665 research outputs found

    Nondegenerate 3D complex Euclidean superintegrable systems and algebraic varieties

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    A classical (or quantum) second order superintegrable system is an integrable n-dimensional Hamiltonian system with potential that admits 2n-1 functionally independent second order constants of the motion polynomial in the momenta, the maximum possible. Such systems have remarkable properties: multi-integrability and multi-separability, an algebra of higher order symmetries whose representation theory yields spectral information about the Schroedinger operator, deep connections with special functions and with QES systems. Here we announce a complete classification of nondegenerate (i.e., 4-parameter) potentials for complex Euclidean 3-space. We characterize the possible superintegrable systems as points on an algebraic variety in 10 variables subject to six quadratic polynomial constraints. The Euclidean group acts on the variety such that two points determine the same superintegrable system if and only if they lie on the same leaf of the foliation. There are exactly 10 nondegenerate potentials.Comment: 35 page

    Superintegrability in a two-dimensional space of nonconstant curvature

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    A Hamiltonian with two degrees of freedom is said to be superintegrable if it admits three functionally independent integrals of the motion. This property has been extensively studied in the case of two-dimensional spaces of constant (possibly zero) curvature when all the independent integrals are either quadratic or linear in the canonical momenta. In this article the first steps are taken to solve the problem of superintegrability of this type on an arbitrary curved manifold in two dimensions. This is done by examining in detail one of the spaces of revolution found by G. Koenigs. We determine that there are essentially three distinct potentials which when added to the free Hamiltonian of this space have this type of superintegrability. Separation of variables for the associated Hamilton–Jacobi and Schrödinger equations is discussed. The classical and quantum quadratic algebras associated with each of these potentials are determined

    Quadratic Algebra Approach to Relativistic Quantum Smorodinsky-Winternitz Systems

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    There exist a relation between the Klein-Gordon and the Dirac equations with scalar and vector potentials of equal magnitude (SVPEM) and the Schrodinger equation. We obtain the relativistic energy spectrum for the four Smorodinsky-Winternitz systems from the quasi-Hamiltonian and the quadratic algebras obtained by Daskaloyannis in the non-relativistic context. We point out how results obtained in context of quantum superintegrable systems and their polynomial algebras may be applied to the quantum relativistic case. We also present the symmetry algebra of the Dirac equation for these four systems and show that the quadratic algebra obtained is equivalent to the one obtained from the quasi-Hamiltonian.Comment: 19 page

    Path Integral Approach for Superintegrable Potentials on Spaces of Non-constant Curvature: II. Darboux Spaces DIII and DIV

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    This is the second paper on the path integral approach of superintegrable systems on Darboux spaces, spaces of non-constant curvature. We analyze in the spaces \DIII and \DIV five respectively four superintegrable potentials, which were first given by Kalnins et al. We are able to evaluate the path integral in most of the separating coordinate systems, leading to expressions for the Green functions, the discrete and continuous wave-functions, and the discrete energy-spectra. In some cases, however, the discrete spectrum cannot be stated explicitly, because it is determined by a higher order polynomial equation. We show that also the free motion in Darboux space of type III can contain bound states, provided the boundary conditions are appropriate. We state the energy spectrum and the wave-functions, respectively

    Trihamiltonian extensions of separable systems in the plane

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    A method to construct trihamiltonian extensions of a separable system is presented. The procedure is tested for systems, with a natural Hamiltonian, separable in classical sense in one of the four orthogonal separable coordinate systems of the Euclidean plane, and some explicit examples are constructed. Finally a conjecture on possible generalizations to other classes of systems is discussed: in particular, the method can be easily adapted to the eleven orthogonal separable coordinate sets of the Euclidean three-space.Comment: 20 page

    Nondegenerate three-dimensional complex Euclidean superintegrable systems and algebraic varieties

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    A classical (or quantum) second order superintegrable system is an integrable n-dimensional Hamiltonian system with potential that admits 2n−1 functionally independent second order constants of the motion polynomial in the momenta, the maximum possible. Such systems have remarkable properties: multi-integrability and multiseparability, an algebra of higher order symmetries whose representation theory yields spectral information about the Schrödinger operator, deep connections with special functions, and with quasiexactly solvable systems. Here, we announce a complete classification of nondegenerate (i.e., four-parameter) potentials for complex Euclidean 3-space. We characterize the possible superintegrable systems as points on an algebraic variety in ten variables subject to six quadratic polynomial constraints. The Euclidean group acts on the variety such that two points determine the same superintegrable system if and only if they lie on the same leaf of the foliation. There are exactly ten nondegenerate potentials. ©2007 American Institute of Physic

    Complete sets of invariants for dynamical systems that admit a separation of variables

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    Consider a classical Hamiltonian H in n dimensions consisting of a kinetic energy term plus a potential. If the associated Hamilton–Jacobi equation admits an orthogonal separation of variables, then it is possible to generate algorithmically a canonical basis Q, P where P1 = H, P2, ,Pn are the other second-order constants of the motion associated with the separable coordinates, and {Qi,Qj} = {Pi,Pj} = 0, {Qi,Pj} = ij. The 2n–1 functions Q2, ,Qn,P1, ,Pn form a basis for the invariants. We show how to determine for exactly which spaces and potentials the invariant Qj is a polynomial in the original momenta. We shed light on the general question of exactly when the Hamiltonian admits a constant of the motion that is polynomial in the momenta. For n = 2 we go further and consider all cases where the Hamilton–Jacobi equation admits a second-order constant of the motion, not necessarily associated with orthogonal separable coordinates, or even separable coordinates at all. In each of these cases we construct an additional constant of the motion

    Infinite families of superintegrable systems separable in subgroup coordinates

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    A method is presented that makes it possible to embed a subgroup separable superintegrable system into an infinite family of systems that are integrable and exactly-solvable. It is shown that in two dimensional Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean spaces the method also preserves superintegrability. Two infinite families of classical and quantum superintegrable systems are obtained in two-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space whose classical trajectories and quantum eigenfunctions are investigated. In particular, the wave-functions are expressed in terms of Laguerre and generalized Bessel polynomials.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Laplace equations, conformal superintegrability and B\^ocher contractions

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    Quantum superintegrable systems are solvable eigenvalue problems. Their solvability is due to symmetry, but the symmetry is often "hidden". The symmetry generators of 2nd order superintegrable systems in 2 dimensions close under commutation to define quadratic algebras, a generalization of Lie algebras. Distinct systems and their algebras are related by geometric limits, induced by generalized In\"on\"u-Wigner Lie algebra contractions of the symmetry algebras of the underlying spaces. These have physical/geometric implications, such as the Askey scheme for hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials. The systems can be best understood by transforming them to Laplace conformally superintegrable systems and using ideas introduced in the 1894 thesis of B\^ocher to study separable solutions of the wave equation. The contractions can be subsumed into contractions of the conformal algebra so(4,C)so(4,C) to itself. Here we announce main findings, with detailed classifications in papers under preparation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Structure results for higher order symmetry algebras of 2D classical superintegrable systems

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    Recently the authors and J.M. Kress presented a special function recurrence relation method to prove quantum superintegrability of an integrable 2D system that included explicit constructions of higher order symmetries and the structure relations for the closed algebra generated by these symmetries. We applied the method to 5 families of systems, each depending on a rational parameter k, including most notably the caged anisotropic oscillator, the Tremblay, Turbiner and Winternitz system and a deformed Kepler-Coulomb system. Here we work out the analogs of these constructions for all of the associated classical Hamiltonian systems, as well as for a family including the generic potential on the 2-sphere. We do not have a proof in every case that the generating symmetries are of lowest possible order, but we believe this to be so via an extension of our method.Comment: 23 page