12 research outputs found

    On Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions to n

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    This paper presents the properties and behaviour of solutions to a class of n-dimensional functional differential systems of neutral type. Sufficient conditions for solutions to be either oscillatory, or limt→∞yi(t) = 0, or limt→∞|yi(t)|=∞, i=1,2,…,n, are established. One example is given

    Oscillation of differential systems of neutral type

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    summary:We study oscillatory properties of solutions of systems \[ \begin{aligned} {[y_1(t)-a(t)y_1(g(t))]}^{\prime }=&p_1(t)y_2(t), y_2^{\prime }(t)=&{-p_2}(t)f(y_1(h(t))), \quad t\ge t_0. \end{aligned} \

    On asymptotic behaviour of solutions to n-dimensional systems of neutral differential equations,”

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    This paper presents the properties and behaviour of solutions to a class of n-dimensional functional differential systems of neutral type. Sufficient conditions for solutions to be either oscillatory, or lim t → ∞ y i t 0, or lim t → ∞ |y i t | ∞, i 1, 2, . . . , n, are established. One example is given

    Oscillation theorems for neutral differential equations with the quasi-derivatives

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    summary:The authors study the n-th order nonlinear neutral differential equations with the quasi – derivatives Ln[x(t)+(1)rP(t)x(g(t))]+δQ(t)f(x(h(t)))=0,L_n[x(t)+(-1)^r P(t) x(g(t))]+\delta Q(t) f(x(h(t))) = 0, where  n2, r{1,2}, \ n \ge 2,\ r \in \lbrace 1,2\rbrace ,\ and δ=±1. \delta = \pm 1. There are given sufficient conditions for solutions to be either oscillatory or they converge to zero