33 research outputs found

    Восемь законов логики для судебного эксперта-строителя

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    Forensic experts’ primary and additional professional education does not include such a subject as logic. At the same time, knowledge of logic is crucial at all stages of the examination process. Filling this gap, the authors of this article reveal the content of the fundamental laws of logic and demonstrate their role in the cognitive activity of knowledgeable persons who implement their specialized (primarily construction and technical) knowledge in court proceedings. This paper deals successively with such laws of logic as the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded middle, the law of sufficient reason, the law of double negation, Clavius’s law, the law of contraposition, and laws of division (the dichotomy of logic) concerning various investigative and forensic situations. The projection of these laws of logic on the intellectual operations performed by experts will allow, from the authors’ point of view, to give the process of forensic examinations greater clarity and consistency, which, ultimately, should ensure an increase in its efficiency and quality of results. Logically verified approaches to work will also reduce time and financial costs.Базовое и дополнительное профессиональное образование судебных экспертов не включает такую дисциплину, как логика. Вместе с тем знание логики необходимо на всех стадиях производства экспертизы. Восполняя этот пробел, авторы статьи раскрывают содержание основных законов логики, их значение в познавательной деятельности сведущих лиц, реализующих свои специальные (прежде всего строительно-технические) знания в судопроизводстве. Применительно к различным следственно- и судебно-экспертным ситуациям последовательно рассмотрены закон тождества, закон противоречия, закон исключенного третьего, закон достаточного основания, закон двойного отрицания, закон Клавия, закон контрапозиции и законы деления (дихотомии логики). Проекция указанных законов логики на мыслительные операции, выполняемые экспертами, позволит с точки зрения авторов сделать процесс производства судебных экспертиз более четким и последовательным, что повысит его эффективность и качество. Логически выверенные подходы к работе позволят сократить временные и финансовые затраты

    Anxiety and neurometabolite levels in the hippocampus and amygdala after prolonged exposure to predator-scent stress

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    Here, to study the relationship between anxiety levels with changes in the neurometabolic profile in the hippocampus and amygdala, an experimental predator stress model was reproduced in which Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to cat urine for 10 minutes on a daily basis for 10 days. At the time of presentation of the stimulus, an online survey of behavioral reactions was conducted. Fear, aggressiveness, avoidance of stimulus and grooming were recorded. Fourteen days after the completion of the last stress exposure, the total level of anxiety was determined in the test of the“cross maze”. Using the method of in vivo NMR spectroscopy, the content of neurometabolites was determined in the hippocampus and in the amygdala. According to the peculiarities of behavioral reactions to a stressor, animals were retrospectively divided into two phenotypes. The first phenotype used a passive behavioral strategy, and the second phenotype was active. In animals of the first phenotype, the indicators of anxiety behavior remained at the control level. In animals of the second phenotype, a decrease in anxiety was observed. Animals of the second phenotype showed elevated levels of lactate in the hippocampus compared to animals of the first phenotype, and the lowest N-acetylaspartate levels significantly differed from those in the control and the first phenotype animals. In the amygdala, in animals of the second phenotype, the content of taurine is sharply reduced in comparison with those in the control and the animals of the first phenotype. Thus, the results obtained indicate a relationship of post-stress changes in anxiety, with the peculiarities of the behavioral reactions presented at the moment of the immediate action of the stressor. Among the hippocampal and amygdala neurometabolites, the most informative for the characterization of the anxiolytic action of the predator stress are identified

    Hepatic oxidative stress in an animal model of sleep apnoea: effects of different duration of exposure

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    Background: Repeated apnoea events cause intermittent hypoxia (IH), which alters the function of various systems and produces free radicals and oxidative stress. Methods: We investigated hepatic oxidative stress in adult mice subjected to intermittent hypoxia, simulating sleep apnoea. Three groups were submitted to 21 days of IH (IH-21), 35 days of IH (IH-35), or 35 days of sham IH. We assessed the oxidative damage to lipids by TBARS and to DNA by comet assay; hepatic tissue inflammation was assessed in HE-stained slides. Antioxidants were gauged by catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase activity and by total glutathione. Results: After IH-21, no significant change was observed in hepatic oxidative stress. After IH-35, significant oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage and reduction of endogenous antioxidants were detected. Conclusions: In an animal model of sleep apnoea, intermittent hypoxia causes liver damage due to oxidative stress after 35 days, but not after 21 days

    Nitric oxide stores in coronary blood vessels of dogs with metabolic

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    The excessive NO produced during metabolic syndrome is de-trimental to blood vessels and endothelial function. = Чрезмерный NO, возникающий при метаболическом синдроме, вреден для кровеносных сосудов и эндотелиальной функции

    The clinical significance of natural autoimmunity in patients with adhesive process and external genital endometriosis

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    The article presents the results of a study of 71 patients with adhesive process diagnosed with external genital endometriosis (EGE) confirmed by laparoscopy. In accordance with the specific serum immunoreactivity evaluation, all patients were divided into 3 groups: Group A (normal response type), Group B (hyper-response type) and group C (hypo-response type). The duration of infertility was on average 6,1 ± 1,3 years. After surgery patients underwent antigonadotropic therapy with 3.75 mg buserelin (a course of 4--6 injections). Against a background of the baseline therapy, all patients in groups B and C underwent correction of immunological disorders. Conclusion: Management of immunological disorders in patients with adhesive process associated with EGE enhances the effectiveness of recovery of the reproductive functio

    Compliance recovery of vaginal normocenosis

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    The article presents the current data on bacterial vaginosis, issues of epidemiology, clinical manifestations and treatment using oral probiotic

    NO metabolism and lipid peroxidation intensity in young individuals with normal, optimal normal, and high normal blood pressure

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    Metabolism of NO, an endogenous vasodilatator, and lipid peroxidation intensity were analyzed in young subjects with normal blood pressure (BP) (<140 mm Hg). In total, 84 male patients aged 18-45years were examined: 32 subjects with optimal normal BP, and 52 - with high normal BP. Comparing to individuals with normal/optimal BP, participants with high normal BP demonstrated increased BP variability and NO synthesis, intensified lipid peroxidation and reduced plasma antioxidant activity (AOA). In high normal BP individuals, higher BP correlated with enhanced NO production, but in longterm BP increase, NO level tended to be reduced. The higher lipid peroxidation intensity was, the lower AOA was registered. In every fourth patient with high normal BP, some abnormalities in vasomotor regulation of vascular tonus were observed