11 research outputs found

    Theoretical Model of EphA2-Ephrin A1 Inhibition

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    This work aims at the theoretical description of EphA2-ephrin A1 inhibition by small molecules. Recently proposed ab initio-based scoring models, comprising long-range components of interaction energy, is tested on lithocholic acid class inhibitors of this protein⁻protein interaction (PPI) against common empirical descriptors. We show that, although limited to compounds with similar solvation energy, the ab initio model is able to rank the set of selected inhibitors more effectively than empirical scoring functions, aiding the design of novel compounds

    Physical nature of fatty acid amide hydrolase interactions with its inhibitors: Testing a simple nonempirical scoring model

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    Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is an enzyme responsible for the deactivating hydrolysis of fatty acid ethanolamide neuromodulators. FAAH inhibitors have gained considerable interest due to their possible application in the treatment of anxiety, inflammation, and pain. In the context of inhibitor design, the availability of reliable computational tools for predicting binding affi nity is still a challenging task, and it is now well understood that empirical scoring functions have several limitations that in principle could be overcome by quantum mechanics. Herein, systematic ab initio analyses of FAAH interactions with a series of inhibitors belonging to the class of the N-alkylcarbamic acid aryl esters have been performed. In contrast to our earlier studies of other classes of enzyme-inhibitor complexes, reasonable correlation with experimental results required us to consider correlation effects along with electrostatic term. Therefore, the simplest comprehensive nonempirical model allowing for qualitative predictions of binding affinities for FAAH ligands consists of electrostatic multipole and second-order dispersion terms. Such a model has been validated against the relative stabilities of the benchmark S66 set of biomolecular complexes. As it does not involve parameters fitted to experimentally derived data, this model offers a unique opportunity for generally applicable inhibitor design and virtual screening. (Graph Presented)

    Nonempirical energetic analysis of reactivity and covalent inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase.

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    Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is a member of the amidase signature family and is responsible for the hydrolytic deactivation of fatty acid amide neuromodulators, such as anandamide. FAAH carries an unusual catalytic triad consisting of Lys-Ser-Ser, which uniquely enables the enzyme to cleave amides and esters at similar rates. The acylation of 9Z-octadecenamide (oleamide, a FAAH reference substrate) has been widely investigated by computational methods, and those have shown that conformational fluctuations of the active site affect the reaction barrier. Empirical descriptors have been devised to provide a possible mechanistic explanation for such conformational effects, but a first-principles understanding is still missing. A comparison of FAAH acylation with a reference reaction in water suggests that transition-state stabilization is crucial for catalysis because the activation energy barrier falls by 6 kcal/mol in the presence of the active site. With this in mind, we have analyzed the enzymatic reaction using the differential transition-state stabilization (DTSS) approach to determine key active-site residues for lowering the barrier. We examined several QM/MM structures at the MP2 level of theory and analyzed catalytic effects with a variation-perturbation partitioning of the interaction energy into electrostatic multipole and penetration, exchange, delocalization, and correlation terms. Three residues - Thr236, Ser218, and one water molecule - appear to be essential for the stabilization of the transition state, a conclusion that is also reflected by catalytic fields and agrees with site-directed mutagenesis data. An analogous analysis for URB524, URB618, and URB694 (three potent representatives of covalent, carbamate-based FAAH inhibitors) confirms the importance of the residues involved in oleamide acylation, providing insight for future inhibitor design

    Understanding the role of carbamate reactivity in fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibition by QM/MM mechanistic modelling.

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    QM/MM modelling of FAAH inactivation by O-biphenyl-3-yl carbamates identifies the deprotonation of Ser241 as the key reaction step, explaining why FAAH is insensitive to the electron-donor effect of conjugated substituents; this may aid design of new inhibitors with improved selectivity and in vivo potency

    Computational redesign of a mononuclear zinc metalloenzyme for organophosphate hydrolysis.

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    The ability to redesign enzymes to catalyze noncognate chemical transformations would have wide-ranging applications. We developed a computational method for repurposing the reactivity of metalloenzyme active site functional groups to catalyze new reactions. Using this method, we engineered a zinc-containing mouse adenosine deaminase to catalyze the hydrolysis of a model organophosphate with a catalytic efficiency (k cat/K m) of ~10 4 M −1 s −1 after directed evolution. In the high-resolution crystal structure of the enzyme, all but one of the designed residues adopt the designed conformation. The designed enzyme efficiently catalyzes the hydrolysis of the R P isomer of a coumarinyl analog of the nerve agent cyclosarin, and it shows marked substrate selectivity for coumarinyl leaving groups. Computational redesign of native enzyme active sites complements directed evolution methods and offers a general approach for exploring their untapped catalytic potential for new reactivities. The redeployment of catalytic machinery in naturally occurring enzyme active sites for noncognate reactions holds considerable promise as a method for obtaining new biocatalysts 1,2. Alterations of substrate specificity and stereospecificity and the enhancement of preexisting promiscuous activities of enzymes have been accomplished by library-based directed evolution approaches 3. However, introducing completely new catalytic activities remains