30 research outputs found


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    A nemszinaptikus nikotinikus acetilkolin és NMDA receptorok szerepe élettani körülmények között és pathológiás állapotokban = Role of nonsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and NMDA receptors in physiological and pathophysiological conditions

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    A szélütés (stroke) utáni neurodegeneráció a jelenlegi morbiditási és mortalitási mutatók egyik legfontosabb tényezője. Az iszkémiás stroke kezelésében számos ígéretes gyógyszerjelölt molekula vallott kudarcot a klinikai vizsgálatokban. Ennek valószínűleg az az oka, hogy hiányosak ismereteink az iszkémiás kórképek kialakulásának mechanizmusaira vonatkozólag. A legtöbb központi idegrendszerre ható gyógyszert szinaptikusan elhelyezkedő receptorokra vagy transzporterekre fejlesztik annak érdekében, hogy igazán hatékony gyógyszereket tudjunk fejleszteni, figyelembe kell venni, hogy az extraszinaptikus receptorok és transzporterek száma jóval meghaladja a szinaptikusakét, illetve hogy nagyon sok központi idegrendszeri megbetegedés alapja a nemszinaptikus rendszer malfunkciója. Például, a szinaptikus NMDA receptorok aktivációja neuroprotektív hatást fejt ki, míg az extraszinaptikus NMDA receptor aktiváció excitotoxikus hatású. Konkrét javaslataink a gyógyszerfejlesztést illetően: Az NR2B alegységet tartalmazó NMDA receptorok szelektív gátlói (mint például a fluoxetine), és a nátriumcsatorna gátlók egyes típusai; mint neuroprotektív szerek. A nikotinikus agonisták pozitív modulátorai, amelyek a kognitív problémák kezelésében, ill. a dohányzásról való leszokás segítésében lehetnek hasznosak. | Neurodegeneration after a stroke is one of the major causes of present-day morbidity and mortality. There is a long list of neuroprotective compounds that have failed to be clinically useful in the treatment of ischaemic stroke. This is likely due, at least in part, to our inadequate knowledge regarding the core mechanisms of ischaemic diseases. Most “novel” drugs that target the CNS are designed to act on neurotransmitter receptors or transporters that are localised within synapses. To develop the most effective drugs, it is important to remember that there are extrasynaptic receptors and transporters that may outnumber those located within synapses and that, when malfunctioning, may be responsible for several symptoms of CNS disorders. For example, activation of synaptic NMDA receptors is neuroprotective, whereas stimulation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors causes excitotoxicity. We suggest that future drug development research consider the following: Compounds that are able to selectively inhibit non-synaptic NR2B Glu receptors (such as Fluoxetine), and specific subtypes of sodium channel inhibitors as neuroprotective compounds. Positive modulators of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. They would be potential drugs in the treatment of memory problems and in smoking cessation

    Human keratinocytes are vanilloid resistant

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    BACKGROUND: Use of capsaicin or resiniferatoxin (RTX) as analgesics is an attractive therapeutic option. RTX opens the cation channel inflammatory pain/vanilloid receptor type 1 (TRPV1) permanently and selectively removes nociceptive neurons by Ca(2+)-cytotoxicity. Paradoxically, not only nociceptors, but non-neuronal cells, including keratinocytes express full length TRPV1 mRNA, while patient dogs and experimental animals that underwent topical treatment or anatomically targeted molecular surgery have shown neither obvious behavioral, nor pathological side effects. METHODS: To address this paradox, we assessed the vanilloid sensitivity of the HaCaT human keratinocyte cell line and primary keratinocytes from skin biopsies. RESULTS: Although both cell types express TRPV1 mRNA, neither responded to vanilloids with Ca(2+)-cytotoxicity. Only ectopic overproduction of TRPV1 rendered HaCaT cells sensitive to low doses (1-50 nM) of vanilloids. The TRPV1-mediated and non-receptor specific Ca(2+)-cytotoxicity ([RTX]>15 microM) could clearly be distinguished, thus keratinocytes were indeed resistant to vanilloid-induced, TRPV1-mediated Ca(2+)-entry. Having a wider therapeutic window than capsaicin, RTX was effective in subnanomolar range, but even micromolar concentrations could not kill human keratinocytes. Keratinocytes showed orders of magnitudes lower TRPV1 mRNA level than sensory ganglions, the bona fide therapeutic targets in human pain management. In addition to TRPV1, TRPV1b, a dominant negative splice variant was also noted in keratinocytes. CONCLUSION: TRPV1B expression, together with low TRPV1 expression, may explain the vanilloid paradox: even genuinely TRPV1 mRNA positive cells can be spared with therapeutic (up to micromolar) doses of RTX. This additional safety information might be useful for planning future human clinical trials

    Dendritic nicotinic receptors modulate backpropagating action potentials and long-term plasticity of interneurons

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    Stratum radiatum interneurons, unlike pyramidal cells, are rich in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs); however, the role of these receptors in plasticity has remained elusive. As opposed to previous physiological studies, we found that functional α7-subunit-containing nAChRs (α7-nAChRs) are abundant on interneuron dendrites of rats. Moreover, dendritic Ca2+ transients induced by activation of α7-nAChRs increase as a function of distance from soma. The activation of these extrasynaptic α7-nAChRs by cholinergic agonists either facilitated or depressed backpropagating action potentials, depending on the timing of α7-nAChR activation. We have previously shown that dendritic α7-nAChRs are involved in the regulation of synaptic transmission, suggesting that α7-nAChRs may play an important role in the regulation of the spike timing-dependent plasticity. Here we provide evidence that long-term potentiation is indeed boosted by stimulation of dendritic α7-nAChRs. Our results suggest a new mechanism for a cholinergic switch in memory encoding and retrieval

    Roller Coaster Scanning reveals spontaneous triggering of dendritic spikes in CA1 interneurons

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    Inhibitory interneurons are considered to be the controlling units of neural networks, despite their sparse number and unique morphological characteristics compared with excitatory pyramidal cells. Although pyramidal cell dendrites have been shown to display local regenerative events—dendritic spikes (dSpikes)—evoked by artificially patterned stimulation of synaptic inputs, no such studies exist for interneurons or for spontaneous events. In addition, imaging techniques have yet to attain the required spatial and temporal resolution for the detection of spontaneously occurring events that trigger dSpikes. Here we describe a high-resolution 3D two-photon laser scanning method (Roller Coaster Scanning) capable of imaging long dendritic segments resolving individual spines and inputs with a temporal resolution of a few milliseconds. By using this technique, we found that local, NMDA receptor-dependent dSpikes can be observed in hippocampal CA1 stratum radiatum interneurons during spontaneous network activities in vitro. These NMDA spikes appear when approximately 10 spatially clustered inputs arrive synchronously and trigger supralinear integration in dynamic interaction zones. In contrast to the one-to-one relationship between computational subunits and dendritic branches described in pyramidal cells, here we show that interneurons have relatively small (∼14 μm) sliding interaction zones. Our data suggest a unique principle as to how interneurons integrate synaptic information by local dSpikes

    Coupling ofN-tosylhydrazones with tetrazoles : synthesis of 2-β-d-glycopyranosylmethyl-5-substituted-2H-tetrazole type glycomimetics

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    Coupling reactions ofO-peracylated 2,6-anhydro-aldose tosylhydrazones (C-(β-d-glycopyranosyl)formaldehyde tosylhydrazones) with tetrazoles were studied under metal-free conditions using thermic or microwave activation in the presence of different bases. The reactions proved highly regioselective and gave the corresponding, up-to-now unknown 2-β-d-glycopyranosylmethyl-2H-tetrazoles in 7-67% yields. The method can be applied to get new types of disaccharide mimetics, 5-glycosyl-2-glycopyranosylmethyl-2H-tetrazoles, as well. Galectin binding studies withC-(β-d-galactopyranosyl)formaldehyde tosylhydrazone and 2-(β-d-galactopyranosylmethyl)-5-phenyl-2H-tetrazole revealed no significant inhibition of any of these lectins

    Enhanced Dendritic Action Potential Backpropagation in Parvalbumin-positive Basket Cells During Sharp Wave Activity

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    In this study two-photon imaging and single cell electrophysiological measurements were carried out in PV? hippocampal interneurons to compare the dendritic calcium dynamics of somatically evoked backpropagating action potentials (BAPs) and in vitro sharp wave oscillation (SPW) activated BAPs at different distances from the soma. In the case of 300 lm thick, non-oscillating slices, the BAP-evoked Ca2? (BAP-Ca2?) influx propagated along the dendritic tree in a non-uniform manner and its amplitude gradually reduced when measured at more distal regions. In contrast to the evoked BAP-Ca2?s, the spontaneous SPWinduced Ca2? influx had only a small distance-dependent decrement. Our results suggest that similarly to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activation, synaptic activity during hippocampal SPWs increases AP backpropagation into distant dendritic segments. Bath application of Nimodipine, a specific Ca2? channel blocker and tetrodotoxine decreased the amplitude of the somatically evoked Ca2? influx, which suggests that L-type Ca2? channels play an important role both during somatically evoked and SPW-induced BAPs