248 research outputs found

    Shaping the future of our training

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    Survey study on energy use in UK homes during Covid-19

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    To contain the spread of Covid-19, governments across the world imposed partial or complete lockdowns. National energy demand decreased in periods of lockdowns; however, as people spent more time at home, residential energy use likely increased. This paper reports the results of a UK survey study (N = 1016 participants) about their energy-use practices during the first lockdown in March 2020. The results indicated that self-reported heating behaviours did not substantially change during lockdown. Regarding appliance use, in particular the duration of usage for televisions and computing equipment has increased and has spread more over the day. Being less able to manage financially was correlated with a greater usage of the smart meter in-home display and a greater attempt to save energy was positively correlated with greater usage of the in-home display, though correlations were small. In summary, the results indicate that home energy-use behaviours, in particular around heating, did not change as much as might have been expected, which might at least partly be explained by the comparatively warm weather during the first lockdown. Corroborating the survey findings with actual energy data is the next essential step to understand findings in more detail

    Real-world evidence of TNF inhibition in axial spondyloarthritis : can we generalise the results from clinical trials?

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    Funding This work was supported by the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) who funded the BSRBR-AS. The BSR received funding for this from Pfizer, AbbVie and UCB. These companies receive advance copies of manuscripts for comments but have no input in to the topics for analysis in the register nor the work involved in undertaking analysis. Analysis of data was supported by the Versus Arthritis/Medical Research Council Centre for Musculoskeletal Health and Work (grant number 20665).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Outcomes and treatment responses, including work productivity, among people with axial spondyloarthritis living in urban and rural areas : a mixed-methods study within a national register

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the staff of the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register in Axial Spondyloarthritis register who at the time of the study were Elizabeth Ferguson-Jones, Maureen Heddle, Nafeesa Nazlee and Barry Morris, and to the recruiting staff at the clinical centres, details of which are available at: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/iahs/research/epidemiology/spondyloarthritis.php#panel1011. FUNDING The BSRBR-AS is funded by the British Society of Rheumatology who have received funding for this, in part, from Pfizer, Abbvie and UCB. These companies receive advance copies of results but have no input in determining the topics for analysis or work involved in undertaking it. This work was conducted within the Versus Arthritis/Medical Research Council Centre for Musculoskeletal Work and Health (Grant No: 20665).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The role of metrology in axSpA : does it provide unique information in assessing patients and predicting outcome? Results from the BSRBR-AS registry

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the staff who contributed to running the BSRBR-AS register and we also thank the recruiting staff at the clinical centers, details of which are available at: www.abdn.ac.uk/bsrbr-as.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Insertion of a foldable hydrophobic IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula in cases with Microincision cataract surgery combined with trabeculectomy

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    BACKGROUND: The use of conventional foldable hydrophobic intraocular lenses (IOLs) in microincision cataract surgery (MICS) currently requires wound enlargement. We describe a combined surgical technique of MICS and trabeculectomy with insertion of a foldable IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula. METHODS: After completion of MICS through two side port incisions, a 3.2 mm keratome is used to enter the anterior chamber under the previously outlined scleral flap. An Acrysof multi piece IOL (Alcon labs, Fort Worth, Tx) is inserted into the capsular bag through this incision. The scleral flap is then elevated and a 2 × 2 mm fistula made with a Kelly's punch. The scleral flap and conjunctival closure is performed as usual. RESULTS: Five patients with primary open angle glaucoma with a visually significant cataract underwent the above mentioned procedure. An IOL was implated in the capsular bag in all cases with no intraperative complications. After surgery, all patients obtained a best corrected visual acuity of 20/20, IOL was well centered at 4 weeks follow up. The mean IOP (without any antiglaucoma medication) was 13.2 + 2.4 mm Hg at 12 weeks with a well formed diffuse filtering bleb in all the cases. CONCLUSION: The technique of combining MICS with trabeculectomy and insertion of a foldable IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula is a feasible and valuable technique for cases which require combined cataract and glaucoma surgery

    Microclimate drives shelter-seeking behaviour in lambing ewes

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    Silvopastoral agroforestry and the strategic placement of trees and hedgerows offers potential to improve livestock welfare and production efficiency through the provision of shelter in livestock farming systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between shelter-seeking behaviour of ewes during the lambing period and the microclimate influenced by landscape shelter features. Artificial and natural shelter was provided to Aberfield ewes (n = 15) on an upland sheep farm in Wales, UK, which were then continuously monitored for 14 days using global positioning system tracking devices. Modelling of microclimate influenced by topographical shelter features at the test site was used to generate a 1 m resolution wind field for geospatial statistical analysis of localised wind speed. Ewes demonstrated an increased preference for natural (3.4-fold; p < 0.01) and artificial (3.0-fold; p < 0.05) shelter zones five times the height of the shelter, compared to the exposed area of the trial site. Wind-chill and modelled local-scale wind speeds were found to have the greatest influence on shelter-seeking behaviour, with temperature and field-scale wind speed significantly influencing livestock behaviour. Mean wind-chill temperature during the trial was 3.7 °C (min −5.3 °C; max 13.1 °C), which is within the cold stress temperature threshold (−3 and 8 °C) that requires thermoregulatory strategies such as shelter-seeking behaviour. An improved understanding of the relationship between microclimate and shelter-seeking behaviour in sheep, demonstrated through the agent-based model developed in this project, shall better inform the economic incentives (e.g., reduction in lamb mortality and forage requirements) behind silvopastoral practices that benefit farm productivity, livestock welfare and the environment

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    The sex locus is tightly linked to factors conferring sex-specific lethal effects in the mosquito Aedes aegypti

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    In many taxa, sex chromosomes are heteromorphic and largely non-recombining. Evolutionary models predict that spread of recombination suppression on the Y chromosome is fueled by the accumulation of sexually antagonistic alleles in close linkage to the sex determination region. However, empirical evidence for the existence of sexually antagonistic alleles is scarce. In the mosquito Aedes aegypti, the sex-determining chromosomes are homomorphic. The region of suppressed recombination, which surrounds the male-specific sex-determining gene, remains very small, despite ancient origin of the sex chromosomes in the Aedes lineage. We conducted a genetic analysis of the A. aegypti chromosome region tightly linked to the sex locus. We used a strain with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged transgene inserted near the male-determining gene to monitor crossing-over events close to the boundary of the sex-determining region (SDR), and to trace the inheritance pattern of the transgene in relation to sex. In a series of crossing experiments involving individuals with a recombinant sex chromosome we found developmental abnormalities leading to 1:2 sex biases, caused by lethality of half of the male or female progeny. Our results suggest that various factors causing sex-specific lethal effects are clustered within the neighborhood of the SDR, which in the affected sex are likely lost or gained through recombination, leading to death. These may include genes that are recessive lethal, vital for development and/or sexually antagonistic. The sex chromosome fragment in question represents a fascinating test case for the analysis of processes that shape stable boundaries of a non-recombining region