30,659 research outputs found

    Project for the analysis of technology transfer

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    The special task of preparing technology transfer profiles during the first six months of 1971 produced two major results: refining a new method for identifying and describing technology transfer activities, and generating practical insights into a number of issues associated with transfer programs

    Project for the analysis of technology transfer Quarterly reports, 1 Jul. - 31 Dec. 1970

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    Summary of research activities of Project for Analysis of Technology Transfer for period 1 July - 31 Dec. 197

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a powered tilt-proprotor wind tunnel model

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    An investigation was conducted in the Langley V/STOL tunnel to determine the performance, stability and control, and rotor-wake interaction effects of a powered tilt-proprotor aircraft model with gimbal-hub rotors. Tests were conducted at representative flight conditions for hover, helicopter, transition, and airplane flight. Force and moment data were obtained for the complete model and for each of the two rotors. In addition to wind-speed variation, the angle of attack, angle of sideslip, rotor speed, rotor collective pitch, longitudinal cyclic pitch, rotor pylon angle, and configuration geometry were varied. The results, presented in graphical form, are available in tabular form to facilitate the validation of analytical methods of defining the aerodynamic characteristics of tilt-proprotor configurations

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a 1/6-scale model of the rotor systems research aircraft with the rotors removed

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    A wind-tunnel investigation was conducted to refine the aerodynamic characteristics of the rotor systems research aircraft. For the investigation, a 1/6-scale model without a main rotor or a tail rotor was used. The model provided the capability for testing different engine nacelle sizes, engine pylon fairings, and tail configurations. The engine thrust effects were modeled by small engine simulators (fans). Data were obtained primarily over an angle-of-attack range from -13 deg to 13 deg at several values of sideslip. Stability characteristics and control effectiveness were investigated. The model with the scaled engine nacelles and the combination T-tail and lower horizontal tail displayed longitudinal and lateral-directional stability. Results show that by reducing the horizontal or vertical-tail span the longitudinal stability is decreased. Reducing the engine nacelle size increases the static stability of the model. Effective dihedral is essentially zero at 0 deg angle of attack and 0 deg wing incidence

    A Deformable Model for Magnetic Vortex Pinning

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    A two-parameter analytical model of the magnetic vortex in a thin disk of soft magnetic material is constructed. The model is capable of describing the change in evolution of net vortex state magnetization and of core position when the vortex core interacts with a magnetic pinning site. The model employs a piecewise, physically continuous, magnetization distribution obtained by the merger of two extensively used one-parameter analytical models of the vortex state in a disk. Through comparison to numerical simulations of ideal disks with and without pinning sites, the model is found to accurately predict the magnetization, vortex position, hysteretic transitions, and 2-D displacement of the vortex in the presence of pinning sites. The model will be applicable to the quantitative determination of vortex pinning energies from measurements of magnetization.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, including supplementary information, ancillary files:3 supplementary movie

    Accessing numeric data via flags and tags: A final report on a real world experiment

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    An experiment is reported which: extended the concepts of data flagging and tagging to the aerospace scientific and technical literature; generated experience with the assignment of data summaries and data terms by documentation specialists; and obtained real world assessments of data summaries and data terms in information products and services. Inclusion of data summaries and data terms improved users' understanding of referenced documents from a subject perspective as well as from a data perspective; furthermore, a radical shift in document ordering behavior occurred during the experiment toward proportionately more requests for data-summarized items

    Project for the analysis of technology transfer Quarterly evaluation report, 1 Jan. - 31 Mar. 1969

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    Technology transfer analysis project studying nonspace applications of NASA and AEC generated technolog

    Program for transfer research and impact studies

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    Research activities conducted under the Program for Transfer Research and Impact Studies (TRIS) during 1972 included: (1) preparation of 10,196 TSP requests for TRIS application analysis; (2) interviews with over 500 individuals concerning the technical, economic, and social impacts of NASA-generated technology; (3) preparation of 38 new technology transfer example files and 101 new transfer cases; and (4) maintenance of a technology transfer library containing more than 2,900 titles. Six different modes of technology utilization are used to illustrate the pervasiveness of the transfer and diffusion of aerospace innovations. These modes also provide a basis for distinguishing the unique characteristics of the NASA Technology Utilization Program. An examination is reported of the ways in which NASA-generated technology is contributing to beneficial social change in five major areas of human concern: health, environment, safety, transportation, and communication

    A magnetospheric simulation at the space station

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    It is proposed that a strong magnet (terrella) be flown at or near the Space Station to create an artificial magnetosphere in a laboratory setting. The relative flow of the ionosphere past the terrella will constitute a plasma wind that will interact with the magnetic field of the terrella to produce a localized magnetosphere. This object could then be extensively studied using diagnostic probes attached to the Space Station, or with free flyers. The space and storage requirements would be minimal, since the experiment would be conducted outside the space station. The total equipment would consist of several terrella (with varying surface conductivities), approximately 3 small magnetometer/plasma diagnostic packages, and several gas canisters for upstream seeding. Power requirements would be approximately 60 watts. Several track mounted tethers, each approximately or 200 m long in length, with track parallel to the orbital motion and 100 m long, are also needed. Astronaut time needed would be minimal in the tethered configuration (approximately 4 man hours/week). A free flying configuration, while not needing the tether track, would require much more human interaction