1,183 research outputs found

    Analytic Continuation of Massless Two-Loop Four-Point Functions

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    We describe the analytic continuation of two-loop four-point functions with one off-shell external leg and internal massless propagators from the Euclidean region of space-like 131\to 3 decay to Minkowskian regions relevant to all 131\to 3 and 222\to 2 reactions with one space-like or time-like off-shell external leg. Our results can be used to derive two-loop master integrals and unrenormalized matrix elements for hadronic vector-boson-plus-jet production and deep inelastic two-plus-one-jet production, from results previously obtained for three-jet production in electron--positron annihilation.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    The tensor reduction and master integrals of the two-loop massless crossed box with light-like legs

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    The class of the two-loop massless crossed boxes, with light-like external legs, is the final unresolved issue in the program of computing the scattering amplitudes of 2 --> 2 massless particles at next-to-next-to-leading order. In this paper, we describe an algorithm for the tensor reduction of such diagrams. After connecting tensor integrals to scalar ones with arbitrary powers of propagators in higher dimensions, we derive recurrence relations from integration-by-parts and Lorentz-invariance identities, that allow us to write the scalar integrals as a combination of two master crossed boxes plus simpler-topology diagrams. We derive the system of differential equations that the two master integrals satisfy using two different methods, and we use one of these equations to express the second master integral as a function of the first one, already known in the literature. We then give the analytic expansion of the second master integral as a function of epsilon=(4-D)/2, where D is the space-time dimension, up to order O(epsilon^0).Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    NNLO phase space master integrals for two-to-one inclusive cross sections in dimensional regularization

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    We evaluate all phase space master integrals which are required for the total cross section of generic 2 -> 1 processes at NNLO as a series expansion in the dimensional regulator epsilon. Away from the limit of threshold production, our expansion includes one order higher than what has been available in the literature. At threshold, we provide expressions which are valid to all orders in terms of Gamma functions and hypergeometric functions. These results are a necessary ingredient for the renormalization and mass factorization of singularities in 2 -> 1 inclusive cross sections at NNNLO in QCD.Comment: 37 pages, plus 3 ancillary files containing analytic expressions in Maple forma

    The fully differential hadronic production of a Higgs boson via bottom quark fusion at NNLO

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    The fully differential computation of the hadronic production cross section of a Higgs boson via bottom quarks is presented at NNLO in QCD. Several differential distributions with their corresponding scale uncertainties are presented for the 8 TeV LHC. This is the first application of the method of non-linear mappings for NNLO differential calculations at hadron colliders.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, 1 lego plo

    Subtraction at NNLO

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    We propose a framework for the implementation of a subtraction formalism at NNLO in QCD, based on an observable- and process-independent cancellation of infrared singularities. As a first simple application, we present the calculation of the contribution to the e+e- dijet cross section proportional to C_F T_RComment: 42 pages Latex; 7 figures included. Modifications to the text, and references added; the results are unchange

    Two-Loop Master Integrals for γ3\gamma^* \to 3 Jets: The non-planar topologies

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    The calculation of the two-loop corrections to the three-jet production rate and to event shapes in electron--positron annihilation requires the computation of a number of two-loop four-point master integrals with one off-shell and three on-shell legs. Up to now, only those master integrals corresponding to planar topologies were known. In this paper, we compute the yet outstanding non-planar master integrals by solving differential equations in the external invariants which are fulfilled by these master integrals. We obtain the master integrals as expansions in \e=(4-d)/2, where dd is the space-time dimension. The fully analytic results are expressed in terms of the two-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms already introduced in the evaluation of the planar topologies.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, version to be published, Note added on numerical checks of the results, typos correcte

    Fresh and hardened properties of cement mortars using marble sludge fines and cement sludge fines

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    The construction sector could provide solutions for the safe utilization of industrial by-products as construction materials, if proper characterization and control of the materials properties is undertaken. Under this consideration, fines produced from marble cutting and fines produced from concrete truck washing were investigated as fine material for use in cement mortars. Both these by-products are produced in large amounts in the form of sludge. Marble Sludge Fines (MSF) and Cement Sludge Fines (CSF) were characterized in terms of fineness, density, chemical analysis and suitability for use with cement. Mortars with variable rate (10%, 20% and 30%) of cement substitution with MSF or CSF were tested and compared to a reference cement mortar in respect to their fresh and hardened properties. Packing ability and viscosity were measured in fresh mortars, while strength development, water absorption and porosity were measured in hardened mortars. The results confirm the suitability of both as filler material; although MSF performed better regarding fresh mortar properties and CSF showed better results regarding strength development

    Hepta-Cuts of Two-Loop Scattering Amplitudes

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    We present a method for the computation of hepta-cuts of two loop scattering amplitudes. Four dimensional unitarity cuts are used to factorise the integrand onto the product of six tree-level amplitudes evaluated at complex momentum values. Using Gram matrix constraints we derive a general parameterisation of the integrand which can be computed using polynomial fitting techniques. The resulting expression is further reduced to master integrals using conventional integration by parts methods. We consider both planar and non-planar topologies for 2 to 2 scattering processes and apply the method to compute hepta-cut contributions to gluon-gluon scattering in Yang-Mills theory with adjoint fermions and scalars.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures. version 2 : minor updates, published versio