51 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kredibilitas Merek terhadap Niat Beli dengan Mediasi Kualitas yang Dirasa Konsumen Produk Batik Jetis di Sidoarjo

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of brand credibility on the purchase intentionmediated by consumers perceived quality of batik Jetis in Sidoarjo. This research wasconducted in Sidoarjo communities who have seen batik Jetis Sidoarjo. The data used wereprimary data obtained directly from respondents by using questionnaire. The respondentswere batik Jetiss consumers. Samples used were selected through judgment sampling techniques.One hundred forty five questionnaires were distributed to the respondents. One hundredand ten data was analyzed using SEM and processed using software AMOS 21. The resultsshowed that brand credibility has a significant influence on customers perceived quality.While customers perceived quality has no significant effect on the purchase intention.Likewise, brand credibility has no significant influence on customers purchase intention.Based on these results we can conclude that customers perceived quality does not mediatethe relationship between the credibility of the brand with the customers purchase intention

    Efektifitas Akupresur terhadap Dismenore pada Remaja Putri

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    Acupressure is nonpharmacologic therapy for dysmenorrhea. The purpose of this research was to identify the effect of acupressure on pain (intensity and quality) in adolescent with dysmenorrhea at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. This study was quasi-experimental with non-equivalent pretest-posttest kontrol group design. The sample were 52 respondens, devided into intervention and control group with purposive sampling method. Acupressure reduce pain intensity and quality signicantly p-value (< α 0,05). Dismenorrhea can decrease as 0,615 point for the pain intensity and pain quality as 0,577 point. The research recommended that acupressure at LI4 (Hequ) and PC6 (Neiguan) is effective as self theraphy in aldolescent and can be use widely as part of nursing intervention

    Pengembangan Makanan Formula Anak Balita Menggunakan Berbagai Jenis Ikan Laut Dan Rumput Laut

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    Background: Deficiency in energy, protein and micronutrient of children under five years can cause growth faltering, besides the delayed in mental development and easily infected. Indonesia is highly potential in marine food sources, included fishes and seaweeds which are rich in macro and micronutrients. Formulated food made of fish were well accepted, but was not proven to improve growth significantly; while USAge of seaweeds has not been explored. Objectives: To produce formulated food, which contain macro and micronutrient that important for growth and mental development. The results will encourage USAge of marine food sources and development of feasible food processing. Methods: Food base included carbohydrate sources: rice flour, sweet corn, yellow yam, and sweet plaintain; protein sources: stingray, shark, tuna, greyfish and soybean. Sources of micronutrients were vegetables and seaweeds. Cooking oil and sugar were added to make 400 kCal energy content per 100 g formula and improve taste. Quality evaluation were tested: protein score, nutrient content, sensoric test and water absorbability of the formulated food.Results: Four kinds of formula were developed and well accepted by the panelist. Those formula have low water absorbtion and good sensoric quality. Protein scores are 84-97%, higher than that of soybean. Content of folate, vitamin A, iodine and Zn per 100 g formula can fulfill 70-110% daily allowance of children under five years old. Conclusions: Formulated food based on marine fishes and seaweeds were well accepted, with calculated protein scores were higher than soybean's. Micronutrients content were high in all formula. There is a need to explore all potential benefits of the marine food sources, both protein sources and seaweeds, to develop other formulated foods for children. [Penel Gizi Makan 2007, 30(1): 1-7

    Program Perencanaan Pulang Dapat Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Ibu yang Melahirkan Bayi Prematur Merawat Bayinya

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    Bayi yang lahir prematur berisiko mengalami permasalahan kesehatan, sehingga membutuhkan perawatan yang intens dari sejak di rumah sakit sampai ketika bayi sudah boleh dipulangkan ke rumah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi dalam perencanaan pulang terhadap pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu merawat bayi prematur. Penelitian ini merupakan studi quasi experiment dengan rancangan pre and post-test without control design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 35 ibu yang melahirkan bayi prematur dan bayinya di rawat di ruang Perinatologi sebuah rumah sakit di Jakarta. Sampel diambil secara consecutive sampling. Intervensi penelitian adalah pemberian edukasi menggunakan media pembelajaran booklet dan audiovisual yang berisi tentang ASI, teknik menyusui, perawatan metode kanguru, cara pencegahan infeksi, dan tanda bahaya pada bayi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah diberikan edukasi selama perencanaan pulang, pengetahuan ibu merawat bayi prematur rata-rata mengalami kenaikan skor sebesar 29,52, aspek keterampilan menyusui skornya naik sebesar 33,29 dan keterampilan perawatan metode kanguru terdapat kenaikan skor sebesar 30,25. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata skor pengetahuan ibu merawat bayi prematur, skor keterampilan menyusui, dan skor keterampilan perawatan metode kanguru (PMK) sebelum dan setelah diberikan edukasi selama perencanaan pulang (p> 0,001). Pelaksanaan program edukasi selama perencanaan pulang yang dilakukan selama tiga hari dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu merawat bayi prematur. Edukasi dalam perencanaan pulang sebaiknya rutin diterapkan di rumah sakit sebagai intervensi keperawatan mandiri agar makin meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan

    Aplikasi Pati Aren Termodifikasi Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji Merah Dalam Pengembangan Produk Berindeks Glikemik Rendah (Applications of Arenga Starch Modified with Red Guava Leaf Extract in Development of a Low Glycemic Index Product)

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    Consumption of lowglycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) products are recommended to prevent and manage of degenerative diseases.The high digestibility of arenga starch could be lowered by physicochemical modification with soaking the arenga starch using polyphenolic compounds. The aims of this study were to determine chemical composition, glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of cake and cookies from arenga starch modified with 4 percent red guava leaf extract 58-62 oBrix. Chemical composition analysis include proximate, starch, dietary fiber and resistant starch. GI test was conducted in vivo on 12 healthy people. The results showed no differences in chemical compisiton between modified arenga starch cakeand native starch. However, modified arenga starch cookies had significantly lower fat and higher total carbohydrate and starch than native starch (p&lt; 0.05). GI and GL decreased significantly (p&lt;0.05) on cake of modified arenga starch, from high (77.72) to low (51.84). GI of modified arenga starch cookies (46.20) was not significantly different than to native starch (47.31). Cookies and cake of modified arenga starch had intermediate GL, 10.55 and 18.45 respectively. The study concluded that arenga starch modified with red guava leaf extract had a potential as an ingredient for development of low GI products. Konsumsi produk yang memiliki indeks glikemik (IG) dan beban glikemik (BG) rendah direkomendasikan untuk pencegahan dan manajemen penyakit degeneratif. Daya cerna pati dan indeks glikemik tinggi pati aren dapat diturunkan dengan memodifikasi pati melalui perendaman dalam ekstrak daun jambu biji merah sebagai sumber polifenol. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui Perubahan komposisi kimia, IG dan beban glikemik (BG) kue basah dan cookies berbahan baku pati aren termodifikasi ekstrak daun jambu biji merah dibandingkan pati alaminya. Kue basah dan cookies dibuat dari pati aren yang dimodifikasi dengan 4 persen ekstrak daun jambu biji merah 58-62oBrix dan pati alaminya. Komposisi kimia yang diuji meliputi proksimat, pati, serat pangan dan pati resisten. Pengujian IG dilakukan in vivo pada 12 orang sehat. Komposisi kimia kue basah pati aren termodifikasi tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan pati alaminya. Cookies pati aren termodifikasi memiliki kadar karbohidrat total dan pati secara nyata lebih tinggi dan kadar lemak lebih rendah dibandingkan pati alaminya. IG menurun secara nyata hanya pada kue basah pati aren termodifikasi dari tinggi (78) menjadi rendah (52). IG cookies pati aren termodifikasi rendah, tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan pati alaminya, berturut-turut 46 dan 47. Nilai BG kue basah pati aren termodifikasi daun jambu biji lebih rendah (10,55) dibandingkan pati alaminya (15,05). BG produk tersebut terkategori sedang. Kue basah dan cookies pati aren termodifikasi memiliki BG berturut-turut 10,55 dan 18,45. Penggunaan pati aren termodifikasi dapat menurunkan IG pada kue basah. Pati aren termodifikasi berpotensi dijadikan bahan baku untuk pengembangan produk ber-IG rendah

    Petatah Petitih Kearifan Lokal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Masyarakat Minang Pedagang Rantau di Jakarta

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    Masyarakat Minang merupakan masyarakat penganut matrilineal terbesar di dunia. Selain itu, etnik ini juga telah menerapkan sistem proto-demokrasi sejak masa pra-Hindu dengan adanya kerapatan adat untuk menentukan hal-hal penting dan permasalahan hukum. Kuatnya kearifan lokal masyarakat Minang dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pada sistem kemasyarakatan dan isu-isu global, sangat berpengaruh pada penguatan masyarakat local dimanapun berada. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji dimensi ekonomi dan bisnis kearifan lokal masyarakat Minang pedagang rantau di DKI Jakarta, memahami nilai ekonomi dan bisnis yang dapat dipertahankan dan faktor-faktor yang menggeser atau meningkatkan kearifan lokal dalam sisi bisnis dan ekonomi pada masyarakat Minang pedagang rantau. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan melakukan survey dan focussed group discussion (FGD) guna mendokumentasikan, merekam dan mencatat untuk dianalisis dan menghasilkan produk e-book petatah petitih masyarakat Minang yang masih digunakan oleh banyak pedagang rantau. Hasil penelitian ini adalah nilai-nilai ekonomi dan bisnis masih banyak digunakan dalam berbisnis dan kehidupan masyarakat minang pedagang rantau di DKI Jakarta. Faktor-faktor yang menggeser nilai ekonomi dan bisnis masyarakat Minang adalah banyaknya pengaruh sosial budaya dari luar lingkungan yang merubah pemikiran perantau yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya kemandirian mereka dalam mempertahankan perilaku ekonomi dan bisnis yang telah diamanahkan dan ditanamkan oleh adat Minan

    Tingkat Kesukaan Konsumen Terhadap Teh Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk.) Berdasarkan Bentuk Dan Ukuran Serta Kandungan Antioksidan

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    Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.) are now popular to be exploited by farmers as a healthy drink. This research was done to study the effect of the shape and size of the tea from agarwood leaves on the consumers acceptance and antioxidant content. Agarwood leaves tea made in three forms: whole leave, cutted and fine particle size. Agarwood tea from these three size of shape and size then were evaluated of their hedonic level at 0 day and after 2 months of storaged in room temperatur by 50 panelists. The antioxidant activity was evaluated on methanol extracts from the three kinds ofagarwood leaves tea by using DPPH method after 2 month of storage. The result of the research shows that the froporcle of agarwood leave tea was more liked by panelists followed by the cutted leaves tea and the whole leaves tea had the lowest value of the hedonic score. The same result was found on the agarwood leaves tea that had been storage for 2 months, in the term of aroma, color for aswell as taste. The hedonic score of arom, color and taste of agarwood leaves tea after 2 months of storage till more than 3,00. It showed that the agarwood leaves tea still was accepted by panelists. The result of antioxidant activity evaluation showed that the fine particle size of agarwood leaves tea had the highest antioxidant activity. The value of IC50 of the agarwood leaves tea from the whole, cutted an fine size leaves were 85,89; 150,01; and 73,02 ppm respectively

    Nilai Kesukaan Konsumen Terhadap Teh Daun Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk) Berdasarkan Letak Daun Pada Batang

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    Agarwood is a product of non-timber forest product are high value and are exported to foreign countries. Utilization of wood still focused on the use of agarwood tress, sap and skin is more often used as a distinctive aroma produced. Therefore, it is necessary to study on the effect of the aloe plant leaf leaves of that aloes. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of preference for the public to tea agarwood (A. malaccensis Lamk) based on the location of the leaves on the stem. The result showed that the level of public preference for tea agarwood (A. malaccensis Lamk) are on a scale of 3-4 is enough like to like. Consumers prefer tea from the leaves of the aloes are in the middle position on the aloe tree
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