902 research outputs found

    Oxygen vacancy segregation and space-charge effects in grain boundaries of dry and hydrated BaZrO3

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    A space-charge model is applied to describe the equilibrium effects of segregation of double-donor oxygen vacancies to grain boundaries in dry and wet acceptor-doped samples of the perovskite oxide BaZrO3. The grain boundary core vacancy concentrations and electrostatic potential barriers resulting from different vacancy segregation energies are evaluated. Density-functional calculations on vacancy segregation to the mirror-symmetric \Sigma 3 (112) [-110] tilt grain boundary are also presented. Our results indicate that oxygen vacancy segregation can be responsible for the low grain boundary proton conductivity in BaZrO3 reported in the literature

    A continuum theory of phase separation kinetics for active Brownian particles

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    Active Brownian particles (ABPs), when subject to purely repulsive interactions, are known to undergo activity-induced phase separation broadly resembling an equilibrium (attraction-induced) gas-liquid coexistence. Here we present an accurate continuum theory for the dynamics of phase-separating ABPs, derived by direct coarse-graining, capturing leading-order density gradient terms alongside an effective bulk free energy. Such gradient terms do not obey detailed balance; yet we find coarsening dynamics closely resembling that of equilibrium phase separation. Our continuum theory is numerically compared to large-scale direct simulations of ABPs and accurately accounts for domain growth kinetics, domain topologies and coexistence densities

    Generalized thermodynamics of Motility-Induced Phase Separation: Phase equilibria, Laplace pressure, and change of ensembles

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    Motility-induced phase separation (MIPS) leads to cohesive active matter in the absence of cohesive forces. We present, extend and illustrate a recent generalized thermodynamic formalism which accounts for its binodal curve. Using this formalism, we identify both a generalized surface tension, that controls finite-size corrections to coexisting densities, and generalized forces, that can be used to construct new thermodynamic ensembles. Our framework is based on a nonequilibrium generalization of the Cahn-Hilliard equation and we discuss its application to active particles interacting either via quorum-sensing interactions or directly through pairwise forces.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure

    Representations of the SU(N)SU(N) TT-algebra and the loop representation in 1+11+1-dimensions

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    We consider the phase-space of Yang-Mills on a cylindrical space-time (S1Ă—RS^1 \times {\bf R}) and the associated algebra of gauge-invariant functions, the TT-variables. We solve the Mandelstam identities both classically and quantum-mechanically by considering the TT-variables as functions of the eigenvalues of the holonomy and their associated momenta. It is shown that there are two inequivalent representations of the quantum TT-algebra. Then we compare this reduced phase space approach to Dirac quantization and find it to give essentially equivalent results. We proceed to define a loop representation in each of these two cases. One of these loop representations (for N=2N=2) is more or less equivalent to the usual loop representation.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 1 postscript figure included, uses epsf.sty, G\"oteborg ITP 93-3

    Probing P- and CP-violation in dark matter interactions

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    Discrete symmetries played a central role in elucidating the structure of the weak interactions, and they will probably be equally crucial regarding the interactions of the dark matter (DM) particle -- whose nature remains elusive. In this work we show that signals in future direct detection experiments can be used to test, in a model-independent way, for P- and CP-violation in DM-nucleus interactions. The analysis is performed within the most general effective theory for non-relativistic spin-0 DM-nucleus interactions mediated by the exchange of a heavy particle. Assuming an idealised xenon detector, we calculate the expected number of DM signal events required to reject P and CP invariant DM-nucleus interactions. For a DM mass of 30 GeV (or higher), this number lies between about 10 and 300 DM signal events, depending on how P and CP invariance are modeled. Future direct detection experiments, therefore, have the potential to reveal P- and CP-violation in DM interactions, making a decisive step toward the identification of the DM particle.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Thompson Sampling for Linearly Constrained Bandits

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    We address multi-armed bandits (MAB) where the objective is to maximize the cumulative reward under a probabilistic linear constraint. For a few real-world instances of this problem, constrained extensions of the well-known Thompson Sampling (TS) heuristic have recently been proposed. However, finite-time analysis of constrained TS is challenging; as a result, only O(\sqrt{T}) bounds on the cumulative reward loss (i.e., the regret) are available. In this paper, we describe LinConTS, a TS-based algorithm for bandits that place a linear constraint on the probability of earning a reward in every round. We show that for LinConTS, the regret as well as the cumulative constraint violations are upper bounded by O(\log T) for the suboptimal arms. We develop a proof technique that relies on careful analysis of the dual problem and combine it with recent theoretical work on unconstrained TS. Through numerical experiments on two real-world datasets, we demonstrate that LinConTS outperforms an asymptotically optimal upper confidence bound (UCB) scheme in terms of simultaneously minimizing the regret and the violation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, updated version of paper accepted at AISTATS202

    Exact solution for the dynamical decoupling of a qubit with telegraph noise

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    We study the dissipative dynamics of a qubit that is afflicted by classical random telegraph noise and it is subject to dynamical decoupling. We derive exact formulas for the qubit dynamics at arbitrary working points in the limit of infinitely strong control pulses (bang-bang control) and we investigate in great detail the efficiency of the dynamical decoupling techniques both for Gaussian and non-Gaussian (slow) noise at qubit pure dephasing and at optimal point. We demonstrate that control sequences can be successfully implemented as diagnostic tools to infer spectral proprieties of a few fluctuators interacting with the qubit. The analysis is extended in order to include the effect of noise in the pulses and we give upper bounds on the noise levels that can be tolerated in the pulses while still achieving efficient dynamical decoupling performance
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