12,097 research outputs found

    Primes in short intervals on curves over finite fields

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    We prove an analogue of the Prime Number Theorem for short intervals on a smooth projective geometrically irreducible curve of arbitrary genus over a finite field. A short interval “of size E” in this setting is any additive translate of the space of global sections of a sufficiently positive divisor E by a suitable rational function f. Our main theorem gives an asymptotic count of irreducible elements in short intervals on a curve in the “large q” limit, uniformly in f and E. This result provides a function field analogue of an unresolved short interval conjecture over number fields, and extends a theorem of Bary-Soroker, Rosenzweig, and the first author, which can be understood as an instance of our result for the special case of a divisor E supported at a single rational point on the projective line

    Gas diffusion liquid storage bag and method of use for storing blood

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    The shelf life of stored whole blood may be doubled by adding a buffer which maintains a desired pH level. However, this buffer causes the generation of CO2 which, if not removed at a controlled rate, causes the pH value of the blood to decrease, which shortens the useful life of the blood. A blood storage bag is described which permits the CO2 to be diffused out at a controlled rate into the atmosphere, thereby maintaining the desired pH value and providing a bag strong enough to permit handling

    The new resilience of emerging and developing countries: systemic interlocking, currency swaps and geoeconomics

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    The vulnerability/resilience nexus that defined the interaction between advanced and developing economies in the post-WWII era is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Yet, most of the debate in the current literature is focusing on the structural constraints faced by the Emerging and Developing Countries (EDCs) and the lack of changes in the formal structures of global economic governance. This paper challenges this literature and its conclusions by focusing on the new conditions of systemic interlocking between advanced and emerging economies, and by analysing how large EDCs have built and are strengthening their economic resilience. We find that a significant redistribution of ‘policy space’ between advanced and emerging economies have taken place in the global economy. We also find that a number of seemingly technical currency swap agreements among EDCs have set in motion changes in the very structure of global trade and finance. These developments do not signify the end of EDCs’ vulnerability towards advanced economies. They signify however that the economic and geoeconomic implications of this vulnerability have changed in ways that constrain the options available to advanced economies and pose new challenges for the post-WWII economic order
