19 research outputs found

    Human and Professional Sustainable Development by Using the EFI ROM Creative Method

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    AbstractElaborated for the human and professional sustainable development of human resources within innovative enterprises by using creative techniques for rendering efficient own activities. A solution for promoting innovative management in the field of human resources in these units is the use of the own original creative method EFI-ROM. It can be applied to selfmanagement and all management hierarchical levels with responsibilities in short, medium and long-term decision. It was tested on the occasion of carrying out some innovative project. In the present paper we present an improved variant and adjusted to the specifics of innovative organizations

    Green shoots in the euro area : a real time measure

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    We show that an extension of the Markov-switching dynamic factor models that accounts for the speci cities of the day to day monitoring of economic developments such as ragged edges, mixed frequencies and data revisions is a good tool to forecast the Euro area recessions in real time. We provide examples that show the nonlinear nature of the relations between data revisions, point forecasts and forecast uncertainty. According to our empirical results, we think that the real time probabilities of recession are an appropriate statistic to capture what the press call green shoot

    Epstein-Zin preferences and their use in macro-finance models: implications for optimal monetary policy

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    Epstein-Zin preferences have attracted significant attention within the macro-finance literature based on DSGE models as they allow to substantially increase risk aversion, and consequently generate non-trivial risk premia, without compromising the ability of standard models to achieve satisfactory macroeconomic data coherence. Such appealing features certainly hold for structural modelling frameworks where monetary policy is set according to Taylor-type rules or seeks to minimize an ad hoc loss function under commitment. However, Epstein-Zin preferences may have significant quantitative implications for both asset pricing and macroeconomic allocation under a welfare-based monetary policy conduct. Against this background, the paper focuses on the impact of such preferences on the Ramsey approach to monetary policy within a medium-scale model based on Smets and Wouters (2007) including a wide range of nominal and real frictions that have proven to be relevant for quantitative business cycle analysis. After setting an empirical benchmark that generates a mean value of 100 bp for the ten-year term premium, we show that Epstein-Zin preferences significantly affect the macroeconomic outcome when optimal policy is considered. The level and the dynamic pattern of risk premia are also markedly altered. We show that the effect of Epstein-Zin preferences is extremely sensitive to the presence of real rigidities in the form of quasi-kinked demands. We also analyse how this effect can be linked to a combined e¤ect of capital accumulation and wage rigidities. JEL Classification: E44, E52, E61, G12macroeconometric equivalence, non time-separable preferences, optimal monetary policy, term premium

    Distributional Patterns of Pseudacteon Associated with the Solenopsis saevissima Complex in South America

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    Classical biological control efforts against imported fire ants have largely involved the use of Pseudacteon parasitoids. To facilitate further exploration for species and population biotypes a database of collection records for Pseudacteon species was organized, including those from the literature and other sources. These data were then used to map the geographical ranges of species associated with the imported fire ants in their native range in South America. In addition, we found geographical range metrics for all species in the genus and related these metrics to latitude and host use. Approximately equal numbers of Pseudacteon species were found in temperate and tropical regions, though the majority of taxa found only in temperate areas were found in the Northern Hemisphere. No significant differences in sizes of geographical ranges were found between Pseudacteon associated with the different host complexes of fire ants despite the much larger and systemic collection effort associated with the S. saevissima host group. The geographical range of the flies was loosely associated with both the number of hosts and the geographical range of their hosts. Pseudacteon with the most extensive ranges had either multiple hosts or hosts with broad distributions. Mean species richnesses of Pseudacteon in locality species assemblages associated with S. saevissima complex ants was 2.8 species, but intensively sampled locations were usually much higher. Possible factors are discussed related to variation in the size of geographical range, and areas in southern South America are outlined that are likely to have been under-explored for Pseudacteon associated with imported fire ants

    Money growth and inflation: a regime switching approach

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    We develop a time-varying transition probabilities Markov Switching model in which inflation is characterised by two regimes (high and low inflation). Using Bayesian techniques, we apply the model to the euro area, Germany, the US, the UK and Canada for data from the 1960s up to the present. Our estimates suggest that a smoothed measure of broad money growth, corrected for real-time estimates of trend velocity and potential output growth, has important leading indicator properties for switches between inflation regimes. Thus money growth provides an important early warning indicator for risks to price stability. JEL Classification: C11, C53, E31Bayesian inference, early warning, inflation regimes, Markov Switching model, money growth, time varying transition probabilities

    Distributional Patterns of Pseudacteon Associated with the Solenopsis saevissima Complex in South America

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    Classical biological control efforts against imported fire ants have largely involved the use of Pseudacteon parasitoids. To facilitate further exploration for species and population biotypes a database of collection records for Pseudacteon species was organized, including those from the literature and other sources. These data were then used to map the geographical ranges of species associated with the imported fire ants in their native range in South America. In addition, we found geographical range metrics for all species in the genus and related these metrics to latitude and host use. Approximately equal numbers of Pseudacteon species were found in temperate and tropical regions, though the majority of taxa found only in temperate areas were found in the Northern Hemisphere. No significant differences in sizes of geographical ranges were found between Pseudacteon associated with the different host complexes of fire ants despite the much larger and systemic collection effort associated with the S. saevissima host group. The geographical range of the flies was loosely associated with both the number of hosts and the geographical range of their hosts. Pseudacteon with the most extensive ranges had either multiple hosts or hosts with broad distributions. Mean species richnesses of Pseudacteon in locality species assemblages associated with S. saevissima complex ants was 2.8 species, but intensively sampled locations were usually much higher. Possible factors are discussed related to variation in the size of geographical range, and areas in southern South America are outlined that are likely to have been under-explored for Pseudacteon associated with imported fire ants

    Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Carbonic Anhydrase II Inhibitors from Phenolic and Flavonoid Group

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    AbstractCarbonic Anhydrase II (CAII) has role in pH regulation, water transport and hydration of CO2. In addition, CAII is also related to many diseases, including glaucoma, tumours, epilepsy, diabetes and osteopetrosis. Various inhibitors for CAII have been developed and commercialized as a drug. Recent development of CAII inhibitors drive the invention of novel inhibitors based on natural product structures and their derivatives. This research aim to screen potential inhibitors from phenolic and flavonoid groups by in silico approach. The screening of natural products compounds was performed by a molecular docking method. The best ligand derived from the molecular docking selection was further refined with a molecular dynamics simulation and the resulted structure was used to evaluate the stability of CAII-ligand complex. By using the upper mentioned procedures, fisetin (Fic) and 6-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene-1,3,7-triol (Afr3) were strongly suggested to be a potent inhibitor for CAII

    Bioethanol Production from Glucose by Thermophilic Microbes from Ciater Hot Springs

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    AbstractBioethanol has been considered as one of the alternative energy resources for fossil fuel substitute. Second generation of bioethanol production usually uses lignocellulosic material as its raw material which conducted at high temperature range (70-80oC). In this case the thermophilic microbe is needed for fermentation process in order to minimize the use of energy. This paper will discuss the results of the study on bioethanol production from glucose by using thermophilic microbes isolated from local source namely from Ciater hot springs in Subang District, Indonesia. In this study six thermophilic isolates (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6) were tested their capability in producing ethanol in the fermentation medium containing 5% glucose substrate for 5 days incubation. To determine the activity of isolates in ferment substrate is done by measuring the concentration of glucose and ethanol produced using a spectrophotometer. Isolates tested (C1,C2,C3,C4 and C5) could reduce glucose concentration from 1.1up to 1.7% in the fermentation medium. The ethanol produced was tested qualitatively by reacting the samples with K2Cr2O7inacidic conditions by observing its color change from yellow-orange to green-blue. The presence of ethanol indicatedby the decrease of OD's sample. This study showed that all isolates have the ability to produce ethanol. However, there are 2 isolates potentially produce ethanol that isolates C3 and C5 are characterized by low absorbance after adding potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7)

    Assessing the benefits of international portfolio diversification in bonds and stocks.

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    This paper considers a stylized asset pricing model where the returns from exchange rates, stocks and bonds are linked by basic risk-arbitrage relationships. Employing GMM estimation and monthly data for 18 economies and the US (treated as the domestic country), we identify through a simple test the countries whose assets strongly comove with US assets and the countries whose assets might other larger diversification benefits. We also show that the strengthening of the comovement of returns across countries is neither a gradual process nor a global phenomenon, reinforcing the case for international diversification. However, our results suggest that fund managers are better other constructing portfolios selecting assets from a subset of countries than relying on either fully inter-nationally diversified or purely domestic portfolios. JEL Classification: F31, G10asset pricing, Exchange Rates, international parity conditions, market integration, stochastic discount factor

    Development of the data buffer holding time-series data across multiple applications

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