69 research outputs found

    Prevalence of micronutrient deficiency in popular diet plans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Research has shown micronutrient deficiency to be scientifically linked to a higher risk of overweight/obesity and other dangerous and debilitating diseases. With more than two-thirds of the U.S. population overweight or obese, and research showing that one-third are on a diet at any given time, a need existed to determine whether current popular diet plans could protect followers from micronutrient deficiency by providing the minimum levels of 27 micronutrients, as determined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) Reference Daily Intake (RDI) guidelines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Suggested daily menus from four popular diet plans (<it>Atkins for Life </it>diet, <it>The South Beach Diet</it>, <it>the DASH diet</it>, <it>the DASH diet</it>) were evaluated. Calorie and micronutrient content of each ingredient, in each meal, were determined by using food composition data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. The results were evaluated for sufficiency and total calories and deficient micronutrients were identified. The diet plans that did not meet 100% sufficiency by RDI guidelines for each of the 27 micronutrients were re-analyzed; (1) to identify a micronutrient sufficient calorie intake for all 27 micronutrients, and (2) to identify a second micronutrient sufficient calorie intake when consistently low or nonexistent micronutrients were removed from the sufficiency requirement.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis determined that each of the four popular diet plans failed to provide minimum RDI sufficiency for all 27 micronutrients analyzed. The four diet plans, on average, were found to be RDI sufficient in (11.75 ± 2.02; mean ± SEM) of the analyzed 27 micronutrients and contain (1748.25 ± 209.57) kcal. Further analysis of the four diets found that an average calorie intake of (27,575 ± 4660.72) would be required to achieve sufficiency in all 27 micronutrients. Six micronutrients (vitamin B7, vitamin D, vitamin E, chromium, iodine and molybdenum) were identified as consistently low or nonexistent in all four diet plans. These six micronutrients were removed from the sufficiency requirement and additional analysis of the four diets was conducted. It was determined that an average calorie content of (3,475 ± 543.81) would be required to reach 100% sufficiency in the remaining 21 micronutrients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings are significant and indicate that an individual following a popular diet plan as suggested, with food alone, has a high likelihood of becoming micronutrient deficient; a state shown to be scientifically linked to an increased risk for many dangerous and debilitating health conditions and diseases.</p

    Alcoholic Pancreatitis: Pathogenesis, Incidence and Treatment with Special Reference to the Associated Pain

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    Alcoholic pancreatitis continues to stir up controversy. One of the most debated points is whether from onset it is a chronic disease or whether it progresses to a chronic form after repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis. Histological studies on patients with alcoholic pancreatitis have shown that the disease is chronic from onset and that alcoholic acute pancreatitis occurs in a pancreas already damaged by chronic lesions. Genetic factors may also play a role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic disease. The incidence of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis seems to have decreased in the last twenty years. Finally, recent therapeutic studies which have shown medical or surgical approaches capable of reducing the pain episodes in chronic pancreatitis patients will be described

    Selected ecological and economic aspects of supplying Diesel engines with vegetable fuels

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    Dokonano wstępnej analizy ekonomicznej i ekologicznej weryfikującej celowość stosowania paliw pochodzenia roślinnego do napędu silników tłokowych. Wskazano na energochłonność procesu wytwarzania paliwa mierzoną emisją CO2. Przedstawiono przykładowe obliczenia zużycia paliwa alternatywnego odniesione do paliw konwencjonalnych. Dokonano wstępnej analizy rynku paliw do silników Diesla pod kątem celowości stosowania biopaliw.The research involved making of a preliminary economic and ecological analysis verifying whether using plant-derivative fuels to run piston engines is appropriate. Energy consumption of fuel production process measured with CO2 emission was pointed out. The paper presents examples of computations concerning alternative fuel consumption referred to conventional fuels. The researchers have made preliminary analysis on the market of fuels for Diesel engines in order to determine whether using biofuels is advisable

    Modeling of optimal simultaneus control of indoor air temperature and humidity inside air-conditioned buildings

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    Przedstawiono sformułowanie i ogólne rozwiązanie zadania optymalnego sterowania temperaturą i wilgotnością powietrza wewnętrznego, zilustrowane przykładem liczbowym. Sterowanie obejmuje określony przedział czasu użytkowania pomieszczenia, w którym występuje intensyfikacja oddziaływań cieplnych i wilgotnościowych pochodzących od wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych źródeł środowiska.Formulation and solution of the optimal control of indoor air temperature and humidity is presented, A room with air-conditioning system is subjected to combinedheat and moisture effect arising from disturbances of various intemal and extemal environrnental sources

    Impact of cylinder liner wear on engine work parameters and fumes temperature

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    Przedstawiono zależności pomiędzy temperaturą spalin a stanem układu TPC określanym metodą pomiaru mocy silnika. Wskazano na kryterialną wystarczalność temperatury spalin jako sygnału diagnostycznego oraz na praktyczne obszary aplikacji przeprowadzonych badań w diagnostyce bezinwazyjnej i autodiagnostyce. W ujęciu systemowym rozważono związki przyczynowo - skutkowe łączące problemy motoryzacyjnego skażenia środowiska i diagnostyki technicznej w kontekście efektywnej minimalizacji podstawowych zagrożeń oraz podnoszenia jakości systemów antropotechnicznych i socjotechnicznych.The relations between fumes temperature and TPC system condition defined by using the engine power measurement method were presented. The criterial fumes temperature sufficiency as a diagnostic signal as well as practical areas of application of the conducted studies in non-invasive diagnostics and autodiagnostics were emphasized. The cause and effect relationships, linking the automotive-related environmental pollution and technical diagnostics in the context of effective minimization of the basic threats were analysed in a systematic approach

    Selected problems involved in using biofuels to power self-ignition engines

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    Przedstawiono charakterystyki porównawcze wskaźników pracy silnika zasilanego olejem napędowym, olejem rzepakowym podgrzanym do temperatury 80°C oraz estrem oleju rzepakowego. Dokonano porównań istotnych parametrów zestawiając olej napędowy i rzepakowy, olej rzepakowy i ester oleju rzepakowego oraz olej napędowy i ester oleju rzepakowego. Wskazano na czynniki determinujące celowość stosowania określonych koncepcji zasilania.The paper presents comparative characteristics of work indexes for an engine powered with diesel oil, rape-seed oil preheated to the temperature of 80°C, and rape-seed oil ester. Essential parameters were compared: diesel oil and rape-seed oil, rape-seed oil and rape-seed oil ester, and diesel oil and rape-seed oil ester. Factors determining advisability of using specific power source concepts were pointed out

    Selected problems related to combustion of worn out vegetable oil in Diesel engine

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    Przedstawiono własności posmażalniczego oleju rzepakowego pod kątem stosowania do napędu silników spalinowych. Opracowano koncepcję układu dwustopniowego podgrzewania oleju oraz jego uzdatniania w aspekcie wymagań aparatury paliwowej silnika Diesla. Zaprezentowano dotychczasowe wyniki badań w rzeczywistych warunkach pracy i wyniki badań laboratoryjnych.The paper presents properties of rape-seed oil after frying from point of view of its use as a fuel in combustion engines. The researchers developed a concept of a two-stage system for oil preheating treatment in the aspect of Diesel engine fuel equipment requirements. The paper presents current results of tests in real operating conditions, and results of laboratory tests

    Analysis of potential to use raw rape-seed oil in Diesel engine

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    Przedstawiono własności nisko przetworzonego (tzw. surowego) oleju rzepakowego pod kątem stosowania do napędu silników spalinowych. Opracowano koncepcję układu dwupaliwowego, dzięki któremu możliwa jest prawidłowa praca silnika zasilanego olejem rzepakowym. Zaprezentowano dotychczasowe wyniki badań trakcyjnych i laboratoryjnych. Wskazano na problemy techniczne i prawne stosowania oleju rzepakowego do napędu pojazdów.The work presents properties of low-processed (raw) rape-seed oil from point of view of its application in drive combustion engines. A dual-fuel system concept has been developed, which would allow for correct work of engine supplied with rape-seed oil. The paper shows results of traction and laboratory tests obtained so far. The authors indicate technical and legal problems involved in using rape-seed oil to drive vehicles