469 research outputs found

    The Effect of Indoor Environmental Quality on the Respiratory Health of Informal Workers

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    The quality of indoor environmental plays pivotal rule to influence the microbiological growth through the air that has a significant effect on human’s respiratory health. In some regions in Indonesia, airborne diseases among productive age are still a common problem. Even though the trend of accidents increases in some provinces, it has not been the priority to overcome by the government. In 2013, the accident of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) among informal workers were taken place as the first rank of 10 most common occupational illnesses in Ciomas District, West Java Province and the prevalence experienced upward trend in four months, from June to September. Thus, this study aimed to describe the relationship between indoorenvironmental quality (IEQ) and the occurrence of ARIs. The population and sample of study were all workers who worked in seven footwear workshops in Pagelaran Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency that employed 85 workers. The present study used a cross-sectional design to investigate whether relative humidity, illumination, and indoor temperature as the IEQ parameters have to do with worker’s respiratory health. The independent t-test was used to analyze the data that was collected in March to April 2014. The result revealed the average illumination levels at 175.586 lux (min 53.3 lux and max 367.0 lux), the average temperature levels at 30.96

    Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Untuk Memperkenalkan Batik Tulis Khas Kota Kudus

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    Dalam sejarahnya, batik Kudus sempat terlupakan selama puluhan tahun. Sekitar tahun 2000-an, batik Kudus kembali diproduksi dan dipasarkan. Walaupun demikian, banyak orang, bahkan warga Kudus sendiri, belum banyak mengetahui eksistensi batik Kudus secara khas. Hal ini tentu saja akan berdampak pada kelestarian batik Kudus. Karena itu, perlu adanya sebuah solusi kreatif untuk memperkenalkan batik Kudus kepada masyarakat. Dari semua golongan usia, usia 15-18 dipilih sebagai sasaran perancangan karena usia 15-18 tahun merupakan masa potensial yang mana jika sudah menyukai sesuatu, mereka cenderung akan intens mengikuti. Sementara, bagi mereka sendiri, materi batik Kudus merupakan hal yang tidak menarik. Perancangan ini bertujuan memperkenalkan batik Kudus kepada usia 15-18 tahun dikemas dengan media yang akrab dan menarik bagi mereka, yaitu melalui buku ilustrasi

    Acute Respiratory Infections in Informal Footwear Workers

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    Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) were the most common diseases among informal workers attending the Ciomas Puskesmas (Public Health Centre), Bogor Regency in 2014. Commonly, these infections had occurred because of a lack of knowledge of both ARIs and industrial hygiene in the informal sector. This study aimed to describe the relationship between knowledge and awareness of ARIs (smoking habit and using PPE during work variables) and the incidence of ARIs. The population of study comprised seven footwear workshops in Pagelaran Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency. They employed 87 workers in 2014 and all workers were included in the sample of the study. To explore the association between awareness of ARIs and occupational health issues, we used the chi-square test. The study showed that there were 34 (40%) workers who suffered from ARIs. 56 (66%) were smokers, 65 (76%) employees did not use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during work, and 75 (88%) workers reported that they did not have knowledge concerning ARIs. Overall, the incidence of ARIs was not significantly associated with a smoking habit (P=1.000), PPE compliance (P=1.000), or knowledge of ARIs (P=0.512). Keywords: Acute Respiratory Infections, occupational health, Personal Protection Equipment, knowledge, smoking habit

    Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Daftar Pemilih Tetap (Dpt) dan Logistik pada Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah (Studi Kasus: Kpud Kabupaten Bandung)

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    Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) dan Logistik dibutuhkan untuk mendukung semua kegiatan pengolahan data pemilih dan kebutuhan logistik Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah (KPUD) sebagai pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu). Sistem pengolahan data yang telah ada selama ini dilakukan secara manual dan kurang efisien sehingga masih sering terjadi kesalahan dalam pendataan pemilih yang menyebabkan ketidakakuratan data.Aplikasi Pengolahan Data DPT dan Logistik membahas tentang pendataan penduduk yang berpotensi sebagai pemilih dalam Pemilu berdasarkan syarat-syarat yang ditentukan, serta mengolah data kebutuhan logistik yang diperlukan untuk pelaksanaan Pemilu dan anggaran dalam penyediaan kebutuhan logistik. Sistem yang dibangun berupa aplikasi jaringan dengan menggunakan PHP sebagai antarmuka aplikasi dan MySQL sebagai basis datanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam membuat aplikasi ini adalah metode waterfall yang meliputi analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak, desain, coding dan pengujian.Aplikasi yang telah dibangun dapat menangani masalah pengolahan data mencakup insert, update dan delete data pemilih dan data kebutuhan logistik, menangani penyimpanan data dalam jumlah besar dan penyusunan laporan

    Shallow Gas Features Based on Interpretation of Bottom Profilling Records at Topang Delta, Meranti Regency, Riau Province

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    One of the tasks in conducting a renewable energy research is finding a shallow gas contained commonly in river deltas. The location chosen is in Topang Delta,, Meranti District, Riau Province in 2015. The research was conducted by using sub-bottom profiling (SBP) method. Biogenic gas indications could be observed in the SBP records in the forms of free reflector, acoustic plumes and acoustic blanket. The shallow biogenic gas at research area is trapped in A and B sequences. Sequence A is characterized by plume gas and acoustic blanket, while B-type biogenic gas is showed by free-reflector feature of 10-15 meters depth. Sediment which does not have porocity such as old clay is required environment for anaerobic bacteria as catalyst in the formation of biogenic gas to be evolved. Old clay sediment is potential as a biogenic gas source rock afterwards migrated to a layer of sand as a reservoir rock. Some parts of biogenic gas does not appear to the surface because there have been traped in cap rock in form of young clay sediment.Keywords: Topang Delta, Biogenic Gas, free reflector, acoustic plumes, acoustic blanket Salah satu tugas dalam melakukan penelitian energi terbarukan adalah pecarian gas dangkal yang biasa terdapat di delta-delta sungai. Lokasi yang terpilih adalah di delta Topang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti, Provinsi Riau pada tahun 2015. Penelitian yang dilakukan salah satunya menggunakan metoda sub bottom profilling (SBP). Indikasi gas biogenik tampak dalam rekaman subbottom profilling berupa reflektor bebas pantul, terobosan gas dan selimut akustik. Keterdapatan gas biogenik dangkal di lokasi penelitian terjebak dalam sekuen sedimen A dan B. Sekuen A dicirikan dengan kenampakan berupa terobosan gas dan selimut akustik, sedangkan biogenik gas tipe-B dicirikan dengan kehadiran reflektor bebas pantul dengan ketebalan 10-15 meter. Sedimen yang tidak memiliki porositas seperti lempung tua merupakan lingkungan yang dimungkinkan untuk bakteri anaerobik sebagai katalisator dalam pembentukan gas biogenik. Endapan lempung tua berpotensi sebagai batuan sumber biogenik gas kemudian bermigrasi ke lapisan sedimen pasir sebagai tempat tersimpannya gas biogenik. Sebagian gas biogenik tidak dapat muncul ke permukaan hingga lapisan atas karena terjebak dalam lapisan sedimen penutup berupa lempung muda

    Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Audit pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Pekanbaru dan Padang

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of responsiveness, ethics auditor, bussiness scale, and resources availability on audit quality and to examine the effect of work experience as a moderating the effect of responsiveness, ethics auditor, bussiness scale and resources availability on audit quality. The population in this study were all Public Accounting Firm were registered in IAPI (Institute of Public Accountants Indonesia) in Pekanbaru and Padang, which amounts to 16 (Sixteen) Public Accounting Firm. Samples determined using purposive sampling method. Methods of data collection in this study using questionnaires. While the method of data analysis and hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM). The results showed that the responsiveness, ethics auditor, bussiness scale, and resources availability significantly affect the audit quality. Responsiveness and ethics auditor are moderated by work experience significantly affect the audit quality. While the bussiness scale and resources availability are moderated by work experience do not significantly affect the audit quality. R2 value equal to 0.954, which means 95.4% of the independent variables in this study could affect the dependent variable, while the remaining 4.6% is explained by other variables that are not included in this study.Keywords: Quality audit, work experience, responsiveness, business scale, resources availabilit

    Exploratory Factor Analysis: Motivation for Learning

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    Learning motivation is an important aspect of the learning process because it promotes performance goals and maintains learning achievement. This study aims to determine the factor that can affect learning motivation of student at Yogyakarta State University Postgraduate Program. This research was quantitative method with explorative descriptive approach. Technique of collecting data using questionnaire method. Total of 150 postgraduate students at Yogyakarta State University voluntarily participated in answering the learning motivation questionnairs. Analysis of data used Exploratory Factor Analysis procedure to identify factors that can affect students’ motivation to study. Based on data analysis obtained six factors, there are diligent in doing the task, discipline in following lecture, discipline and frequency in learning, encouragement to learn and achievement, doing the task by self, and time for learning. The study concludes that the most influential factor is diligent in doing the task.     Keywords: Learning Motivation, Exploratory Factor Analysi

    Perancangan Promosi Varian Roti Resep Tempo Dulu Toko Roti Ganep's Surakarta

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    Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan macam-macam roti resep tempo duluproduk Ganep's. Sekarang ini, sebagian masyarakat menggemari hal-hal yang berhubungandengan tempo dulu, termasuk jenis-jenis makanan dan camilan. Salah satu varian Ganep's adalahroti resep tempo dulu. Promosi ini menyesuaikan kebiasaan sasaran perancangan, dimanakarakteristiknya adalah terhubung melalui jaringan sosial media, salah satunya adalah instagram.Oleh karenanya promosi roti resep tempo dulu produk Ganep's dilakukan dengan menyesuaikankebiasaan media pada sasaran perancangan. Selain juga menggunakan pendekatan desain sesuaidengan selera anak muda jaman sekarang. Promosi didukung melalui beberapa media penunjangseperti kalender, notes dan voucher diskon untuk bonus event
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