108 research outputs found

    Fluorophore Coupling to Internal Modes of Bragg Gratings

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    Multilayer structures with two dielectrics having different optical constants and no structural features in the x−y plane can display photonic band gaps (PBGs) and are called one-dimensional photonic crystals (1DPCs). If the top layer thickness is carefully selected, the electromagnetic energy can be trapped at the top surface. These highly enhanced fields are called Bloch surface waves (BSWs). The BSW resonance angles are sensitive to the dielectric constant above the top dielectric layer. As a result, BSW structures have been used for surface plasmon resonance-like measurements without the use of a metal film. However, the emphasis on surface-localized BSWs has resulted in limited interest in fluorophore interactions with other optical modes of 1DPCs or Bragg gratings without the different thickness top layer. Herein, three different fluorescent probes were used to cover the short, center, and long wavelengths of the PBG. We demonstrate efficient coupling of fluorophores to both the BSW and internal modes (IMs) of a 1DPC. Coupling to the IM is expected to be low because of the micron-scale distances between the fluorophores and IM, which exists inside the Bragg gratings. At different wavelengths or observation angles, the IM-coupled emission (IMCE) can occur with the first three modes of the multilayer. This coupling is not dependent on a BSW mode. IMCE was also observed for a monolayer of fluorophore-labeled protein. IMCE enables sensitive detection of surface-bound fluorophores. Applications are anticipated in high sensitivity detection and super-resolution imaging

    Light-Driven Reversible Shaping of Individual Azopolymeric Micro-Pillars

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    Azopolymers are known to exhibit a strong light responsivity known as athermal photofluidization. Although the underlying physics is still under debate, athermal photofluidization has been demonstrated to trigger mass-migration according to the polarization of a proper illumination light. Here, a polymer blend is proposed wherein a commercial azo-polyelectrolyte is mixed with a passive polymer. The blend is patterned as an array of micro-pillars that are individually exposed to visible laser illumination. Thanks to the interplay between the two blend components, a reversible and controlled deformation of the micro-pillars by periodically tuning the laser polarization in time is demonstrated. A reduced mobility of the azo-compound allows to repeatibly elongate and rotate micro-pillars along specific directions, with no significant material flow outisde the initial volume and no significant degradation of the structure morphology over several cycles. The proposed work suggests new degrees of freedom in controlling the mechanical features of micro-patterned light-responsive materials that can be usefully exploited in many application fields

    Investigating femtosecond laser interaction with tellurite glass family

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    Focusing ultrafast laser pulses induce localized permanent structural modifications on the surface or in transparent materials, that are of particular interest for photonic applications. Among the materials of interest, the tellurite glass family is attractive for near-infrared and photonics applications due to its broad-transparency window and high optical nonlinearity. Here, we systematically investigate structural changes occurring in various TeO2-based glasses exposed to femtosecond laser with various laser parameters. Remarkably, in a regime where heat accumulated after successive pulses, we observed the formation of polarization-controlled self-organized patterns expanding well beyond the focal volume, suggesting the presence of an evanescent coupling mechanism enhancing the self-organization. In addition, our results, obtained with compositional elemental analysis coupled with Raman spectra suggest different ion migration mechanisms in the laser affected zone at the surface and inside the glass. The formation of crystalline tellurium (t-Te) from glass structural units due to photo-induced elemental dissociation was observed only at the surface. The formation of ultrathin layer of crystalline tellurium offers the possibility to explore structural transitions in two-dimensional (2D) glasses by observing changes in the short- and medium- range structural orders, induced by spatial confinement

    Tunable topological edge modes in Su–Schrieffer–Heeger arrays

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    A potential weakness of topological waveguides is that they act on a fixed narrow band of frequencies. However, by 3D printing samples from a photo-responsive polymer, we can obtain a device whose operating frequency can be fine-tuned dynamically using laser excitation. This greatly enhances existing static tunability strategies, typically based on modifying the geometry. We use a version of the classical Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model to demonstrate our approach

    Fluorescence diffraction assisted by Bloch surface waves on a one-dimensional photonic crystal

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    The use of linear and circular subwavelength gratings for improving the fluorescence extraction from organic dyes spotted on the surface of a one-dimensional photonic crystal is demonstrated. The one-dimensional photonic crystal hosting the gratings allows Bloch surface waves (BSWs) to be coupled in the visible range. We provide experimental evidence for the distributed diffraction of BSW-coupled fluorescence that is locally excited using a microscope-based setup. By diffracting the BSW-coupled fluorescence, a significant improvement in the total fluorescence collection is obtained as compared to a flat one-dimensional photonic crystal

    Optical response with threefold symmetry axis on oriented microdomains of opal photonic crystals

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    The paper deals with three-dimensional photonic crystals known as artificial opals, namely, fcc lattices of dielectric spheres: such systems have been the subject of numerous investigations. Opal photonic crystals viewed along the [111] direction of the fcc structure have a threefold symmetry axis; however this microscopic symmetry is difficult to observe in optical measurements performed on macroscopic areas containing microdomains with different orientations. In this work polarized transmittance measurements on [111]-stacked silica opals with single oriented microdomains, identified by field-emission scanning electron microscopy and laser-scanning confocal microscopy, demonstrate different optical response of twin structures with the two possible vertical stacking sequences. A detailed comparison with theory shows that microtransmittance experiments probe the photonic band structure along the Gamma-L-K and Gamma-L-U orientations of the Brillouin zone, respectively, thus giving conclusive evidence for macroscopic optical response related to the presence of a threefold (instead of a sixfold) symmetry axis in the photonic microstructure. The paper arises from a collaboration between the University of Pavia and the Politecnico di Torino

    Fully Metal-Coated Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Probes with Spiral Corrugations for Superfocusing under Arbitrarily Oriented Linearly Polarised Excitation

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    We study the effect of a spiral corrugation on the outer surface of a fully metal-coated scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) probe using the finite element method. The introduction of a novel form of asymmetry, devoid of any preferential spatial direction and covering the whole angular range of the originally axisymmetric tip, allows attaining strong field localization for a linearly polarised mode with arbitrary orientation. Compared to previously proposed asymmetric structures which require linearly polarised excitation properly oriented with respect to the asymmetry, such a configuration enables significant simplification in mode injection. In fact, not only is the need for the delicate procedure to generate radially polarised beams overcome, but also the relative alignment between the linearly polarised beam and the tip modification is no longer critical

    Near-field polarization measurements based on two arbitrary, orthogonal optical field components

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    Using a multi-heterodyne scanning near-field optical microscope, we detect two arbitrary, orthogonal components of the near field. A numerical treatment of the experimental data allows the retrieval of the transverse and longitudinal components of the modes propagating in a waveguide for Bloch surface waves
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