956 research outputs found

    TLC determination of functionality in prepolymers

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    Application of thin-layer chromatographics provides rapid qualitative determination of functional distribution in experimental prepolymer. Functionality distribution is of fundamental importance for it determines; (1) manner in which given carboxyl-terminated prepolymer will cure and (2) physical properties of resulting product

    Glass transition temperatures of liquid prepolymers obtained by thermal penetrometry

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    Thermal penetrometry is experimental technique for detecting temperature at which frozen prepolymer becomes soft enough to be pierced by weighted penetrometer needle; temperature at which this occurs is called penetration temperature. Apparatus used to obtain penetration temperatures can be set up largely from standard parts

    An Exploration of Faculty and Staff Mentoring on High-Risk Community College Student Self-Efficacy, Support Systems, and Persistence

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of faculty and staff mentoring on high-risk community college student self-efficacy, support systems and persistence and identifying the attitudes and behaviors of successful faculty and staff mentors. Using a phenomenological qualitative approach, twenty-two successful high-risk students from one urban community college were interviewed and asked to identify and describe someone on campus who had been most influential in their ability to persist. The twenty-six community college faculty and staff personnel identified by these students were interviewed to learn what they do to help students succeed and persist. Four themes emerged from these interviews: (1) High-Risk Community College students are unprepared for college completion prior to college entry; (2) The desire to quit college by High-Risk community college students is one that occurs often in a semester and is motivated by the various causes of collegiate unpreparedness discussed in theme one; (3) Mentoring of a transactional nature by more than one faculty or staff mentor when these vulnerable students were ready to quit is responsible for their decision to stay in college; and (4) The best mentors possess a combination of interpersonal traits. The most frequently mentioned valued faculty / staff mentor characteristics are (a) authenticity; (b) compassion; (c) sense of humor; (d) accessibility / approachability; (e) a sincere desire to see students succeed. Five implications for community college decision makers were also recommended

    Saturated hydrocarbon polymeric binder for advanced solid propellant and hybrid solid grains Quarterly report no. 2, 1 Feb. - 30 Apr. 1966

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    Synthesis and analysis of ethylene-neohexene copolymers with other non ketene-imine group free radicals for solid and hybrid grain propellant saturated hydrocarbon binder progra

    Are There Any Redshift >8 Gamma-Ray Bursts in the BATSE Catalog?

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    Several luminosity indicators have been found for Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) wherein measurable light curve and spectral properties are well-correlated with the peak luminosity. Several papers have each applied one different luminosity relation to find redshifts for BATSE GRBs and claim to identify specific bursts with z>8. The existence of such high redshift events is not surprising, as BATSE has enough sensitivity to see them and GRBs are expected out to the redshift of the first star formation. To improve results we used five luminosity relations with updated calibrations to determine redshifts with error bars. Combining these relations, we calculated the redshifts of 36 BATSE GRBs with claimed z>8. Our results include 13 bursts with our derived best redshift z_best>8, which looks promising at first. But the calculated redshift uncertainties are significantly large in these selected cases. With only one exception, all of our bursts have z_1siglow<9. The one exception (BATSE trigger 2035) is likely a short duration burst at z>~4. Our best case for a very high redshift event is BATSE trigger 3142 with z_best>20 and z_1siglow=8.9, however we can only say z>4.1 at the two-sigma confidence level. In all, we cannot point toward any one BATSE burst as confidently having z>8. One implication is to greatly weaken prior claims that GRBs have a steeply rising rate-density out to high redshifts.Comment: ApJ in press, 18 page

    The Structure Of The Accretion Disk In The ADC Source 4U 1822-371

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    The low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1822-371 has an accretion disk corona (ADC) that scatters X-ray photons from the inner disk and neutron star out of the line of sight. It has a high orbital inclination and the secondary star eclipses the disk and ADC. We have obtained new time-resolved UV spectrograms and V- and I-band photometry of 4U 1822-371. The large quadratic term in our new optical eclipse ephemeris confirms that the system has an extremely high rate of mass transfer and mass accretion. The C IV lambda lambda = 1548 - 1550 angstrom emission line has a half width of similar to 4400 km/s, indicating a strong, high velocity wind is being driven off the accretion disk. Near the disk the wind is optically thick in UV, V, and J and the eclipse analysis shows that in V and J the optically thick wind extends nearly to the outer edge of the disk. The ADC must also extend vertically to a height equal to approximately half the disk radius.Astronom

    Hydrocarbon polymeric binder for advanced solid propellant

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    Various experimental factors were examined to determine the source of difficulty in an isoprene polymerization in the 5-gallon reactor which gave a non-uniform product of low functionality. It was concluded that process improvements relating to initiator and monomer purity were desirable, but that the main difficulty was in the initiator feed system. A new pumping system was installed and an analog simulation of the reactor, feed system and initiator decomposition kinetics was devised which permits the selection of initial initiator concentrations and feed rates to use to give a nearly uniform initiator concentration throughout a polymerization run. An isoprene polymerization was run in which the process improvements were implemented

    How universal is the fractional-quantum-Hall edge Luttinger liquid?

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    This article reports on our microscopic investigations of the edge of the fractional quantum Hall state at filling factor ν=1/3\nu=1/3. We show that the interaction dependence of the wave function is well described in an approximation that includes mixing with higher composite-fermion Landau levels in the lowest order. We then proceed to calculate the equal time edge Green function, which provides evidence that the Luttinger exponent characterizing the decay of the Green function at long distances is interaction dependent. The relevance of this result to tunneling experiments is discussed.Comment: 5 page