4,429 research outputs found

    Life Between Construction Sites and Reconfiguring Public Space: The Current Case of Istanbul

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    The recent urban transformation and redevelopment of Istanbul has been associated with gentrification resulting from the neoliberal policies of the current government. This inevitably has changed and shaped daily life, streets, neighbourhoods and created a city that seems to be constantly under reconstruction. With almost half of the building stock in Istanbul listed to be demolished, life is experienced in and around construction sites. Public spaces, streets and neighbourhoods are being reconfigured, transformed, emptied, and even demolished. The fundamental question of this research is this impact of the mass redevelopment of Istanbul on the use and experience of public space. What drives the government’s urban redevelopment agenda, how life between buildings has become life between construction sites, and what it means to live one’s everyday life surrounded by construction projects form the secondary questions. The research investigates three areas in Istanbul (Balat, Caddebostan and Karakoy) through a micro-ethnographic study which includes economic, visual, sensory, and observational methods, together with a review of redevelopment policies and laws implemented by the government. The findings suggest that the construction sites are in every corner of the city and creating noise, dirt, and dust, as well as changing visionscapes, soundscapes and smellscapes. This systematic ‘cleansing’ is not only blocking traffic and closing streets to accommodate constructions but it also breaks nodes, edges, and linkages, damages them temporarily or sometimes demolishes them completely in a spatial and relational sense. The chain of continuity in certain neighbourhoods is being reconfigured and the collective memory of places are being erased physically, sensorially, and emotionally. The research further argues that a secular versus postsecular dichotomy has emerged and the government’s postsecular Islamist ideology is erasing secular memory, while giving ‘rights to the city’ to certain groups of people

    Polarization Beam Splitter Based on Self-Collimation of a Hybrid Photonic Crystal

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    A photonic crystal polarization beam splitter based on photonic band gap and self-collimation effects is designed for optical communication wavelengths. The photonic crystal structure consists of a polarization-insensitive self-collimation region and a splitting region. TM- and TE-polarized waves propagate without diffraction in the self-collimation region, whereas they split by 90 degrees in the splitting region. Efficiency of more than 75% for TM- and TE-polarized light is obtained for a polarization beam splitter size of only 17 μm x 17 μm in a wavelength interval of 60 nm including 1.55 μm

    Purgative method in Shang Han Lun

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    Purgative method (Xia Fa –下法) was one of eight methods (八法)in Shang Han Lun (伤寒论 Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Disease)by Zhang Zhong-jing (张仲景) in the East Han Dynasty (3rd century AD). This method functions in relieving constipation and eliminating indigested food-excessive heat from the gastrointestinal tract, and was mainly used for treatment of the yang ming fu zheng (the yang brightness fu-organ syndrome). Under this method in Shang Han Lun, there are 5 main formulae for different indications in yang ming fu zheng (阳明腑证yang brightness fu-organ syndrome) – they are Tiaowei Chengqi Tang (调胃承气汤 Stomach-Regulating Purgative Decoction), Xiao Chengqi Tang (小承气汤 Minor Purgative Decoction), Da Chengqi Tang (大承气汤 Major Purgative Decoction), Maziren Wan (麻子仁丸 Hemp Seed Pill) and Guan Chang Fa(灌肠法Enema for Constipation). There are also a number of formulae that combine purgative method with other methods. In this article, we will discuss the 5 formulae listed above, and then another 3 formulae that combine purgative with other methods

    Tonifying method in Shang Han Lun

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    Tonifying method is one of the eight therapeutic methods introduced in Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage伤寒论) written by Zhang Ji (Zhang Zhongjing) in the Eastern Han Dynasty (3th century). This method functions in invigorating qi, blood, yin and yang, and it is used for various deficiency syndromes. In this article, two representative formulae will be introduced: Xiao Jian Zhong Tang (Minor Centre-Fortifying Decoction小建中汤) and Zhigancao Tang (Prepared Licorice Decoction炙甘草汤)

    Warming method in Shang Han Lun

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    Warming method is one of the eight therapeutic methods introduced in Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage伤寒论) written by Zhang Ji (Zhang Zhong-jing) in the Eastern Han Dynasty (3th century). This method has the efficacies to eliminate pathogenic cold and recover yang-qi by means of warming interior and expelling cold,restoring yang and rescuing the patient from collapse. In Shang Han Lun, warming method was mostly used for treating interior cold syndromes of Taiyin Disease and Shaoyin Disease. In this paper, we have chosen 4 representative formulae of this category to be introduced to the readers: Li Zhong Wan (Middle–Regulating Pill理中丸), Si Ni Tang (Cold-Extremities Decoction四逆汤), Wuzhuyu Tang (Evodia Decoction 吴茱萸汤) and Danggui Si Ni Tang (Angelica Cold–Extremities Decoction当归四逆汤)

    Sweating method in Shang Han Lun

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    Sweating method(汗法)is the first therapeutic methods described in Shang Han Lun (伤寒论Treatise on Cold Damage Disease)by Zhang Zhongjing in the East Han Dynasty (3rd century AD, about 200-219 AD). This method is mainly used for treating exterior syndrome of Taiyang Disease (Greater Yang) Disease. Its first representative formula is Mahuang Tang (麻黄汤 Ephedra Decoction). Additionally, there are many other formulas that can also be classified in the category of sweating method to treat associated or deteriorated syndromes mainly in Taiyang Disease. These formulae are: Gegen Tang (葛根汤 Pueraria Decoction) Da Qinglong Tang(大青龙汤 Major Blue Dragon Decoction) Xiao Qinglong Tang (小青龙汤 Minor Blue Dragon Decoction) Mahuang Xingren Gancao Shigao Tang(麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤Ephedra, Bitter Apricot Seed, Licorice and Gypsum Decoction) Guizhi Mahuang Ge Ban Tang (桂枝麻黄各半汤Half Cinnamon Half Ephedra Decoction), Guizhi Er Mahuang Yi Tang (桂枝二麻黄一汤Two Cinnamon One Ephedra Decoction) Mahuang Xixin Fuzi Tang(麻黄细辛附子汤Ephedra, Asarum and Aconite Decoction) Mahuang Fuzi Gancao Tang (麻黄附子甘草汤 Ephedra,Aconite and Licorice Decoction

    Resolving method in Shang Han Lun

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    Resolving method (Xiao Fa 消法) is one of the eight therapeutic methods in Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage) written by Zhang Zhong-jing in the East Han Dynasty (3th century, about 200-219 AD). Resolving method (Xiao Fa 消法) is through the promotion of digestion and dispersion of accumulation or lumps to eliminate pathogens and the stagnation of qi (气), blood (血), phlegm (痰), retained food (食), water (水), parasites (虫) and the like. It will gradually disperse them so that eventually all the accumulation and stagnation will disappear. The concept of Resolving method (Xiao Fa 消法) is quite wide ranging and the condition this method treats are quite diverse. For example, resolving phlegm, removing damp, expelling parasites, regulating qi and regulating blood are all within the wide concept of Resolving method (Xiao Fa 消法). In modern TCM practice, Resolving method (Xiao Fa 消法) is normally referring to clearing stagnated food and to disperse lumps, masses and accumulations. In Shang Han Lun, though, Resolving method (Xiao Fa 消法), there are examples for regulating the flow of qi , such as Sini San (四逆散Powder for Treating Cold Limbs); sending down abnormally ascending qi, such as Xuanfu Dezhe Tang (旋复代赭汤Decoction of Inula and Red Ochre); clearing away phlegm and heat in the chest, such as Xiao Xianxiong Tang (小陷胸汤Minor Chest Bind Decoction); promoting blood circulation,, such as Didang Tang (抵当汤Resistant and Withstanding Decoction) and Didang Wan (抵当丸Resistant and Withstanding Pill); removing dampness by dieresis, such as Zhuling Tang (猪苓汤Polyporus Decoction); and eliminating parasites, such as Wumei Wan (乌梅丸 Mume Pill)

    Emetic method in Shang Han Lun

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    Emetic method is one of the eight therapeutic methods in Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damager) written by Zhang Zhong-jing in the East Han Dynasty (3th century). It was the least used treatment method in Shang Han Lun, but it will not be complete if this method is not discussed in our series. Emetics method makes the patient vomit so as to expel phlegm, undigested food, or toxic substances from the throat, the thoracic cavity or the stomach. The representative formula is Guadi San (Melon Stalk Powder)