35 research outputs found

    Interval Constraint-Based Mutation Testing of Numerical Specifications

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    Interactive Synthesis of Temporal Specifications from Examples and Natural Language

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    REST: Integrating Term Rewriting with Program Verification (Extended Version)

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    We introduce REST, a novel term rewriting technique for theorem proving that uses online termination checking and can be integrated with existing program verifiers. REST enables flexible but terminating term rewriting for theorem proving by: (1) exploiting newly-introduced term orderings that are more permissive than standard rewrite simplification orderings; (2) dynamically and iteratively selecting orderings based on the path of rewrites taken so far; and (3) integrating external oracles that allow steps that cannot be justified with rewrite rules. Our REST approach is designed around an easily implementable core algorithm, parameterizable by choices of term orderings and their implementations; in this way our approach can be easily integrated into existing tools. We implemented REST as a Haskell library and incorporated it into Liquid Haskell's evaluation strategy, extending Liquid Haskell with rewriting rules. We evaluated our REST implementation by comparing it against both existing rewriting techniques and E-matching and by showing that it can be used to supplant manual lemma application in many existing Liquid Haskell proofs

    Dandelion: Certified Approximations of Elementary Functions

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    Elementary function operations such as sin and exp cannot in general be computed exactly on today's digital computers, and thus have to be approximated. The standard approximations in library functions typically provide only a limited set of precisions, and are too inefficient for many applications. Polynomial approximations that are customized to a limited input domain and output accuracy can provide superior performance. In fact, the Remez algorithm computes the best possible approximation for a given polynomial degree, but has so far not been formally verified. This paper presents Dandelion, an automated certificate checker for polynomial approximations of elementary functions computed with Remez-like algorithms that is fully verified in the HOL4 theorem prover. Dandelion checks whether the difference between a polynomial approximation and its target reference elementary function remains below a given error bound for all inputs in a given constraint. By extracting a verified binary with the CakeML compiler, Dandelion can validate certificates within a reasonable time, fully automating previous manually verified approximations

    A Two-Phase Approach for Conditional Floating-Point Verification

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    Sound reasoning about integral data types with a reusable SMT solver interface

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    We extend the Leon verification system for Scala with support for bit-vector reasoning, thus addressing one of its fundamental soundness limitation with respect to the treatment of integers primitives. We leverage significant progresses recently achieved in SMT solving by developing a solver-independent interface to easily configure the back-end of Leon. Our interface is based on the emerging SMT-LIB standard for SMT solvers, and we release a Scala library offering full support for the latest version of the standard. We use the standard BigInt Scala library to represent mathematical integers, whereas we correctly model Int as 32-bit integers. We ensure safety of arithmetic by checking for division by zero and correctly modeling division and modulo. We conclude with a performance comparison between the sound representation of Ints and the cleaner abstract representation using mathematical integers, and discuss the trade-off involved

    Automatic Verification of Finite Precision Implementations of Linear Controllers

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    We consider the problem of verifying finite precision implementation of linear time-invariant controllers against mathematical specifications. A specification may have multiple correct implementations which are different from each other in controller state representation, but equivalent from a perspective of input-output behavior (e.g., due to optimization in a code generator). The implementations may use finite precision computations (e.g. floating-point arithmetic) which cause quantization (i.e., roundoff) errors. To address these challenges, we first extract a controller\u27s mathematical model from the implementation via symbolic execution and floating-point error analysis, and then check approximate input-output equivalence between the extracted model and the specification by similarity checking. We show how to automatically verify the correctness of floating-point controller implementation in C language using the combination of techniques such as symbolic execution and convex optimization problem solving. We demonstrate the scalability of our approach through evaluation with randomly generated controller specifications of realistic size

    Sound Mixed-Precision Optimization with Rewriting

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    Formally Verified Roundoff Errors Using SMT-based Certificates and Subdivisions

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    When compared to idealized, real-valued arithmetic, finite precision arithmetic introduces unavoidable errors, for which numerous tools compute sound upper bounds. To ensure soundness, providing formal guarantees on these complex tools is highly valuable

    Counterexample- and Simulation-Guided Floating-Point Loop Invariant Synthesis

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