66 research outputs found

    Pathogenic Potential to Humans of Bovine Escherichia coli O26, Scotland

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    Escherichia coli O26 and O157 have similar overall prevalences in cattle in Scotland, but in humans, Shiga toxin–producing E. coli O26 infections are fewer and clinically less severe than E. coli O157 infections. To investigate this discrepancy, we genotyped E. coli O26 isolates from cattle and humans in Scotland and continental Europe. The genetic background of some strains from Scotland was closely related to that of strains causing severe infections in Europe. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling found an association between hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and multilocus sequence type 21 strains and confirmed the role of stx<sub>2</sub> in severe human disease. Although the prevalences of E. coli O26 and O157 on cattle farms in Scotland are equivalent, prevalence of more virulent strains is low, reducing human infection risk. However, new data on E. coli O26–associated HUS in humans highlight the need for surveillance of non-O157 enterohemorrhagic E. coli and for understanding stx<sub>2</sub> phage acquisition

    Engaging Sources: Information Literacy and theFreshman Research Paper (Part II)

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    The colonization of Ireland by mammals, has been the subject of extensive study using genetic methods, and forms a central problem in understanding the phylo-geography of European mammals after the Last Glacial Maximum. Ireland exhibits a de-pauperate mammal fauna relative to Great Britain and continental Europe, and a range of natural and anthropogenic processes have given rise to its modern fauna. Previous Europe-wide surveys of the European badger (Meles meles) have found conflicting microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA evidence in Irish populations, suggesting Irish badgers have arisen from admixture between human imported British and Scandinavian animals. . The extent and history of contact between British and Irish badger populations remains unclear. We use comprehensive genetic data from Great Britain and Ireland to demonstrate that badgers in Ireland’s northeastern and southeastern counties are genetically similar to contemporary British populations. Simulation analyses suggest this admixed population arose in Ireland 600-700 (CI 100-2600) years before present most likely through introduction of British badgers by people. These findings add to our knowledge of the complex colonization history of Ireland by mammals, and the central role of humans in facilitating it

    Northern Ireland farm-level management factors for prolonged bovine tuberculosis herd breakdowns.

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    Publication history: Accepted - 16 September 2020; Published online - 28 September 2020This study determined farm management factors associated with long-duration bovine tuberculosis (bTB) breakdowns disclosed in the period 23 May 2016 to 21 May 2018; a study area not previously subject to investigation in Northern Ireland. A farm-level epidemiological investigation (n = 2935) was completed when one or more Single Intradermal Comparative Cervical Test (SICCT) reactors or when one or more confirmed (positive histological and/or bacteriological result) lesion at routine slaughter were disclosed. A case-control study design was used to construct an explanatory set of management factors associated with long-duration bTB herd breakdowns; with a case (n = 191) defined as an investigation into a breakdown of 365 days or longer. Purchase of infected animal(s) had the strongest association as the most likely source of infection for long-duration bTB herd breakdowns followed by badgers and then cattle-to-cattle contiguous herd spread. However, 73.5% (95% CI 61.1–85.9%) of the herd type contributing to the purchase of infection source were defined as beef fattening herds. This result demonstrates two subpopulations of prolonged bTB breakdowns, the first being beef fattening herds with main source continuous purchase of infected animals and a second group of primary production herds (dairy, beef cows and mixed) with risk from multiple sources

    Monitoring Mycobacterium bovis in Eurasian badgers ( Meles meles ) killed by vehicles in Northern Ireland between 1998 and 2011

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    Despite extensive long-term eradication programmes, bovine tuberculosis (bTB) remains endemic in much of the British Isles. The cost of the national eradication programme in Northern Ireland was estimated at £23 million in 2010/2011.1 There is evidence that badgers play a role in the maintenance and spread of Mycobacterium bovis to cattle (as reviewed by Allen and others2). Northern Ireland is a small country (13,843 km2) with an agricultural land that is dominated by grass production, which supports 1.6 million cattle among 20,000 farms.3 The estimated badger population of 34,100 (95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 26,200 to 42,000) is widespread and contained within 7600 social groups (95 per cent CI 6200 to 9000).4 A road traffic accident (RTA) survey began in 1998 in Northern Ireland with the aim of describing the occurrence of M bovis within the badger population

    Northern Ireland Farm Level Management Factors for Recurrent Bovine Tuberculosis Herd Breakdowns

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    Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a chronic, infectious and zoonotic disease of domestic and wild animals caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis. This study investigated farm management factors associated to recurrent bTB herd breakdowns (n=2935) disclosed in the period 23/05/2016 to 21/05/2018 and is a follow up to our 2020 paper which looked at long duration bTB herd breakdowns. A case control study design was used to construct an explanatory set of farm level management factors associated to recurrent bTB herd breakdowns. In Northern Ireland, a Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Veterinarian investigates bTB herd breakdowns using standardised guidelines to allocate a disease source. In this study, source was strongly linked to carryover of infection, suggesting that the diagnostic tests had failed to clear herd infection during the breakdown period. Other results from this study associated to recurrent bTB herd breakdowns were herd size and type (dairy herds 43% of cases), with both these variables intrinsically linked. Other associated risk factors were time of application of slurry, badger access to silage clamps, badger setts in the locality, cattle grazing silage fields immediately post-harvest, number of parcels of land the farmer associated with bTB, number of land parcels used for grazing and region of the country

    The impact of BCG strains and repeat vaccinations on immunodiagnostic tests in Eurasian badgers (Meles meles)

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    Publication history: Accepted - 29 June 2022; Published online - 9July 2022.Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a potential tool in the control of Mycobacterium bovis in European badgers (Meles meles). A five year Test and Vaccinate or Remove (TVR) research intervention project commenced in 2014 using two BCG strains (BCG Copenhagen 1331 (Years 1–3/ BadgerBCG) and BCG Sofia SL2222 (Years 4–5). Badgers were recaptured around 9 weeks after the Year 5 vaccination and then again a year later. The Dual-Path Platform (DPP) Vet TB assay was used to detect serological evidence of M. bovis infection. Of the 48 badgers, 47 had increased Line 1 readings (MPB83 antigen) between the Year 5 vaccination and subsequent recapture. The number of BCG Sofia vaccinations influenced whether a badger tested positive to the recapture DPP VetTB assay Line 1 (p < 0.001) while the number of BadgerBCG vaccinations did not significantly affect recapture Line 1 results (p = 0.59). Line 1 relative light units (RLU) were more pronounced in tests run with sera than whole blood. The results from an in_house MPB83 ELISA results indicated that the WB DPP VetTB assay may not detect lower MPB83 IgG levels as well as the serum DPP VetTB assay. Changes in interferon gamma assay (IFN-γ) results were seen in 2019 with significantly increased CFP-10 and PPDB readings. Unlike BadgerBCG, BCG Sofia induces an immune response to MPB83 (the immune dominant antigen in M. bovis badger infection) that then affects the use of immunodiagnostic tests. The use of the DPP VetTB assay in recaptured BCG Sofia vaccinated badgers within the same trapping season is precluded and caution should be used in badgers vaccinated with BCG Sofia in previous years. The results suggest that the DPP VetTB assay can be used with confidence in badgers vaccinated with BadgerBCG as a single or repeated doses.This work was funded by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Northern Ireland (DAERA)

    Genetic evidence further elucidates the history and extent of badger introductions from Great Britain into Ireland

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    This is the final version. Available from Royal Society via the DOI in this record. The colonization of Ireland by mammals has been the subject of extensive study using genetic methods and forms a central problem in understanding the phylogeography of European mammals after the Last Glacial Maximum. Ireland exhibits a depauperate mammal fauna relative to Great Britain and continental Europe, and a range of natural and anthropogenic processes have given rise to its modern fauna. Previous Europe-wide surveys of the European badger (Meles meles) have found conflicting microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA evidence in Irish populations, suggesting Irish badgers have arisen from admixture between human imported British and Scandinavian animals. The extent and history of contact between British and Irish badger populations remains unclear. We use comprehensive genetic data from Great Britain and Ireland to demonstrate that badgers in Ireland's northeastern and southeastern counties are genetically similar to contemporary British populations. Simulation analyses suggest this admixed population arose in Ireland 600-700 (CI 100-2600) years before present most likely through introduction of British badgers by people. These findings add to our knowledge of the complex colonization history of Ireland by mammals and the central role of humans in facilitating it.DAERA-NINER

    A Bayesian analysis of a Test and Vaccinate or Remove study to control bovine tuberculosis in badgers (Meles meles)

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    Publication history: Accepted - 13 January 2021; Published - 28 January 2021.A novel five year Test and Vaccinate or Remove (TVR) wildlife research intervention project in badgers (Meles meles) commenced in 2014 in a 100km2 area of Northern Ireland. It aimed to increase the evidence base around badgers and bovine TB and help create well-informed and evidence-based strategies to address the issue of cattle-to-cattle spread and spread between cattle and badgers. It involved real-time trap-side testing of captured badgers and vaccinating those that tested negative for bTB (BadgerBCG–BCG Danish 1331) and removal of those that tested bTB positive using the Dual-Path Platform VetTB test (DPP) for cervids (Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Medford, NY USA). Four diagnostic tests were utilised within the study interferon gamma release assay (IGRA), culture (clinical samples and post mortem), DPP using both whole blood and DPP using serum. BCG Sofia (SL222) was used in the final two years because of supply issues with BadgerBCG. Objectives for this study were to evaluate the performance of the DPP in field conditions and whether any trend was apparent in infection prevalence over the study period. A Bayesian latent class model of diagnostic test evaluation in the absence of a gold standard was applied to the data. Temporal variation in the sensitivity of DPP and interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) due to the impact of control measures was investigated using logistic regression and individual variability was assessed. Bayesian latent class analysis estimated DPP with serum to have a sensitivity of 0.58 (95% CrI: 0.40–0.76) and specificity of 0.97 (95% CrI: 0.95–0.98). The DPP with whole blood showed a higher sensitivity (0.69 (95% CrI: 0.48–0.88)) but similar specificity (0.98 (95% Crl: 0.96–0.99)). The change from BCG Danish to BCG Sofia significantly impacted on DPP serum test characteristics. In addition, there was weak evidence of increasing sensitivity of IGRA over time and differences in DPP test sensitivity between adults and cubs. An exponential decline model was an appropriate representation of the infection prevalence over the 5 years, with a starting prevalence of 14% (95% CrI: 0.10–0.20), and an annual reduction of 39.1% (95% CrI: 26.5–50.9). The resulting estimate of infection prevalence in year 5 of the study was 1.9% (95% CrI: 0.8–3.8). These results provide field evidence of a statistically significant reduction in badger TB prevalence supporting a TVR approach to badger intervention. They give confidence in the reliability and reproducibility in the DPP Whole Blood as a real time trap-side diagnostic test for badgers, and describe the effect of vaccination and reduced infection prevalence on test characteristics.The study was funded by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland (DAERA)
