130 research outputs found

    Quasi-analyticity and determinacy of the full moment problem from finite to infinite dimensions

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    This paper is aimed to show the essential role played by the theory of quasi-analytic functions in the study of the determinacy of the moment problem on finite and infinite-dimensional spaces. In particular, the quasi-analytic criterion of self-adjointness of operators and their commutativity are crucial to establish whether or not a measure is uniquely determined by its moments. Our main goal is to point out that this is a common feature of the determinacy question in both the finite and the infinite-dimensional moment problem, by reviewing some of the most known determinacy results from this perspective. We also collect some properties of independent interest concerning the characterization of quasi-analytic classes associated to log-convex sequences.Comment: 28 pages, Stochastic and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Chapter 9, Trends in Mathematics, Birkh\"auser Basel, 201

    High-Precision, In Vitro Validation of the Sequestration Mechanism for Generating Ultrasensitive Dose-Response Curves in Regulatory Networks

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    Our ability to recreate complex biochemical mechanisms in designed, artificial systems provides a stringent test of our understanding of these mechanisms and opens the door to their exploitation in artificial biotechnologies. Motivated by this philosophy, here we have recapitulated in vitro the “target sequestration” mechanism used by nature to improve the sensitivity (the steepness of the input/output curve) of many regulatory cascades. Specifically, we have employed molecular beacons, a commonly employed optical DNA sensor, to recreate the sequestration mechanism and performed an exhaustive, quantitative study of its key determinants (e.g., the relative concentrations and affinities of probe and depletant). We show that, using sequestration, we can narrow the pseudo-linear range of a traditional molecular beacon from 81-fold (i.e., the transition from 10% to 90% target occupancy spans an 81-fold change in target concentration) to just 1.5-fold. This narrowing of the dynamic range improves the sensitivity of molecular beacons to that equivalent of an oligomeric, allosteric receptor with a Hill coefficient greater than 9. Following this we have adapted the sequestration mechanism to steepen the binding-site occupancy curve of a common transcription factor by an order of magnitude over the sensitivity observed in the absence of sequestration. Given the success with which the sequestration mechanism has been employed by nature, we believe that this strategy could dramatically improve the performance of synthetic biological systems and artificial biosensors

    Complex temporal trends in biomass and abundance of Diptera communities driven by the impact of agricultural intensity

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    •1. Insect biodiversity and abundance declines have been reported widely and are expected to alter ecosystem functions and processes. Land use change has been recognised as a major cause of such declines. •2. However, variation in local environmental drivers and the scale of available monitoring data have left large knowledge gaps in which taxa are declining, where declines are the greatest, and how these declines will impact ecosystems. •3. We used 11 years (2006–2016) of monitoring data on 40 farms distributed over ~10,000 km2 in southern Québec, Canada, to quantify the impact of agricultural intensity on temporal trends in abundance and biomass of Diptera (true flies). •4. There was a large difference in temporal trends between farms, which we found to be driven by agricultural landcover. •5. Contrary to expectation, increases in Diptera abundance over time were greater in areas with higher agricultural intensity, especially with an increase in cereal crops. In contrast, declines in biomass were steeper in areas of higher agricultural intensity, although only with greater maize and soy production rather than cereals such as wheat. •6. Variation in forest cover around farms had the least effect on trends. •7. We found steeper declines in biomass per total number of Diptera with increasing agricultural intensive cover, suggesting the presence of community turnover towards smaller bodied flies with lower individual biomass. •8. Our results imply that land use may not only alter abundance and species composition of insect species assemblages but also the distribution of key functional traits such as body size

    Defining a self-evaluation digital literacy framework for secondary educators: the DigiLit Leicester project

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    Despite the growing interest in digital literacy within educational policy, guidance for secondary educators in terms of how digital literacy translates into the classroom is lacking. As a result, many teachers feel ill-prepared to support their learners in using technology effectively. The DigiLit Leicester project created an infrastructure for holistic, integrated change, by supporting staff development in the area of digital literacy for secondary school teachers and teaching support staff. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the critique of existing digital literacy frameworks enabled a self-evaluation framework for practitioners to be developed. Crucially, this framework enables a co-operative, partnership approach to be taken to pedagogic innovation. Moreover, it enables social and ethical issues to underpin a focus on teacher-agency and radical collegiality inside the domain of digital literacy. Thus, the authors argue that the shared development framework constitutes a new model for implementing digital literacy aimed at transforming the provision of secondary education across a city

    Employing the Metabolic “Branch Point Effect” to Generate an All-or-None, Digital-like Response in Enzymatic Outputs and Enzyme-Based Sensors

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    Here, we demonstrate a strategy to convert the graded Michaelis−Menten response typical of unregulated enzymes into a sharp, effectively all-or-none response. We do so using an approach analogous to the “branch point effect”, a mechanism observed in naturally occurring metabolic networks in which two or more enzymes compete for the same substrate. As a model system, we used the enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase (GOx) and coupled it to a second, nonsignaling reaction catalyzed by the higher affinity enzyme hexokinase (HK) such that, at low substrate concentrations, the second enzyme outcompetes the first, turning off the latter’s response. Above an arbitrarily selected “threshold” substrate concentration, the nonsignaling HK enzyme saturates leading to a “sudden” activation of the first signaling GOx enzyme and a far steeper dose−response curve than that observed for simple Michaelis−Menten kinetics. Using the well-known GOx-based amperometric glucose sensor to validate our strategy, we have steepen the normally graded response of this enzymatic sensor into a discrete yes/no output similar to that of a multimeric cooperative enzyme with a Hill coefficient above 13. We have also shown that, by controlling the HK reaction we can precisely tune the threshold target concentration at which we observe the enzyme output. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of this strategy for achieving effective noise attenuation in enzyme logic gates. In addition to supporting the development of biosensors with digital-like output, we envisage that the use of all-or-none enzymatic responses will also improve our ability to engineer efficient enzyme-based catalysis reactions in synthetic biology applications

    FactSage thermochemical software and databases, 2010–2016

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    The FactSage computer package consists of a series of information, calculation and manipulation modules that enable one to access and manipulate compound and solution databases. With the various modules running under Microsoft Windows® one can perform a wide variety of thermochemical calculations and generate tables, graphs and figures of interest to chemical and physical metallurgists, chemical engineers, corrosion engineers, inorganic chemists, geochemists, ceramists, electrochemists, environmentalists, etc. This paper presents a summary of the developments in the FactSage thermochemical software and databases during the last six years. Particular emphasis is placed on the new databases and developments in calculating and manipulating phase diagrams

    A cross-sectional study of the prevalence of intensity of infection with Schistosoma japonicum in 50 irrigated and rain-fed villages in Samar Province, the Philippines

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies have described heterogeneity in Schistosoma japonicum infection intensity, and none were done in Philippines. The purpose of this report is to describe the village-to-village variation in the prevalence of two levels of infection intensity across 50 villages of Samar Province, the Philippines. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 25 rain-fed and 25 irrigated villages endemic for S. japonicum between August 2003 and November 2004. Villages were selected based on irrigation and farming criteria. A maximum of 35 eligible households were selected per village. Each participant was asked to provide stool samples on three consecutive days. All those who provided at least one stool sample were included in the analysis. A Bayesian three category outcome hierarchical cumulative logit regression model with adjustment for age, sex, occupation and measurement error of the Kato-Katz technique was used for analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1427 households and 6917 individuals agreed to participate in the study. A total of 5624 (81.3%) participants provided at least one stool sample. The prevalences of those lightly and at least moderately infected varied from 0% (95% Bayesian credible interval (BCI): 0%–3.1%) to 45.2% (95% BCI: 36.5%–53.9%) and 0% to 23.0% (95% BCI: 16.4%–31.2%) from village-to-village, respectively. Using the 0–7 year old group as a reference category, the highest odds ratio (OR) among males and females were that of being aged 17–40-year old (OR = 8.76; 95% BCI: 6.03–12.47) and 11–16-year old (OR = 8.59; 95% BCI: 4.74–14.28), respectively. People who did not work on a rice farm had a lower prevalence of infection than those working full time on a rice farm. The OR for irrigated villages compared to rain-fed villages was 1.41 (95% BCI: 0.50–3.21). DISCUSSION: We found very important village-to-village variation in prevalence of infection intensity. This variation is probably due to village-level variables other than that explained by a crude classification of villages into the irrigated and non-irrigated categories. We are planning to capture this spatial heterogeneity by updating our initial transmission dynamics model with the data reported here combined with 1-year post-treatment follow-up of study participants