34 research outputs found

    Anterior epitympanic attic antrum space obstruction and symptom onset associated with myringosclerosis in benign chronic suppurative otitis media

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    Background: The AAA (Anterior epitympanic, Attic, and Antrum) space is the space between the mastoid and middle ear which functions to balance the pressure in both organs (buffer). Pathological tissue in the AAA cavity due to chronic infection would disrupt the buffer function and could change the morphology of the mucosa in the tympanic membrane and middle ear. Obstruction in the AAA space measured subjectively by observing the smoothness of the flow using saline solution has been shown to be associated with a plaque in the tympanic membrane (myringosclerosis) in Chronic Otitis Media (COM) patients. This study aims to determine the relationship between AAA space obstructions with myringosclerosis using CT-Scan for an objective result.Methods: Retrospective study with case-control approach used in this study. Case criterias are Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) patients with myringosclerosis, both men and women and age 15-50 years, while the control group are benign CSOM patients without myringosclerosis. Data were analyzed with the chi-square test to prove the association between the AAA space status and length of symptom onset with myringosclerosis.Results: During January 2017-December 2019 there were 33 respondents, 19 cases and 14 controls, 21 men and 12 women with an average age of 35 years (cases) and 23.5 years (control). The length of symptom onset more than 5 years (p <0.05, OR 6.94 with CI 0.5-1.5) and AAA space obstruction (p <0.05 OR 34.25 with CI 0.8-1.8) has been shown to be associated with myringosclerosis in people with benign CSOM.Conclusions: AAA space obstruction and symptom onset more than 5 years significantly associated with myringosclerosis.

    Pengaruh Pemberian Minyak Nigella Sativa Dan Kombinasinya Dengan Seftriakson Terhadap Jumlah Kuman Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (Mrsa) Pada Kultur Otak Mencit Balb/c

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    Background Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection cases reported to be high. This matter is caused by the bacteria resistance to many antibiotics, from this point WHO suggested to looking for new antibiotics, in this research utilize N.sativa oil that have antibacterial and immunomodulator effects. The combination of N.sativa oil with ceftriaxone is expected to resolve MRSA infection cases.Aims To investigate the effect of N.sativa oil administration and its combination with ceftriaxone toward MRSA bacteria count in cultured brain of BALB/c mice.Methods Experimental laboratory with post test only control group design. Total sample were 20 male BALB/c mice randomized into 4 groups and adapted for 7days. Every group was injected with MRSA ATCC 43300 0,2ml, after 16 hours K was given aquabidest 0,03 ml, P1 was given ceftriaxone 0,03 ml, P2 was given N.sativa oil 0,3 ml, P3 was given ceftriaxone 0,03 ml and N.sativa 0,3 ml, after 8 hours would be terminated. Data normality test used Saphiro-wilk test followed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test.Results The result of the average number of MRSA on brain culture, K= 128x103+ 157,25x103 cfu/ml; P1= 4,18x103+3,22x103 cfu/ml; P2= 0,12x103+0,11x103 cfu/ml; P3= 0,68x103 +1,30x103 cfu/ml. Significant differences was found between K with P2 (p=0,009) and P3(p=0,028), while with P1(p=0,346) wasn't. Bacteria count between P1 with P2(p=0,009) and P3(p=0,028) showed a significant differences, and between P2 with P3(p=0,754) there was no significant difference.Conclusion Administration of Nigella sativa oil and its combination with ceftriaxone can decrease number of MRSA bacteria in BALB/c mice's brain cultures

    Nyeri yang Diprovokasi Electric Foot Shock, Daya Bunuh Makrofag dan Penggunaan Imunomodulator BCG pada Mencit Balb/C

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    Provocated pain by electric foot shock, macrophage killing ability and the use of BCG as immunomodulator in Balb/C miceBackground: Pain affects immune system through Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) and Symphatetic-adrenal-medullary (SAM) axis. Immunostimulator BCG increase immune system via type I response. The aim of this study is to prove that the decrease of immune response due to pain can be improved by introducing BCG vaccine assessed by macrophage activity.Methods: The study adapts Laboratory Experimental and Post-Test Only Control Group Design. Samples were 24 female Balb/C mice average weight 21.88(SD=1.75) grams and divided into four groups. The control group (C) received no other additional treatment. The BCG group (B) received intra-peritoneal injection of 0.1 ml BCG at day 1st and 11th. The EFS (E) received Electric foot shock 1-3 mA at day 12th to 21st and the BCG+ EFS group (BE) received BCG and EFS as mentioned before. All groups wereintravenously injected with 104 live L. monocytogenes at day 21st and sacrificed at day 26th by chloroform anaesthesia. Then, Macrophages Nitrit Oxyde (NO) concentration and liver bacterial count were measured. Data were analyzed by One Way ANOVA, Post Hoc Test Bonferroni and Pearson's product moment supported by computer software SPSS 13.0 (significant if p0.05).Conclusions: Pain provocation causes low NO concentration in macrophages and the introduction of BCG could improve the condition

    Aktivitas Antiviral Curcumin Terhadap Virus Dengue Pada Galur Sel A549

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    Latar Belakang : Virus Dengue (DENV) adalah arbovirus yang secara geografis tersebar paling luas dan menjadi masalah besar seluruh dunia. Pengobatan infeksi DENV saat ini terbatas pada deteksi dini, penggantian cairan dan terapi simtomatik. Viral load sering dikaitkan dengan tingkat keparahan penyakit pada pasien terinfeksi DENV, namun sampai saat ini belum ada obat antivirus berlisensi yang tersedia. Penelitian ini melihat efek antivirus curcumin, senyawa aktif utama dari kunyit (Curcuma longa), pada pertumbuhan DENV pada galur sel karsinoma epitel paru-paru manusia (A549).Metode : Penelitian ini melakukan uji toksisitas Curcumin pada sel A549 untuk menentukan konsentrasi curcumin yang digunakan berdasarkan konsentrasi sitotoksik (CC50) curcumin pada sel A549. Kelompok perlakuan dibedakan berdasarkan konsentrasi curcumin dan cara pemberian curcumin. Sel A549 diinfeksi dengan DENV-1 dengan Multiplicity of Infection = 1 dan sel diinkubasi dengan Curcumin pada dosis multi-subtoxic selama seluruh waktu inkubasi (Full Time) dan setelah virus masuk ke sel (After Entry). Sel yang terinfeksi diinkubasi dengan Curcumin selama 48 jam dan kemudian titer virus ditentukan dengan Plaque Assay.Hasil : Berdasarkan uji toksisitas curcumin pada sel A549, curcumin tidak akan mempengaruhi viabilitas sel-sel A549 secara signifikan pada konsentrasi hingga 50 μM dengan CC50 = 151,19 μM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian Curcumin pada sel yang terinfeksi DENV dapat mengurangi titer virus secara signifikan pada perlakuan Full Time, dengan IC50 = 20,383 pM, tetapi hasil dari perlakuan After Entry menunjukkan penurunan titer virus yang tidak signifikan, dengan IC50 = 33,062 μM.Kesimpulan : Curcumin memiliki aktivitas antivirus terhadap infeksi DENV dan bisa memberikan pendekatan baru dalam terapi infeksi DENV

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Phyllanthus Niruri Linn terhadap Infiltrasi Limfosit dan Ekspresi Perforin pada Kanker Kolon Tikus Sprague-Dawley

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    The effect of Phyllanthus niruri Linn extract on lymphocytes infiltration and perforin expression in colon cancer of Sprague-Dawley RatBackground: Colon cancer treatment currently involves immunotherapy that aims to improve the quality of life and survival of patients. Phyllanthus niruri Linn (P. niruri L) may act as an immunomodulator, but its potency in antitumor immune responses has not been revealed. The study was conducted to evaluate the differences between the immunological status of rats suffering colon cancer which were not given to those given the extract of P. niruri L.Methods: The study was randomized posttest-only control group design. Samples were 30 Sprague-Dawley male rats, bodyweight 170-220 gr which induced by 1.2 DMH 30 mg/kgBW subcutaneously. On the weeks 9, 11 and 13, four induced rats each week were sacrified to detect the development of colon cancer. On the weeks of 13th all of 4 rats were developed colon cancer, so the induction were stopped. The rest of 18 induced rats were randomly into two groups: without P. niruri L or positive control (K+)=9 rats and given P. niruri L extract 13.5 mg/kg orally or X group=9 rats. After 19th week all of rats were then terminated and tumor lesion of colon were processed hystophatologically. The tissues of colon cancer were stained by H&E for evaluate the lymphocytes infiltration and immunohistochemistry monoclonal antibody anti-perforin for perforin expression. Non pairs t-test was used with considered significant if p<0.05.Results: The mean of lymphocytes infiltration of the group X was 401.89±70.19, it was higher compared to K+ 191.89±50.68 (p=0.000). The mean percentage of perforin expression of group X was 39.00±1.80%, it was higher compared to K+ 23.00± 3.00% (p=0.000). Conclusion: The extract of P. niruri L increases immunologic status through mechanism of lymphocytes infiltration and perforin expression elevation of colon cancer in animal mode

    The Effectiveness of Mangosteen Peels Extract Against the Total of T Lymphocytes in HIV Patients

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    Introduction: The Province of West Java is one of the highest HIV sufferers in Indonesia that has increased accumulatively in 2013 to 2014. This condition was proven that in 2014 West Java ranked 4th among the provinces with the highest HIV sufferers in Indonesia. HIV has main target to infect a cell that contains of receptor, CD4. CD4 examination routinely is very important to decide HIV replication process. Meanwhile, CD4 test in the laboratory is quite expensive and not always available in every health facilities. Mangosteen peels extract contains of xanthones as an antioxidant, which is needed for body as a prooxidant that can inhibit the replication of HIV and the activity was seen from the total number of lymphocyte. Method: The human experimental research has been done by Randomized Control Group Pretest-Post Test Design. There were 20 patients sample for each group. In group 1, HIV patients with ARV therapy were given mangosteen peels extract and in group 2, they were given placebo capsule. Wilcoxon Smith test and Mann Whitney U test were used to determine the difference between group 1 and group 2. Result: There is no significant difference between lymphocytes (p: 0.102) to HIV patients with ARV in each group examination. Discussion: The ineffectiveness is caused by the phagocytocity and cytoxity of TNF through the increasing of free radicals in HIV patients

    Ekstrak Phyllanthus Niruri Linn, Pertumbuhan Tumor dan Proliferasi Sel Kanker Kolorektal: Studi Eksperimental pada Tikus Sprague-Dawley yang Diinduksi 1,2 DMH

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    Effect of Phyllanthus niruri Linn extract on tumor growth and cell proliferation of colorectal cancer: experimental study in 1.2 DMH-induced Sprague-Dawley ratsBackground: The development of chemotherapy for colorectal cancer (CRC) is so very advanced, however, the survival of patients has not been satisfactory, therefore, the current therapy also involve immunotherapy. Phyllanthus niruri Linn (P. niruri L) may act as an immunomodulator and anticancer, but its potency has not been revealed. Study was conducted to confirm the effects of P. niruri L extract in the treatment of CRC.Method: The study was randomized posttest-only control group design. Samples were Sprague-Dawley male rats, bodyweight 170- 220 gr, were divided into two groups: non induced or negative control (K-) consisted of 9 normal rats, and induced by 1.2 DMH 30 mg/kgBW subcutaneously group consisted 30 rats. On the weeks 9, 11 and 13, four induced rats each week were sacrified to detect the development of CRC. On the weeks of 13th all of 4 rats were developed CRC, so the induction were stopped. The rest of 18 induced rats were randomly into two groups: without P. niruri L or positive control (K+)=9 rats and given P. niruri L extract 13.5 mg/kg orally or X group=9 rats. After 19th week all of rats were then terminated and tumor lesion of colon were examined macroscopically and hystophatologic tissues were stained with AgNORs for evaluate the cells proliferation. Oneway Anova and Post Hoc LSD test for the growth of colon tumor and non pairs t-test for cell proliferation were used. Considered significant if p was <0.05. Result: There was no tumor growth on K- group, while for K+ was 83.33±14.34% and on X was 40.44±13.23% (p=0.000). The mean of AgNORs on K+ was 4.60±0.55 while on X was 2.25±0.39 (p=0.000).Conclusion: The extract of P. niruri L suppress the tumor growth and cell proliferation of CRC

    Kelimpahan Aedes Spp. Di Kota Semarang, Purwokerto Dan YOGYAKARTA

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    Abundance of Aedes spp. in Semarang, Purwokerto and Yogyakarta. In Indonesia, Dengue Fever has a high morbidity rate. Incidence Rate (IR) during 39 years (1968-2007) showed a tendency to increase 00-30 per 100,000 populations, but the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) shows a decrease trend from 40% to 1.6%. Method of mosquito control that is mostly done today is chemical control methods. Unfortunately, this method is not always. A survey to find out the composition of the Aedes mosquito species in the field needs to as the first step to improve the method of vector control. This study employed a descriptive survey method, be done, taking eggs and adult mosquitoes from the three cities. From each city. Eggs and adult mosquitoes of Aedes spp from 90 ovitraps and 18 field locations were taken. Eggs obtained from Semarang, Purwokerto and Yogyakarta are 1835, 833, 1345, from 27 (30%), 22 (24,44%) and 25 (27,7%) ovitraps respectively, consisting of species A. aegypti and A. albopictus. A. aegypti and A. albopictus adults obtained in Semarang 17 (5%) and 323 (95%), in Purwokerto 6 (7%) and 81 (93%), while in Yogyakarta, 36 (25%) and 105 (75%) respectively. Research results show that in three cities A albopictus was more abundant than the A. aegypti

    Pengaruh Polifenol Mahkota Dewa terhadap Proliferasi Sel dan Apoptosis pada Mencit Strain Balb/C yang Diinduksi Benzo(a) Pyrene (BaP)

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    The effect of mahkota dewa polyphenol in the cell proliferation and apoptosis in BaP induced Balb/c ratsBackground: The polyphenol of mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa [Scheff.] Boerl) has the potency as antioxidant and anticancer which can handle free radicals, but there has not been extensive research on this. This research is aimed to prove the role of mahkota dewa polyphenol in the cell proliferation inhibition and induct lung carcinogenesis apoptosis in strain Balb/c mice which inducted with benzo(a)pyrene (BaP).Methods: Posttest control group design was carried out among 40 strain Balb/c mice sample, aged 1-2 weeks, weighed 20-30 grams, healthy mice condition. All mice were inducted with BaP and then randomized into 2 groups, as control group and the treatment group. The development of the lung tumor was observed by tissue surgery in the 8th, 17th and 26th week. The data collected were AgNORs, and IHC-TUNEL-apoptosis index dying. The data analysis was conducted using Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, One-way ANOVA, and Post hoc test LSD with significance degree of p<α (0.05).Results: The oral administration of mahkota dewa polyphenol showed significantly decreasing cell proliferation, increasing apoptosis index in treatment group in week 8, 17 and 26 (p=0.000). Carcinogenesis incidence for the treatment group week 8 and 26 were 2.32±0.26 and 3.93±0.46, while for the treatment group were 1.88±0.38 and 0.88±0.22 (p=0.000). The cell proliferations for control group week 8 and 26 were 1.57±0.12 and 2.29±0.15, while for the treatment group were 1.53±0.11 and 1.60±0.04 (p=0.000). Apoptosis index for the control group for week 8 was 0.00±0.00 and 0.92±0.22 in week 26, while the treatment group was 1.12±0.71 and 2.02±1.05 (p=0.000).Conclusion: The administration of mahkota dewa polyphenol effectively inhibited the cell proliferation activity and increased apoptosis measured by apoptosis index. Therefore polyphenol has anticancer and antioxidant activities which can inhibit lung carcinogenesis in Balb/c mice