53 research outputs found

    La craniectomie decompressive dans la prise en charge des traumatismes craniens graves avec signes radiologiques d’engagement cerebral.

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    Introduction La craniectomie décompressive peut- elle améliorer le pronostic des patients victimes d’un traumatisme crânien fermé grave avec engagement cérébral ? Objectif Le but de la présente étude était d’évaluer l’efficacité de la craniectomie décompressive dans la prise en charge du traumatisme crânien grave, isolé et fermé avec signes radiologiques d’engagement cérébral. Méthodes Il s’agissait d’une étude réalisée à l’Hôpital Général de Douala pendant 36 mois, de janvier 2007 à décembre 2009, incluant 13 patients victimes d’un traumatisme crânien grave, isolé et fermé, présentant les signes radiologiques d’engagement cérébral. La craniectomie décompressive était indiquée devant l’aggravation ou la persistance du tableau clinique et radiologique malgré le traitement médical conventionnel. Résultats Après deux à dix mois de suivi, l’évolution fut classée selon le score du coma évolutif ; "Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) score ". Dix patients (76, 93 %) ont évolué favorablement GOS (4-5).Un patient (07,69%) est resté végétatif GOS3. Deux décès (15,38%) ont été observé GOS1. Les principales complications étaient : une hydrocéphalie, une hernie cérébrale à travers le foramen de craniectomie, un abcès du cerveau et un état de mal convulsif. Conclusion La craniectomie décompressive est une méthode efficace pouvant améliorer le pronostic des patients victimes de traumatisme crânien grave avec signes radiologiques d’engagement cérébral.Mots clés : craniectomie-décompressive-engagement cérébral-traumatisme crânien

    Evaluation of the nutritional status of infants from mothers tested positive to HIV/AIDS in the health district of Dschang, Cameroon

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    INTRODUCTION: Poor infant feeding practices are common in Africa, resulting in physical and intellectual developmental impairments. Good feeding practices are crucial, especially in the first year of growth. HIV/AIDS has worsened the clinical and nutritional status of both mothers and their children, exacerbating high rates of malnutrition. The aim of this study was to assess by participative approach, the nutritional status of infants from mothers tested positive to HIV in the health district of Dschang. METHODS: This is a cross sectional study with a period of recruitment of 2 years (2010-2012). Data Collection was done by the aim of a personal slip followed by training to strengthen the nutritional and hygienic capacity of targeted parents. Height and weight of infants were measured and body mass index (BMI) calculated. RESULTS: Significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) was noticed in height-for-age z-score (HAZ) of girls aged between 1 to 2 years compared to 1-year old girls as well as to boys of all ages, defining them as stunted. Furthermore, the weight-for-age z-score (WAZ) results indicate that both girls and boys of all age are in moderate state of malnutrition. The results of BMI thinness classified according to gender and age groups, indicates that most infants (68/130, 52.3%) showed grade 2 thinness predominantly in 2-years old both boys and girls. However, no participants fall within the normal category for age and sex, as well as overweight and obesity categories. CONCLUSION: Undernutrition exists among infants from mothers tested positive to HIV residing in Dschang, as most of the infants are underweight, and malnourished

    po 8397 viral suppression among cameroonian adults adolescents and children receiving antiretroviral therapy in the test treat era

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    BackgroundGlobal efforts in meeting the 90–90–90 targets reveal that 70% of infected people know their HIV status, 77% of these are receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) and 82% of treated patients have viral suppression. Since launching the 'test and treat' strategy and wider access to drugs that bring down the viral load (VL), evaluating viral suppression would help to identify those requiring interventions and to make progress towards meeting the targets in Cameroon.MethodsA study was conducted from October 2015 to August 2017 amongst adults (≥20 years), adolescents (10–19) and children (0–9) at 12, 24, 36 and ≥48 months on ART, monitored at the Chantal BIYA International Reference Centre for research on HIV/AIDS prevention and management (CIRCB) in Yaoundé, Cameroon. VL was established using Abbott m2000RT-PCR. VS was defined as VL <1000 copies/ml; with p<0,05 considered significant.ResultsA total of 1979 patients (70% female) were enrolled (1825 adults, 112 adolescents, 42 children); 1865 were on first-line (NNRTI-based, duration: 48 [IQR 24–48] months) vs. 114 on second-line (PI/r-based, duration: 48 [IQR 36–48] months); with 19%(368) at Month2, 14%(274) at Month24, 10%(207) at Month36% and 54% (1130) at ≥Month48. Overall, viral suppression was 79.4%, and 64.3% had controlled viral replication (VL <40). On first-line, viral suppression was 79.7% (1487) vs. 72.2%(83) on second-line (p=0,076). By ART duration, viral suppression was 83.4%(Month12), 85.8%(Month24), 74.9%(Month36) and 77.3% (≥Month48); p=0,0011. By age-range, viral suppression was 76.2% in children, 54.5% in adolescents, and 80.9% in adults (p<0,0001). By age and ART-regimen, viral suppression on first vs. second line was: children 76.5% vs. 60%; adolescents 51.7% vs. 65.2%; and adults 81.2% vs. 74.7%.ConclusionAbout 80% of Cameroonian patients might be experiencing viral suppression, with a declining performance at adolescence and by 3 years of ART experience. Thus, meeting the viral suppression target by 2020 requires a closer VL monitoring strategy and an adapted adherence support mechanism for adolescents living with HIV in resource-limited settings sharing similar challenges

    Distribution épidémiologique de l’infection à VIH chez les femmes enceintes dans les dix régions du Cameroun et implications stratégiques pour les programmes de prévention

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    Introduction: le Cameroun se situe dans un contexte d'épidémie  généralisée du VIH. La sous-population des femmes enceintes, facilementaccessible au sein de la population générale, représente une cible  robante pour mener la surveillance du VIH et estimer l'évolution épidémiologique. L'objectif de notre étude était d'évaluer la distribution épidémiologique du VIH chez les femmes enceintes.Méthodes: étude transversale menée en 2012 chez 6521 femmes  enceintes (49,3% âgées de 15-24 ans) en première consultation prénatale (CPN1) dans 60 sites des 10 régions Camerounaises. L'algorithme en série a été utilisé pour le sérodiagnostic du VIH.Résultats: la prévalence du VIH était de 7,8% (508/6521), avec une  différence non significative (p=0,297) entre milieu rural (7,4%) et milieu urbain (8,1%). En zone rurale, cette prévalence variait de 0,7% à  l'Extrême-Nord à 11,8% au Sud. Cependant, en zone urbaine elle variait de 4% à l'Ouest à 11,1% au Sud-Ouest. Suivant l'âge, la prévalence était plus élevée (11,3%) chez les femmes de 35-39 ans. Suivant le niveau de scolarisation, la prévalence du VIH était plus faible (4,4%) chez celles non-scolarisées, et plus élevée (9,3%) chez celles ayant un niveau  primaire. Selon la profession, l'infection était plus élevée chez les  coiffeuses (15,5%), secrétaires (14,8%), commerçantes (12,9%) et  institutrices/enseignantes (10,8%). Conclusion: la prévalence du VIH reste élevée chez les femmes enceintes au Cameroun, sans distinction entre milieux rural et urbain. Les stratégies de prévention devraient s'orienter préférentiellement chez les femmes enceintes âgées, celles du niveau d'instruction primaire, et celles du  secteur des petites et moyennes entreprises

    Predictors of poor retention on antiretroviral therapy as a major HIV drug resistance early warning indicator in Cameroon: results from a nationwide systematic random sampling

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    Retention on lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential in sustaining treatment success while preventing HIV drug resistance (HIVDR), especially in resource-limited settings (RLS). In an era of rising numbers of patients on ART, mastering patients in care is becoming more strategic for programmatic interventions. Due to lapses and uncertainty with the current WHO sampling approach in Cameroon, we thus aimed to ascertain the national performance of, and determinants in, retention on ART at 12 months

    The All-Data-Based Evolutionary Hypothesis of Ciliated Protists with a Revised Classification of the Phylum Ciliophora (Eukaryota, Alveolata)

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    Pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 before the COVID-19 pandemic era in Cameroon: A comparative analysis according to HIV-status

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    BackgroundThe lower burden of COVID-19 in tropical settings may be due to preexisting cross-immunity, which might vary according to geographical locations and potential exposure to other pathogens. We sought to assess the overall prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and determine SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity according to HIV-status before the COVID-19 pandemic era. MethodsA cross-sectional and comparative study was conducted at the Chantal BIYA International Reference Centre (CIRCB) on 288 stored plasma samples (163 HIV-positive versus 125 HIV-negative); all collected in 2017-2018, before the COVID-19 pandemic era. Abbott Panbio (TM) COVID-19 IgG/IgM assay was used for detecting SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin G (IgG) and M (IgM). Among people living with HIV (PLHIV), HIV-1 viral load and TCD4 cell count (LTCD4) were measured using Abbott Real Time PCR and BD FACSCalibur respectively. Statistical analyses were performed, with pResultsThe median [IQR] age was 25 [15-38] years. Overall seropositivity to SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was 13.5% (39/288) of which 7.3% (21) was IgG, 7.3% (21) IgM and 1.0% (3) IgG/IgM. According to HIV-status in the study population, SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity was 11.0% (18/163) among HIV-positive versus 16.8% (21/125) among HIV-negative respectively, p=0.21. Specifically, IgG was 6.1% (10/163) versus 8.8% (11/125), p=0.26; IgM was 5.5% (9/163) versus 9.6%, (12/125), p=0.13 and IgG/IgM was 0.6% (1/163) versus 1.6% (2/125) respectively. Among PLHIV, SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity according to CD4 count was 9.2% (&gt;= 500 cells/mu L) versus 1.8% (200-499 cells/mu L), (OR=3.5; p=0.04) and 0.6% (&lt;200 cells/mu L), (OR=17.7; p&lt;0.01). According to viral load, SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity was 6.7% (&gt;= 40 copies/mL) versus 4.9% (&lt;40 copies/mL), (OR= 3.8; p&lt;0.01). ConclusionBefore COVID-19 in Cameroon, cross-reactive antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 were in circulation, indicating COVID-19 preexisting immunity. This preexisting immunity may contribute in attenuating disease severity in tropical settings like Cameroon. Of relevance, COVID-19 preexisting immunity is lower with HIV-infection, specifically with viral replication and poor CD4-cell count. As poor CD4-count leads to lower cross-reactive antibodies (regardless of viral load), people living with HIV appear more vulnerable to COVID-19 and should be prioritized for vaccination

    Alarming rates of virological failure and HIV-1 drug resistance amongst adolescents living with perinatal HIV in both urban and rural settings: evidence from the EDCTP READY-study in Cameroon

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    Objectives: Adolescents living with perinatal HIV infection (ALPHI) experience persistently high mortality rates, particularly in resource-limited settings. It is therefore clinically important for us to understand the therapeutic response, acquired HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) and associated factors among ALPHI, according to geographical location. Methods: A study was conducted among consenting ALPHI in two urban and two rural health facilities in the Centre Region of Cameroon. World Health Organization (WHO) clinical staging, self-reported adherence, HIVDR early warning indicators (EWIs), immunological status (CD4 count) and plasma viral load (VL) were assessed. For those experiencing virological failure (VF, VL&nbsp;≥&nbsp;1000 copies/mL), HIVDR testing was performed and interpreted using the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database v.8.9-1. Results: Of the 270 participants, most were on nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-based regimens (61.7% urban vs. 82.2% rural), and about one-third were poorly adherent (30.1% vs. 35.1%). Clinical failure rates (WHO-stage III/IV) in both settings were&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;15%. In urban settings, the immunological failure (IF) rate (CD4 &nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;250 cells/μL) was 15.8%, statistically associated with late adolescence, female gender and poor adherence. The VF rate was 34.2%, statistically associated with poor adherence and NNRTI-based antiretroviral therapy. In the rural context, the IF rate was 26.9% and the VF rate was 52.7%, both statistically associated with advanced clinical stages. HIVDR rate was over 90% in both settings. EWIs were delayed drug pick-up, drug stock-outs and suboptimal viral suppression. Conclusions: Poor adherence, late adolescent age, female gender and advanced clinical staging worsen IF. The VF rate is high and consistent with the presence of HIVDR in both settings, driven by poor adherence, NNRTI-based regimen and advanced clinical staging

    Genetic Characterization of Zika Virus Strains: Geographic Expansion of the Asian Lineage

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted flavivirus found in both Africa and Asia. Human infection with the virus may result in a febrile illness similar to dengue fever and many other tropical infections found in these regions. Previously, little was known about the genetic relationships between ZIKV strains collected in Africa and those collected in Asia. In addition, the geographic origins of the strains responsible for the recent outbreak of human disease on Yap Island, Federated States of Micronesia, and a human case of ZIKV infection in Cambodia were unknown. Our results indicate that there are two geographically distinct lineages of ZIKV (African and Asian). The virus has circulated in Southeast Asia for at least the past 50 years, whereupon it was introduced to Yap Island resulting in an epidemic of human disease in 2007, and in 2010 was the cause of a pediatric case of ZIKV infection in Cambodia. This study also highlights the danger of ZIKV introduction into new areas and the potential for future epidemics of human disease
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