9,572 research outputs found

    NASA Wallops Flight Center GEOS-3 altimeter data processing report

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    The procedures used to process the GEOS-3 radar altimeter data from raw telemetry data to a final user data product are described. In addition, the radar altimeter hardware design and operating parameters are presented to aid the altimeter user in understanding the altimeter data

    Three methods of presenting flight vector information in a head-up display during simulated STOL approaches

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    A simulator study was conducted to determine the usefulness of adding flight path vector symbology to a head-up display designed to improve glide-slope tracking performance during steep 7.5 deg visual approaches in STOL aircraft. All displays included a fixed attitude symbol, a pitch- and roll-stabilized horizon bar, and a glide-slope reference bar parallel to and 7.5 deg below the horizon bar. The displays differed with respect to the flight-path marker (FPM) symbol: display 1 had no FPM symbol; display 2 had an air-referenced FPM, and display 3 had a ground-referenced FPM. No differences between displays 1 and 2 were found on any of the performance measures. Display 3 was found to decrease height error in the early part of the approach and to reduce descent rate variation over the entire approach. Two measures of workload did not indicate any differences between the displays

    „Entartete“ Musik im Dritten Reich und die Politisierung von (Pop)Musik in der aktuellen amerikanischen Kultur

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    Welcher Musiker als kulturell-wertvoll aufgefasst wird, wird von der Mainstreamgesellschaft, auf der Basis kolonialer ‘Rassenhierarchien\u27 festgelegt. Hauptsächlich ‘reinweiße’ Musiker sind als Musiker Teil einer ‘höheren Rassenhierarchie’. Diese ‘Rassenhierarchie’ wird sowohl von der Mainstreamgesellschaft als auch von Rechtsextremisten geschätzt. Allerdings geschieht dies in einem deutlicheren und auch offenerem Maße bei Rechtsextremisten

    Review of 'Speaking Out: Stopping Homophobic and Transphobic Abuse In Queensland'

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    Speaking Out documents the outcomes of the largest ever study to examine homophobic and transphobic abuse and reporting in Queensland, Australia. It reports the results of a quantitative survey on victimisation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) people and how this victimisation is reported to police. Follow-up qualitative interviews and focus groups were also conducted with LGBTIQ people to examine the impact of this abuse and the reporting to police. This research is timely as we can sometimes assume LGBTIQ victimisation is a historical problem and may be settled by the idea that relations with police are in good shape. This book clearly demonstrates that we have some way to go before we can be assured these issues have been resolved..

    Long-term impacts of disturbance on nitrogen-cycling bacteria in a New England salt marsh

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    Recent studies on the impacts of disturbance on microbial communities indicate communities show differential responses to disturbance, yet our understanding of how different microbial communities may respond to and recover from disturbance is still rudimentary. We investigated impacts of tidal restriction followed by tidal restoration on abundance and diversity of denitrifying bacteria, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in New England salt marshes by analyzing nirS and bacterial and archaeal amoA genes, respectively. TRFLP analysis of nirS and betaproteobacterial amoA genes revealed significant differences between restored and undisturbed marshes, with the greatest differences detected in deeper sediments. Additionally, community patterns indicated a potential recovery trajectory for denitrifiers. Analysis of archaeal amoA genes, however, revealed no differences in community composition between restored and undisturbed marshes, but we detected significantly higher gene abundance in deeper sediment at restored sites. Abundances of nirS and betaproteobacterial amoA genes were also significantly greater in deeper sediments at restored sites. Porewater ammonium was significantly higher at depth in restored sediments compared to undisturbed sediments, suggesting a possible mechanism driving some of the community differences. Our results suggest that impacts of disturbance on denitrifying and ammonia-oxidizing communities remain nearly 30 years after restoration, potentially impacting nitrogen-cycling processes in the marsh. We also present data suggesting that sampling deeper in sediments may be critical for detecting disturbance effects in coastal sediments

    Taking Positive Steps

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    In antiquity the Oracle at Delphi urged each to know thyself. Socrates followed with the observation that The unexamined life is not worth living. Aristotle called for a balance in creating the good life centering on the golden mean. In the second century A.D. Marcus Aurelius, emperor of the Roman empire (the closest the western world may have ever come to a philosopher king), reminded himself in his Meditations that, We are troubled not by the things of the world but, rather, by our perception of those things. Much more recently philosopher William James stated something similar by suggesting that the most important discovery in psychology of his day is that by changing the interior states of our minds, we can change the exterior dimensions of our lives. And, of course, Norman Vincent Peale influenced millions through The Power of Positive Thinking

    Alternative Tourism and Development: Implications for International Study Abroad and Volunteer Programs in the Global South

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    Recent years have seen rising interest among Western travelers in the so-called “Global South” or “developing world,” especially through experiences that fall under the umbrella term of “alternative tourism.” Many travelers engage in this type of tourism through experiences in either one or both of alternative tourism’s most popular sub-genres: alternative study abroad and volunteer tourism. With many of these programs either implicitly or explicitly geared toward development, this paper discusses the possible development-related consequences upon the places in which they operate. It traces origins and causes of alternative tourism’s rise, and explains how it has come to be associated with development. Finally, it identifies two exemplary programs that could be considered models for how to use study abroad and volunteer tourism to achieve development and positive transformation for both travelers and the communities they visit

    Changing Behaviors to Build Better Physician/Patient Relationships

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    Health care literature is bursting with commentary about patient rights, patient expectations, patient demands, patient welfare, patient safety, patient privacy, informed consent and quality of care. Why are these topics of concern? Why can\u27t we just take it for granted that the patient and the patient\u27s interest come first in the business of health care? Obviously, we cannot take it for granted. But the reasons why we can\u27t are not too obvious - and neither are the remedies

    More on the Dance of Anger

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    This article is a follow-up to an interview with Charles Dwyer, PhD, which appeared in the March/April 1999 issue of The Physician Executive. He described how physician executives can change the perception of today\u27s beleaguered physicians and help them cope with change. We then asked him for some hands-on strategies to deal with physician fear, anger and resentment. After much contemplation on providing a list of fixes that will restore each of us to a state of greater satisfaction, Dr. Dwyer concludes that there are no generalizable solutions because there are too many variables that come into play in each organization, individual or group. Attending to the self can provide both individual rescue from these turbulent times and the best hope for changes in the system from which patients and health care providers can benefit. If physicians are to regain their power and maintain, or even improve, their quality of life, clearly changes are called for. And these are changes that require persistent effort and uncomfortable adjustments