1,068 research outputs found

    A Logical Verification Methodology for Service-Oriented Computing

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    We introduce a logical verification methodology for checking behavioural properties of service-oriented computing systems. Service properties are described by means of SocL, a branching-time temporal logic that we have specifically designed to express in an effective way distinctive aspects of services, such as, e.g., acceptance of a request, provision of a response, and correlation among service requests and responses. Our approach allows service properties to be expressed in such a way that they can be independent of service domains and specifications. We show an instantiation of our general methodology that uses the formal language COWS to conveniently specify services and the expressly developed software tool CMC to assist the user in the task of verifying SocL formulae over service specifications. We demonstrate feasibility and effectiveness of our methodology by means of the specification and the analysis of a case study in the automotive domain

    Chen-Ruan cohomology of ADE singularities

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    We study Ruan's \textit{cohomological crepant resolution conjecture} for orbifolds with transversal ADE singularities. In the AnA_n-case we compute both the Chen-Ruan cohomology ring HCR([Y])H^*_{\rm CR}([Y]) and the quantum corrected cohomology ring H(Z)(q1,...,qn)H^*(Z)(q_1,...,q_n). The former is achieved in general, the later up to some additional, technical assumptions. We construct an explicit isomorphism between HCR([Y])H^*_{\rm CR}([Y]) and H(Z)(1)H^*(Z)(-1) in the A1A_1-case, verifying Ruan's conjecture. In the AnA_n-case, the family H(Z)(q1,...,qn)H^*(Z)(q_1,...,q_n) is not defined for q1=...=qn=1q_1=...=q_n=-1. This implies that the conjecture should be slightly modified. We propose a new conjecture in the AnA_n-case which we prove in the A2A_2-case by constructing an explicit isomorphism.Comment: This is a short version of my Ph.D. Thesis math.AG/0510528. Version 2: chapters 2,3,4 and 5 has been rewritten using the language of groupoids; a link with the classical McKay correpondence is given. International Journal of Mathematics (to appear

    A prototype large-angle photon veto detector for the P326 experiment at CERN

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    The P326 experiment at the CERN SPS has been proposed with the purpose of measuring the branching ratio for the decay K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu} to within 10%. The photon veto system must provide a rejection factor of 10^8 for \pi^0 decays. We have explored two designs for the large-angle veto detectors, one based on scintillating tiles and the other using scintillating fibers. We have constructed a prototype module based on the fiber solution and evaluated its performance using low-energy electron beams from the Frascati Beam-Test Facility. For comparison, we have also tested a tile prototype constructed for the CKM experiment, as well as lead-glass modules from the OPAL electromagnetic barrel calorimeter. We present results on the linearity, energy resolution, and time resolution obtained with the fiber prototype, and compare the detection efficiency for electrons obtained with all three instruments.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Presented at the 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Honolulu HI, USA, 28 October - 3 November 200

    GPU-based Real-time Triggering in the NA62 Experiment

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    Over the last few years the GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units) paradigm represented a remarkable development in the world of computing. Computing for High-Energy Physics is no exception: several works have demonstrated the effectiveness of the integration of GPU-based systems in high level trigger of different experiments. On the other hand the use of GPUs in the low level trigger systems, characterized by stringent real-time constraints, such as tight time budget and high throughput, poses several challenges. In this paper we focus on the low level trigger in the CERN NA62 experiment, investigating the use of real-time computing on GPUs in this synchronous system. Our approach aimed at harvesting the GPU computing power to build in real-time refined physics-related trigger primitives for the RICH detector, as the the knowledge of Cerenkov rings parameters allows to build stringent conditions for data selection at trigger level. Latencies of all components of the trigger chain have been analyzed, pointing out that networking is the most critical one. To keep the latency of data transfer task under control, we devised NaNet, an FPGA-based PCIe Network Interface Card (NIC) with GPUDirect capabilities. For the processing task, we developed specific multiple ring trigger algorithms to leverage the parallel architecture of GPUs and increase the processing throughput to keep up with the high event rate. Results obtained during the first months of 2016 NA62 run are presented and discussed

    On Non-Abelian Symplectic Cutting

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    We discuss symplectic cutting for Hamiltonian actions of non-Abelian compact groups. By using a degeneration based on the Vinberg monoid we give, in good cases, a global quotient description of a surgery construction introduced by Woodward and Meinrenken, and show it can be interpreted in algebro-geometric terms. A key ingredient is the `universal cut' of the cotangent bundle of the group itself, which is identified with a moduli space of framed bundles on chains of projective lines recently introduced by the authors.Comment: Various edits made, to appear in Transformation Groups. 28 pages, 8 figure

    Strengthening the Cohomological Crepant Resolution Conjecture for Hilbert-Chow morphisms

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    Given any smooth toric surface S, we prove a SYM-HILB correspondence which relates the 3-point, degree zero, extended Gromov-Witten invariants of the n-fold symmetric product stack [Sym^n(S)] of S to the 3-point extremal Gromov-Witten invariants of the Hilbert scheme Hilb^n(S) of n points on S. As we do not specialize the values of the quantum parameters involved, this result proves a strengthening of Ruan's Cohomological Crepant Resolution Conjecture for the Hilbert-Chow morphism from Hilb^n(S) to Sym^n(S) and yields a method of reconstructing the cup product for Hilb^n(S) from the orbifold invariants of [Sym^n(S)].Comment: Revised versio

    Dielectric Effects in FeO x-Coated Au Nanoparticles Boost the Magnetoplasmonic Response: Implications for Active Plasmonic Devices

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    Plasmon resonance modulation with an external magnetic field (magnetoplasmonics) represents a promising route for the improvement of the sensitivity of plasmon-based refractometric sensing. To this purpose, an accurate material choice is needed to realize hybrid nanostructures with an improved magnetoplasmonic response. In this work, we prepared core@shell nanostructures made of an 8 nm Au core surrounded by an ultrathin iron oxide shell (≤1 nm). The presence of the iron oxide shell was found to significantly enhance the magneto-optical response of the noble metal in the localized surface plasmon region, compared with uncoated Au nanoparticles. With the support of an analytical model, we ascribed the origin of the enhancement to the shell-induced increase in the dielectric permittivity around the Au core. The experiment points out the importance of the spectral position of the plasmonic resonance in determining the magnitude of the magnetoplasmonic response. Moreover, the analytical model proposed here represents a powerful predictive tool for the quantification of the magnetoplasmonic effect based on resonance position engineering, which has significant implications for the design of active magnetoplasmonic devices

    Lagrangian Floer superpotentials and crepant resolutions for toric orbifolds

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    We investigate the relationship between the Lagrangian Floer superpotentials for a toric orbifold and its toric crepant resolutions. More specifically, we study an open string version of the crepant resolution conjecture (CRC) which states that the Lagrangian Floer superpotential of a Gorenstein toric orbifold X\mathcal{X} and that of its toric crepant resolution YY coincide after analytic continuation of quantum parameters and a change of variables. Relating this conjecture with the closed CRC, we find that the change of variable formula which appears in closed CRC can be explained by relations between open (orbifold) Gromov-Witten invariants. We also discover a geometric explanation (in terms of virtual counting of stable orbi-discs) for the specialization of quantum parameters to roots of unity which appears in Y. Ruan's original CRC ["The cohomology ring of crepant resolutions of orbifolds", Gromov-Witten theory of spin curves and orbifolds, 117-126, Contemp. Math., 403, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006]. We prove the open CRC for the weighted projective spaces X=P(1,,1,n)\mathcal{X}=\mathbb{P}(1,\ldots,1,n) using an equality between open and closed orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants. Along the way, we also prove an open mirror theorem for these toric orbifolds.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added and updated, final version, to appear in CM