2,907 research outputs found

    Universal and deterministic manipulation of the quantum state of harmonic oscillators: a route to unitary gates for Fock State qubits

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    We present a simple quantum circuit that allows for the universal and deterministic manipulation of the quantum state of confined harmonic oscillators. The scheme is based on the selective interactions of the referred oscillator with an auxiliary three-level system and a classical external driving source, and enables any unitary operations on Fock states, two-by-two. One circuit is equivalent to a single qubit unitary logical gate on Fock states qubits. Sequences of similar protocols allow for complete, deterministic and state-independent manipulation of the harmonic oscillator quantum state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Feasibility of approximating spatial and local entanglement in long-range interacting systems using the extended Hubbard model

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    We investigate the extended Hubbard model as an approximation to the local and spatial entanglement of a one-dimensional chain of nanostructures where the particles interact via a long range interaction represented by a `soft' Coulomb potential. In the process we design a protocol to calculate the particle-particle spatial entanglement for the Hubbard model and show that, in striking contrast with the loss of spatial degrees of freedom, the predictions are reasonably accurate. We also compare results for the local entanglement with previous results found using a contact interaction (PRA, 81 (2010) 052321) and show that while the extended Hubbard model recovers a better agreement with the entanglement of a long-range interacting system, there remain realistic parameter regions where it fails to predict the quantitative and qualitative behaviour of the entanglement in the nanostructure system.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures and 1 table; added results with correlated hopping term; accepted by EP

    Investigating the antitumoral activity and mechanism of action of a xanthone derivative

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    Chapter I refers to the introduction, and has the role of providing an initial overview of the issues addressed directly or indirectly in the rest of the study. Initially, an overview of the cell cycle, its regulation and control is given. In the sequence, a greater emphasis is given to mitosis, which is described in detail from its cascade of events to the molecular machinery of the mitotic spindle. Still at this stage, the dynamics that occur between kinetochore-microtubules, correlated errors and their due corrections are described. Next, we provide an overview of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC), dissecting the functions triggered by this mechanism, as well as the proteins involved in this important cellular control mechanism. Following, an introduction was given about drugs that use the targeting of mitosis for cancer therapy, namely through microtubules, providing an overview of current approaches, their limitations and future directions. Finally, a correlation was made between xanthones and cancer, demonstrating how this class of compounds (as well as their derivatives) is already used as a starting point in the development of new anticancer drugs. Chapter II concerns what motivated the project, as well as its specific objectives. Chapter III refers to the materials and methods used throughout the study, so that it was possible to dissect the mechanism of action of the compound. Chapter IV will demonstrate the results about the compound's mechanism of action, through: in vitro characterization of the compound's antimitotic activity, identification of the underlying mechanism of action and evaluation of the combined treatment of PX2 with paclitaxel in promoting cell death of tumoral cells. Chapter V provides a discussion, correlating previous studies and the present study. Chapter VI provides general conclusions about the mechanism of action of PX2 and the prospects for future research. Chapter VII contains a list of all references cited in the course of the thesis.This work was supported by CESPU - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário Crl [grant number ComeTarget_CESPU_2017 and ComeTax-PFT-IINFACTS-2019]. This research was partially supported by FCT/MCTES - Foundation for Science and Technology from the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the projects, co-financed by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020, PTDC/SAU-PUB/28736/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028736) and within the scope of UIDB/04423/2020, UID/QUI/5000612019, and UIDP/04423/2020 (Group of Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry). ACH thanks FCT for her PhD grant (SFRH/BD/140844/2018). DRPL thanks FCT for her PhD grant (SFRH/BD/140844/2018). JXS thanks for the FCT PhD Programmes, specifically by the BiotechHealth Programme (PD/00016/2012), and for the grants (SFRH/BD/98105/2013 and SFRH/BD/116167/2016). To Departamento de Química da Universidade de Aveiro (Portuguese NMR network) for the NMR analysis

    Sistema para cadastro de ramais e e-mails: manual do usuário.

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    Descrição do sistema: 1. Desenvolvimento, 2. Requisitos, 3. Objetivo, 4. Acesso, 5. Operacionalização.bitstream/item/63862/1/DT72.pd

    Ion backflow studies with a triple-GEM stack with increasing hole pitch

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    Gas Electron Multipliers have undergone a very consistent development since their invention in 1997. Their production procedures have been tuned in such a way that nowadays it is possible to produce foils with areas of the order of the square meter that can operate at a reasonable gain, uniform over large areas and with a good stability in what concerns electrical discharges. For the third run of LHC, they will be included in the CMS and ALICE experiments after significant upgrades of the detectors, confirming that these structures are suitable for very large experiments. In the special case of Time Projection Chambers, the ion backflow and the energy resolution are sensitive issues that must be addressed and the GEM has shown to be able to deal with both of them. In this work, a stack of three GEMs with different pitches has been studied as a possible future approach for ion-backflow suppression to be used in TPCs and other detection concepts. With this approach, an ion backflow of 1 % with an energy resolution of 12 % at 5.9 keV has been achieved with the detector operating in an Ar/CO2 (90/10) mixture at a gain of ~ 2000.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Sistema web para cadastro de funcionários da Embrapa Pecuária Sul: manual do usuário.

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    Descrição do sistema; Desenvolvimento; Requisitos; Objetivo; Operacionalização.bitstream/item/63857/1/DT82.pdfDocumento online

    Sistema de gestão de licitações do site da Embrapa Pecuária Sul: licitações 1.0: manual do usuário.

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    O sistema; Interface de licitações no site da unidade; Funcionamento do sistema; Cadastro de tipos de publicações; Cadastro de licitações; Processo de administração de licitações.bitstream/item/63878/1/DT-68.pd

    Sistema de gestão de notícias do site da Embrapa Pecuária Sul: News Manager 1.0: manual do usuário.

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    O sistema; Interface de notícias no site da unidade; Funcionamento do sistema; Cadstro de notícias; Cadastro de imagens para as notícias; Processo de publicação de notícias; Estrutura do sistema em UML.bitstream/item/63873/1/DT-67.pd