47 research outputs found

    The Effect of Indoor Environmental Quality on the Respiratory Health of Informal Workers

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    The quality of indoor environmental plays pivotal rule to influence the microbiological growth through the air that has a significant effect on human’s respiratory health. In some regions in Indonesia, airborne diseases among productive age are still a common problem. Even though the trend of accidents increases in some provinces, it has not been the priority to overcome by the government. In 2013, the accident of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) among informal workers were taken place as the first rank of 10 most common occupational illnesses in Ciomas District, West Java Province and the prevalence experienced upward trend in four months, from June to September. Thus, this study aimed to describe the relationship between indoorenvironmental quality (IEQ) and the occurrence of ARIs. The population and sample of study were all workers who worked in seven footwear workshops in Pagelaran Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency that employed 85 workers. The present study used a cross-sectional design to investigate whether relative humidity, illumination, and indoor temperature as the IEQ parameters have to do with worker’s respiratory health. The independent t-test was used to analyze the data that was collected in March to April 2014. The result revealed the average illumination levels at 175.586 lux (min 53.3 lux and max 367.0 lux), the average temperature levels at 30.96

    Evaluation of Benzene Exposure and S-PMA as a Biomarker of Exposure to Workers in the Informal Footwear Industry

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    Benzene (C6H6) is one of the most widely used chemical compounds in the world. Although its use has been limited, humans may be exposed to benzene in the natural and  industrial  environments.  Small-scale  footwear  industry  still  uses  adhesives containing  benzene.  The  benzene  profile  has  been  well-documented,  and  it  has been  classified  as  a  carcinogen  compound.  The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  assess the  risk  of  benzene  exposure  in  the  work  environment  and  individual  exposure  in footwear factory in Ciomas, Bogor, West Java, during August–September 2017. Urine test  with  S-Phenylmercapturic  Acid  biomarker  was  performed  on  40  workers  and measurements  performed  simultaneously  at  9  air  sample  points  from  3  workshop locations  in  accordance  with  NIOSH  1501  method,  risk-level  assessment  through calculation Risk Quotient (RQ) and Excess Cancer Risk (ECR). The S-PMA subject has not exceeded the exposure limit (>25 μg/g) as Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) with a  median  value  of  0.190  mg/g  (min  0.019–max  17.61).  The  results  of  the  air  sample analysis showed 8 sampling points below the TLV (Threshold limit values) of 0.5 ppm (1.6 μg/m3) and 1 point of air sampling has exceeded 0.5 ppm (1.6 μg/m3) of 2, 1074 ppm. the result of calculation of minimum cancer risk, it has been obtained that 13 workers  (32.5%)  have  cancer  risk  that  has  exceeded  the  reference  value  (ECR>1  ⋅10−4)  and  27  (67.5%) have ECR  <  1•10−4.  In  the  calculation of real-time  non-cancer risk, it has been obtained that 8 (20%) workers have had non-cancer risk (RQ>1) and 32 (80%) have RQ<1. The concentration of air and S-PMA of workers is still below the TLV, but considering the risk of cancer and non-cancer workers who have exceeded the reference value, it is necessary to improve the working conditions. Keywords: benzene, S-PMA, risk assessmen

    Effect of Exposure of Toluene to Eyes and Skin on Footwear-factory Workers in Bogor, West Java

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    Workers in footwear factories use adhesives that contain toluene. Toluene is one of aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, insoluble in water, but toluene can dissolve other substances. In this case, this research is to know toluene concentrations in the workplace, symptoms of eyes and skin irritation, to determine the relationshipbetween toluene concentrations in the workplace and eye and skin irritation. The design of this research is cross-sectional in footwear factory in Ciomas, Bogor, West Java on August till September 2017. The variables are toluene concentrations in the workplace, symptoms of eyes and skin irritation. With the amount of 40 respondents, the data is collected by questionnaire and measurement. Air samples were collectedat nine points to measure toluene concentrations in the workplace and analyzed with Gas Chromatography (GC). Data are analyzed in univariat and bivariat with 95%CI (α = 0.05). The result of analysis showed that the average toluene level in workplace is 0.9628 ppm, with a range of 0.00238–6.02806 ppm. Workers who experienced eyes irritation were 35 percent with 25 percent red eyes complaints, 27.5 percent wateryeyes, 32.5percent a foreign body sensation, 32.5 percent sore eyes, and 5 percent with eyes feeling hot. Workers who has got a skin irritation were 30 percent with 15 percent skin redness, 35 percent itchy skin, 27.5 percent dry skin, 7.5 percent cracked skin, and 5% dermatitis. There was no relation between concentration toluene inthe workplace and eye irritation complaints with p-value 0.188. Also, there was no relation between concentration toluene in the workplace and skin irritation with p-value 0.284. We hope workers use personal protective equipment such as masks and eye protection when working so as to be not exposed to toluene at workplace. Keywords: toluene, eyes irritation, skin irritation, footwear factor

    Acute Respiratory Infections in Informal Footwear Workers

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    Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) were the most common diseases among informal workers attending the Ciomas Puskesmas (Public Health Centre), Bogor Regency in 2014. Commonly, these infections had occurred because of a lack of knowledge of both ARIs and industrial hygiene in the informal sector. This study aimed to describe the relationship between knowledge and awareness of ARIs (smoking habit and using PPE during work variables) and the incidence of ARIs. The population of study comprised seven footwear workshops in Pagelaran Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency. They employed 87 workers in 2014 and all workers were included in the sample of the study. To explore the association between awareness of ARIs and occupational health issues, we used the chi-square test. The study showed that there were 34 (40%) workers who suffered from ARIs. 56 (66%) were smokers, 65 (76%) employees did not use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during work, and 75 (88%) workers reported that they did not have knowledge concerning ARIs. Overall, the incidence of ARIs was not significantly associated with a smoking habit (P=1.000), PPE compliance (P=1.000), or knowledge of ARIs (P=0.512). Keywords: Acute Respiratory Infections, occupational health, Personal Protection Equipment, knowledge, smoking habit

    Intercultural Communication in the Inheritance Urang Pulo the Myth

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    Communication is an essential aspect fo Urang Pulo to preserve their mythical culture. One of the myth preserving method is to inherit in the myth to upcoming generation. The inheritance involves both interaction and communication among Urang Pulo s society. Who share similar cultural backgrounds, which called intracultural communication. This study defines intracultural communication within Urang Pulo society. In the myth preserving method. The society of Kampung Pulo is unique, they are Sundanese sub-culture with matrilineal system where the ones who privilege to stay in this traditional village is the daughter of motherhood family, tree who happen to be the descendant ofAmbah Arif Muhammad. Kampung Pulo s society is bind to myth, thet has been inherited through generations.This study is a qualitative research using etnography communication approach, data collecting method is introspection, policipani observation, deep interview and document analytical.The result show that 1) intracultural communication in the main family at Kampung Pulos society has an important role in the myth to the next generation. The role of parents is done by implanting, and teach whatever myths prevailing in Kampung Pulo, by telling stories and perform traditional rituals. Mother or grandmother is the main is the main source of information for the whole family, they were not separated by historical, that the people of Kampung Pulo known for matrilinealnya system. These myths are the legacy of Kampung Pulo ancestor society that must be maintained and preserved. 2) The symbols that are being used are divide into two, Symbols tangible thas is house tradition, offerings, nyuguh, padaringan, and symbols intangible that is, myth (pamali), kuruhun, and mamala. These symbols are not picked by the informants, instead has already been provided throughout generations based on cultural tradition. Languange is a symbol of the most frequently on myth preserving method. 3) Currently Urang Pulo, conceptualizing the inheritance of myth. Diversity in various ways of meaning is influenced by many things, such as education, experience, environment, age, generation, interaction with outsiders. Researcher categorized the meanings the were told by informants as process in myth preserving method to other generations; a) Gratefulnes to God. b) An honor to the ancestors. c) Fear of punishment. d) Direction of life to their descendants, and, e)Local wisdom. 4) Intacultural communication model of Urang Pulo is vertical, where the mechanism of communication is done from top to bottom, from one generation to next generation, intraculture communication Urang Pulo is done in the process of inheritance of myth, everyting is done face communication

    Upaya Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar dan Hasil Belajar Akuntansi dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Arias Terintegrasi dengan Pembelajaran Aktif Learning Tournament pada Siswa Kelas X Ak 2 Smk N 3 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2013/ 2014

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    The objectives of this research are to improve: (1) the learning activeness of the students in Grade X of Accounting 2 of State Vocational High School 3 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2013/2014; and (2) the learning result in Accounting of the students in Grade X of Accounting 2 of State Vocational High School 3 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2013/2014 with the Assurance, Relevance, Interest, Assessment, and Satisfaction (ARIAS) learning strategy integrated with the active learning of learning tournament. This research used the classroom action research with two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four phases, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of the research were the students as many 31 in Grade X of Accounting 2 of State Vocational High School 3 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2013/2014. The data of the research were gathered through in-depth interview, observation, test, and documentation. The data sources of the research were teacher, students, learning activities and other documents required. The instrument were validited by using content validity and data were validated by using the method triangulation technique and investigator. They were then analyzed by using the quantitative and qualitative data analyses. The results of the research are as follows: 1) The learning activeness of students during the learning process improves as indicated by the increasing percentage of the students with the required learning activeness prior to and following the treatment. Prior to the treatment the number of the students with the required learning activeness is 50%. Following the treatment, it becomes 64% in Cycle I and 83% in Cycle II respectively. 2) The learning result of the students for each competency as also improves. Prior to the treatment, the attitude competency of the students is 80%. Following the treatment it becomes 90% in Cycle I and 97% in Cycle II. In addition, prior to the treatment, the skill competency of the students is 42%. Following the treatment, it becomes 61% in Cycle I and 94% in Cycle II respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of the ARIAS learning strategy integrated with the active learning of learning tournament can improve the learning activeness and the learning achievement in Accounting of the students in Grade X of Accounting 2 of State Vocational High School 3 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2013/2014

    Menguras dan Menutup sebagai Prediktor Keberadaan Jentik pada Kontainer Air di Rumah

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    Tujuan: Penelitian ini mengevaluasi praktik penduduk terkait dengan upaya pencegahan demam berdarah khususnya terhadap keberadaan jentik nyamuk di rumah. Metode: Penelitian cross-sectional dilakukan melibatkan 180 responden yang memiliki kontainer di rumah. Data pengetahuan dan perilaku diperoleh dari wawancara dengan kuesioner. Data keberadaan jentik dilakukan melalui pengamatan jentik dengan teknik single larva dan observasi kondisi kontainer. Hasil: Jentik ditemukan di 37 persen rumah. Perilaku penduduk masih belum mendukung pencegahan keberadaan jentik nyamuk di rumah, yang mencakup tidak menutup kontainer (40%), tidak menguras kontainer (25%), tidak memelihara ikan pemakan jentik (97%), dan tidak mengubur barang bekas (90%). Keberadaan larva terkait dengan tindakan menutup kontainer dan menguras kontainer. Simpulan: Menguras dan menutup kontainer adalah faktor paling berpengaruh terhadap keberadaan jentik. Masyarakat disarankan untuk menguras wadah minimal seminggu sekali dan menutup wadah setelah digunakan. Perawatan kesehatan primer dan pemerintah daerah Jonggol diharapkan dapat meningkatkan koordinasi dengan masyarakat dan kader pemeriksaan nyamuk sebagai USAha awal dalam vektor dan pencegahan demam berdarah

    Indoor Air Quality in X\u27s University Libraries (Physical, Chemical and Microbial Aspects)

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    The objective of this research was to identify mould in university’s library using cross sectional design. The existence of mould and physical and chemical quality of air in library have been investigated and observed in three faculties; they were in FA, FB, and FC. To identify the mould, it used petri dish in Potato Dextrose Agar medium. There were 6-9 samples from each library. The temperature in three libraries were higher than standard, the intensity of light were very low in location FB and FC, and the dust concentration in FA was very high. It was found the pathogenic mould; they were Aspergillus fumigatus in FA, Scopulariopsis candida in FB, and Fusarium verticilloides in FC. In general, the physical, chemical and microbial quality of air in libraries exceeded the legal standard