsy, schizophrenia, and stroke. There are many different types of alkaloids that can be found in the plant kingdom. Some of these alkaloids include isoquinoline, indole, pyrroloindole, oxindole, piperidine, pyridine, aporphine, vinca, -carboline, methylxanthene, lycopodium, and erythrine byproducts. Alkaloids have a beneficial effect on the pathophysiology of these diseases because of their ability to act as muscarinic and adenosine receptor agonists, anti-oxidants, anti-amyloid and MAO inhibitors, acetylcholinestrase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors, an inhibitor of synuclein aggregation, dopaminergic and nicotine agonists, and NMDA antagonists