895 research outputs found

    Collective Memories of West-sumatran Earthquake and Their Relation to Community Resilience

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    Indonesia\u27s geographical conditions are in the high earthquake-prone that requires a seriouseffort in disaster mitigation, so that the losses inflicted disasters both physically andpsychologically can be minimized. This study aims to find out the positive aspects ofexperiencing traumatic event in community that experienced natural disasters, in which withthese memories help the community become more resilient. In this study, interview conductedafter Padang earthquake (West Sumatra) on September 2009. The participants were 7 adults,whom experiencing the event directly. Interview conducted in Indonesian or Minanglanguage. The approach was narrative, asked participants to tell their story of the disasterand how the disaster has changed their community. Analysis was performed with a qualitativeapproach. From the interviews conducted, the finding obtained is the theme of narrative givenby participants can be grouped into two categories; the strategy of evacuation and things thatminimize the impact

    Citra Tubuh Pada Remaja Putri Menikah Dan Memiliki Anak

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    Fenomena remaja putri yang menikah dan memiliki anak sudah lazim bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Remaja putri, dalam kaitannya dengan masa pertumbuhan masih tengah tumbuh untuk mencapai kematangan fisik dan mental. Namun, bagi remaja putri yang sudah menikah dan memiliki anak tengah dihadapkan pada keadaan yang berbeda. Remaja putri yang memiliki anak, mengalami keadaan yang umumnya terjadi pada perempuan dewasa, seperti tidak lagi perawan, mengandung, melahirkan anak, menyusui, dan mungkin naiknya berat badan pasca melahirkan. Keadaan tersebut memungkinkan terjadinya perbedaan sikap mental, terutama cara pandang remaja putri terhadap tubuhnya sendiri atau yang biasa disebut dengan citra tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan gambaran citra tubuh dan faktor-faktor yang merupakan pembentukan citra tubuh pada remaja putri menikah yang memiliki anak. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan bentuk studi kasus. Karakteristik subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja putri berusia 20 tahun dan telah menikah dan memiliki seorang anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran citra tubuh yang positif pada subjek berdasarkan tiga (3) komponen yang dimiliki subjek. Subjek secara umum tepat mempersepsikan tubuhnya, memiliki sikap puas dan tidak memiliki kecemasan pada tubuhnya, serta tidak menghindari aktivitas yang menunjukkan bentuk tubuhnya. Faktor pembentukan citra tubuh pada subjek adalah siklus hidup, konsep diri, sosialisasi, peran gender, dan distorsi citra tubuh

    The Effect of Learning Motivation, Integrity, Misuse of Information Technology and Religiosity on Academic Fraud

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    This study examines the effect of learning motivation, integrity, misuse of information technology, and religiosity on academic fraud using the Attribution Theory. This research data was collected through a survey with a quantitative approach. Data were obtained as primary data and collected through online questionnaires. The population in this study was 301 students of Major International and Regular Accounting batches 2018-2019 at Jenderal Sudirman University. The sample of this study used purposive sampling, and the data obtained were 75 respondents. Data analysis using SPSS version 19 for Windows. The results of this study indicate that (1) learning motivation has a positive effect on academic fraud, (2) integrity has a negative effect on academic fraud, (3) misuse of information technology has a positive effect on academic fraud, and (4) religiosity has a positive effect on academic fraud. The implications of this research are to improve the supervisory system, especially during online lectures to students, to provide information about various campus policies to students so that students do not dare to commit fraudulent actions, and to pay attention to factors that influence academic fraud behavior.   CITE THIS PAPER: Natasya, Fadila; Restianto, Yanuar E.; Primasari, Dona (2023). "The Effect of Learning Motivation, Integrity, Misuse of Information Technology and Religiosity on Academic Fraud" Journal of Social Sciences: Transformations & Transitions (JOSSTT) 3(07):30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52459/josstt37301223

    Stress and Coping Stress on Motorcycle Driver

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    The imbalance increasing number of motorcycle every year compared to the increasing street development causing traffic jam. The traffic jam also cause stress on motorcycle driver. The aim of this study is to know the stress and the coping stress on motorcycle driver, with one research subject which is a man who usually drive motorcycle every day. The factors that can cause stress are physic stressor; such as weather and traffic jam, social stressor; such as busy hours, crowded streets and reckless drivers. The psychological symptomps are exhausted physic and easy to get angry or mad on the street. The subject uses emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping to handle those conditions

    Kecerdasan Moral Pada Remaja Yang Mengalami Deviasi Mothering

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    Mothering deviance that happened with child has negative side for the child\u27s growthespecially for the moral intelligence. The aim of this study is to describe about moralintelligence in children with mothering deviance. The approach of this research is qualitativeresearch. The participants of this research are two children, and interview and observationare using for the data collecting. The result shows that children with mothering deviance hastendency for not having good moral intelligence. This can be happened because of somefactors. First, the absence of parents emotionally, abuse moment in infant, also age andenvironment factors. Furthermore, the growth of children moral intelligence still can beexpected from love and affection for substituting the role of mother and in teaching goodmoral values

    Pengaruh Bahan Water Repellent Terhadap Morfologi Dan Sifat-sifat Fisika Pada Pembuatan Kulit Atasan Sepatu Ramah Lingkungan

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    The term of eco-friendly leather can be interpreted as chrome-free tanned leather. Recently, almost 80% of leather is tanned using chrome tanning agent because of the ease in processing and excellence of the physical properties. Nevertheless, people nowadays want an eco-friendly leather product. Vegetable tanning materials can be said as eco-friendly tanning material because their waste degrades easily. One of the weaknesses in the use of vegetable tanning is a high water absorption capability. In this research used a water repellent material that has the properties to suppress the ability of water absorption. The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of water repellent on physical properties and morphology of leather tanned by vegetable tanning materials. Because one of the weaknesses in the vegetable tanning is its high water absorption capability, in this research, water repellent was used and varied by 5; 7.5; 10; 12.5; and 15% . Physical properties obtained were compared with analysis of variance with the significance level of 95%. The water repellent increased from 5% to 15%. The results showed a decrease in water absorption capability from 77.6% to 65.39%, tearing strength from 41.64 to 20.05 kg/cm, tensile strength from 227.10 to 163.53 kg/cm2, and elongation at break from 57.11 to 49.68%, strong swelling and WVA have no significant changes, while for WVP, the maximum use of water repellent at 12.5%. SEM results indicate the presence of a thin layer on the leather fiber that can inhibit the absorption of water

    Analisis Ekonomi Sektor Riil dan Sektor Moneter di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research to analyze (1) Influence of economic and lagged household consumption to consumption in Indonesia. (2) Influence of economic, interest rate and lagged investment to investment in Indonesia. (3) Influence of economic and exchange rate to export netto in Indonesia. (4) Influence of household consumption, government consumption, investment and export netto to economics in Indonesia. (5) Influence of reserve requirement, money supply and interest rate to money multiplier in Indonesia. (6) Influence of economic and interest rate to money demand in Indonesia. (7) Influence of economics, money supply, lagged inflation to inflation in Indonesia. The Result of this research are (1) As partial economic and lagged household consumption have significant effect to consumption in Indonesia (2) As partial economic and lagged investment has significant effect to investment in Indonesia, but interest rate has not significant effect. But as simultaneous all variable has significant effect. (3) As partial economic has significant effect to export netto in Indonesia. But exchange rate has not significant influence to export netto in Indonesia (4) As partial household consumption, government consumption and investment has significant effect to Economic in Indonesia but export netto has not significant influence to economic in Indonesia But as simultaneous all variable has significant effect. (5) As partial reserve requirement, money supply and interest rate has significant effect to money multiplier in Indonesia. (6) As partial economic has significant effect to money demand in Indonesia but interest rate has not significant influence to money demand in Indonesia. But as simultaneous all variable has significant effect. (7) As partial economics and money supply has significant effect to inflation in Indonesian but lagged inflation has not significant influence to inflation in Indonesia. But as simultaneous all variable has significant effect

    Optimal design method of the load-level isolation system for industrial steel racking

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    This paper focuses on an innovative system for mitigating seismic actions on industrial steel racking, called Load-Level Isolation System (LLIS). It consists of placing isolators directly between the pallet masses and the load level, thus exploiting the pallet masses (much greater than the structural mass) as tuned mass dampers. Specifically, the paper aims to derive a general design procedure for the LLIS, based on the amount of mass isolated, the position of the LLIS within the rack, and the main dynamic characteristics of the structural system. To this end, an analytical optimization method is proposed, based on the minimization of the displacement variance of a reduced structural model, representative of the rack dynamics with the LLIS. This method is applied parametrically to derive the optimal damping and frequency values of the LLIS in various design situations, and a sensitivity analysis is subsequently conducted to propose cost-effective LLIS design solutions. Prediction models of the LLIS parameters are therefore provided, as well as a simple step-by-step procedure for designing the control system. Finally, a case study is presented, with the dual objectives of showing the application of the design procedure and the effectiveness of the LLIS in mitigating seismic effects in a standard pallet rack. The results of the Time-History analysis demonstrate the validity of the proposed design method and the possibility of achieving large reductions in the seismic response of the rack using this control system, and up to 60% for both maximum displacements and axial forces of the uprights


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan body mass index (BMI) dan subjective well-being pada remaja putri. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 146 responden. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan karakteristik yaitu remaja putri dengan rentang usia 11 sampai 21 tahun di wilayah Jabodetabek. Dalam mengukur body mass index (BMI), peneliti menggunakan timbangan berat badan dan alat pengukur tinggi badan dan untuk skala subjective well-being peneliti menggunakan skala berdasarkan tiga aspek subjective well-being menurut Pontin, Schwannauer, Tai, dan Kinderman (2013). Hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.788, serta nilai koefisien korelasi r sebesar 0.022 yang artinya tidak terdapat hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara body mass index (BMI) dan subjective well-being pada remaja putri. Hal tersebut membuat hipotesis yang diajukan ditolak serta tinggi rendahnya body mass index (BMI) tidak dapat menjelaskan tinggi rendahnya subjective well-being pada remaja putri
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