1,332 research outputs found
Intransitive predicate form class survey
Different linguistic structures allow us to highlight distinct aspects of a situation. The aim of this survey is to investigate similarities and differences in the expression of situations or events as “stative” (maintaining a state), “inchoative” (adopting a state) and “agentive” (causing something to be in a state). The questionnaire focuses on the encoding of stative, inchoative and agentive possibilities for the translation equivalents of a set of English verbs
Dark matter in elliptical galaxies
We present measurements of the shape of the stellar line-of-sight velocity
distribution out to two effective radii along the major axes of the four
elliptical galaxies NGC 2434, 2663, 3706, and 5018. The velocity dispersion
profiles are flat or decline gently with radius. We compare the data to the
predictions of f=f(E,L_z) axisymmetric models with and without dark matter.
Strong tangential anisotropy is ruled out at large radii. We conclude from our
measurements that massive dark halos must be present in three of the four
galaxies, while for the fourth galaxy (NGC 2663) the case is inconclusive.Comment: 15 pages, uuencoded compressed PostScript, includes 3 figure
Agbar v. IDF Commander in Judaea and Samaria
Facts: In 2007, an administrative detention order was made against the petitioner in HCJ 9441/07 on the ground that he was active in the Hamas organization and presented a threat to security in the territories. The order was made for six months and was subsequently renewed for an additional period of six months.
In 2006, an administrative detention order was made against the petitioner in HCJ 9454/07 on the ground that he was active in the Popular Front terrorist organization and presented a threat to security in the territories. The order was made for six months and was subsequently renewed for two further periods of six months.
The petitioners claimed that there was no evidence to show they presented a threat to security. The respondents argued, on the basis of privileged evidence, that the two petitioners did indeed present a threat to security.
Held: The main difficulty in administrative detention cases is that much of the evidence is privileged, because of the concern of revealing sources and intelligence methods and witnesses’ fears with regard to appearing in court. The risks in these contexts are real. A detainee does not have a proper and complete opportunity of defending himself against what is alleged against him; he is not shown most of the evidence, he cannot examine it and he is unable to conduct a cross-examination. This requires the court to be especially careful and to examine the evidence brought before it very carefully. When doing so, the court should regard itself as being a ‘temporary defence counsel.’
Administrative detention is the last resort. Because of the manifestly problematic nature of administrative detention, every effort should be made to bring the detainee to a criminal trial.
In the specific cases, the evidence against the petitioners was sufficiently serious to justify their continued detention. JUSTICE
Prozansky v. Layla Tov Productions Ltd.
The respondent operates a clubhouse known as Truman Capote in Rehovot. As part of clubhouse policy, the respondent fixed the following minimal entry ages for visitors: for men – those born in 1982, and for women – those born in 1984. The applicant was born in 1984. On 25 April, 2008 the applicant came to the clubhouse operated by the respondent and by reason of his age was denied entry. On other occasions too the applicant was denied entry by reason of his age. Accordingly, the applicant filed a monetary claim in the Small Claims Court for the sum of NIS 30,000, claiming that he had been illegally discriminated against, in contravention of the Prohibition of Discrimination Law.
The respondent submitted a statement of defence and the plaintiff submitted a response, and a hearing date was scheduled. On the scheduled date however, the respondent failed to attend and the Small Claims court decided to examine the pleadings before giving its decision.
In its decision the Small Claims Court ruled that despite the non-attendance of a representative on the respondent\u27s behalf, the claim should nonetheless be dismissed, for the reason that the Prohibition of Discrimination Law does not prohibit age-based discrimination with respect to entry into public places as defined in the Law.
The applicant filed an application for leave to appeal in the District Court against the decision of the Small Claims Court
Getting Jobs, Keeping Jobs, and Earning a Living Wage: Can Welfare Reform Work?
Most discussions of welfare and work have focused on how demographic characteristics, schooling, training, and work experience limit welfare mothers’ employment and wages, but they have largely ignored factors such as inappropriate workplace behaviors, expectations of discrimination and harassment, depression, alcoholism, and domestic violence, all of which may affect welfare mothers and make employment difficult. In this paper we review the prevalence of these individual-level barriers and argue that they, in combination with an economy which does not pay low-skill workers well, are likely to impede employment and self-sufficiency for a large proportion of welfare mothers. At the end of the review, we summarize the current state of knowledge about barriers to the employment of welfare recipients and suggest several ways in which welfare-to-work programs might address these barriers.
Detection of a light echo from SN1998bu
About 500d after explosion the light curve of the Type Ia SN1998bu suddenly
flattened and at the same time the spectrum changed from the typical nebular
emission to a blue continuum with broad absorption and emission features
reminiscent of the SN spectrum at early phases. We show that in analogy to
SN1991Tbu (Schmidt et al. 1994), this can be explained by the emergence of a
light echo from a foreground dust cloud. Based on a simple model we argue that
the amount of dust required can consistently explain the extinction which has
been estimated by completely independent methods. Because of the similar echo
luminosity but much higher optical depth of the dust in SN1998bu compared with
SN1991T, we expect that the echo ring size of SN1998bu grows faster than in
SN1991T. HST observations have indeed confirmed this prediction.Comment: 5 pages (including 3 figures) - Accepted for pubblication in ApJ
HST Observations of the Optical Jets of PKS 0521-365, 3C371, and PKS 2201+044
HST observations have led to the discovery of the optical counterpart of the
radio jet of PKS 2201+044, and to a detailed analysis of the optical jets of
PKS 0521-365 and 3C371. At HST spatial resolution these jets are well resolved,
displaying knotty morphologies. When compared with radio maps of appropriate
resolution, a clear one-to-one correspondence between optical and radio
structures is found, showing that all detected optical structures are indeed
related to the radio synchrotron emission. Photometry of the brightest knots
shows that the radio-to-optical spectral index and the derived intensity of the
equipartition magnetic field are approximately constant along the jet. Thus,
present observations suggest that the electron energy distribution does not
change significantly all along the jet.Comment: Accepted for publications on the Astrphysical Journal. Contains 14
pages and 5 figure
Supernova 1996L: evidence of a strong wind episode before the explosion
Observations of the type II SN 1996L reveal the presence of a slowly
expanding (V~700$ km/s) shell at ~ 10^(16) cm from the exploding star. Narrow
emission features are visible in the early spectra superposed on the normal SN
spectrum. Within about two months these features develop narrow symmetric
P-Cygni profiles. About 100 days after the explosion the light curve suddenly
flattens, the spectral lines broaden and the Halpha flux becomes larger than
what is expected from a purely radioactive model. These events are interpreted
as signatures of the onset of the interaction between the fast moving ejecta
and a slowly moving outer shell of matter ejected before the SN explosion. At
about 300 days the narrow lines disappear and the flux drops until the SN fades
away, suggesting that the interaction phase is over and that the shell has been
swept away. Simple calculations show that the superwind episode started 9 yr
before the SN explosion and lasted 6 yr, with an average dM/dt=10^(-3)
M_solar/yr. Even at very late epochs (up to day 335) the typical forbidden
lines of [OI], CaII], [FeII] remain undetected or very weak. Spectra after day
270 show relatively strong emission lines of HeI. These lines are narrower than
other emission lines coming from the SN ejecta, but broader than those from the
CSM. These high excitation lines are probably the result of non-thermal
excitation and ionization caused by the deposition of the gamma-rays emitted in
the decay of radioactive material mixed in the He layer.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Latex, To appear in M.N.R.A.
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