8 research outputs found

    O tolerancję dla zdominowanych : polityka wyznaniowa Rzeczypospolitej w latach panowania Władysława IV

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    Bibliogr. s. 214-219.Agnieszka Uziębł

    Comparing peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis - patient's perspective, special consideration of quality of life

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    Introduction and purpose: All over the world, patients suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage kidney disease (ESRD). Patients can choose to undergo hemodialysis in a specialist center or use peritoneal dialysis in their own home. The aim of this study is to answer the question which of the above methods has a better impact on the quality of life of patients. Materials and methods: The literature available on PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar was reviewed using the words “peritoneal dialysis”; “hemodialysis”; “quality of life”. Description of the state of knowledge: Patients with better physical and emotional functioning have a reduced burden of kidney disease, improved physical ability, pain relief, better overall health, enhanced social function, and more energy. Studies comparing peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD) have consistently found that PD is more effective in improving various aspects of quality of life (QOL), such as the physical component score, social component score, cognitive status, emotional function, physical function, body pain, burden of kidney disease, impact of kidney disease on daily life, symptoms/problems, sexual function, finances, and patient satisfaction. Summary: Patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease who were treated with PD experienced better overall health-related quality of life (HRQoL) compared to patients treated with HD. This result was measured min. using the SF-36 and EQ-5D questionnaires

    Current views on pathogenesis of rosacea

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    Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease that usually affects the central part of the face. The primary symptoms include facial flushing, persistent erythema, telangiectasia,  inflammatory pustules and papules. Based on groups of these symptoms, four basic rosacea subtypes have been defined: erythematotelangiectatic, papulopustular, ocular, phymatous; and one variant, granulomatous rosacea. Although the pathophysiology of this disorder is not fully known, many components such as immune and neurovascular dysregulation, oxidative stress, genetic background, gut microbiome, skin microbiome as well as external aspects are thought to play a role. In this article, we present the main factors that are speculated to be involved in the pathogenesis of rosacea. Methods and materials: We reviewed the literature available on PubMed and Google Scholar using the words "rosacea”, „rosacea pathogenesis”, „demodex”, „reactive oxygen species”, „rosacea microbiome”. Summary Rosacea is a chronic dermatosis whose etiology, despite many studies, is not fully understood. Currently, an abnormal inflammatory reaction caused by excessive stimulation of TLR-2 receptors is suspected as the main factor in the pathomechanism of the disease. Vascular disorders, transmission disorders, genetic factors, skin and intestinal dysbiosis also participate in the pathogenesis of rosacea. It is assumed that exogenous factors such as diet and exposure to UV radiation also play a role in the development of the disease

    A review of the possibilities of gene doping in sports focused on the advantages and disadvantages

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    Introduction and purpose: Gene therapy can be defined as a modification of gene expression in a patient's body. There are two main strategies: the abuse of "classical" gene therapy and strategies of RNA interference with gene transfer. The aim of the study is to analyze scientific literature on gene doping, with a focus on the advantages and disadvantages of using genes related to sports. Materials and methods: The literature available on PubMed was reviewed using the words “gene therapy”, “sport”. Description of the state of knowledge:  The potential modification of genes such as EPO, IGF1/GH, HIF-1, PPAR have been identified as having beneficial effects for athletes. Modifying the EPO gene could lead to an increase in red blood cells and oxygen in the blood, which could increase muscle endurance. Modification of the IGF1/GH gene can lead to muscle hypertrophy, block muscle atrophy. The HIF-1 gene codes proteins involved in the hypoxia process and can increase endurance by facilitating the adaptation of cells to low oxygen conditions. Modifying the PPAR gene can impact carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, regulating body mass. Gene therapy could provide a potential cure for diseases such as acute anemia and muscular dystrophy. However, it is important to consider the ethical and health implications of gene doping. Summary: "Gene doping" is a practice that can lead to improved athletic performance but also to serious health problems. The introduction of regulations and doping tests detecting changes in the genome would exclude this practice among athletes who take risky and morally incorrect actions. Increasing the expression of genes such as EPO, IGF-1, HIF-1, PCK1 results in increased muscle endurance and performance. Further research is needed to understand the exact mechanisms and effects of gene therapy. Genetic modification has the potential to bring benefits such as treating diseases such as acute anemia resulting from kidney failure

    How and why was created the image of King Sigismund III as an intolerant ruler?

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    This article seeks to verify the established view that the King Sigismund III of Poland (1587–1632) bears the main blame for deepening religious conflicts in Poland during his reign because of actions and omissions resulting from his intolerant attitudes. The fact that the few commotions could not be prevented can be explained by the fact that then the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was not a police state. On the other hand the impunity of the perpetrators was the result of the state judiciary in Poland. Moreover, without change of a "constitutional law" it was impossible to enactment of the so-called process of the Confederation of Warsaw, the allegations of propaganda laying blame at the king’s door for violations of religious peace and support of the Union of Brest were to raise the non-Catholic nobility to support the activities organized by political opponents of Sigismund III Vasa. A great number of occasional writings containing those accusations, which occurred also in the statements of the many noble conventions and lack of the knowledge on the specifics of political system in Poland created – also in historiography – the thesis of Sigismund III Vasa as most intolerant of the Polish kings

    The Polish Sejm Debating over a Work of History: The Case of ‘De bello Moschovitico’ by Reinhold Heidenstein, in 1587

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest reakcji szlachty uczestniczącej w sejmach okresu bezkrólewia po śmierci Stefana Batorego na druk poświęcony ówczesnym dziejom najnowszym: De bello Moschovitico commentariorum libri VI autorstwa Reinholda Heidensteina. Było to dzieło dziejopisarstwa oficjalnego przygotowane przy osobistym zaangażowaniu kanclerza koronnego, które po wprowadzeniu cenzury prewencyjnej miało, zdaniem opozycji, narzucać opinii publicznej wizję przeszłości korzystną dla rządzących, a więc stronniczą. To wyjątkowe w dziejach I RP wydarzenie jakkolwiek nie doprowadziło do konfiskaty książki, gdyż rzecznicy tego rozwiązania nie zdołali zapewnić tronu swemu kandydatowi ani też sprawić, że wprowadzenie cenzury na druki historyczne nie zostało uznane za bezprawne, doprowadziło jednak do zaniechania takich praktyk w czasach Zygmunta III. Prawdopodobnie dlatego, że kanclerz Jan Zamoyski, staropolski mistrz gry wizerunkowej, przechodząc do opozycji względem młodego Wazy, uznał, iż znacznie szybciej będzie można manipulować opinią publiczną przy użyciu anonimowych pism ulotnych.The article deals with the reaction of the Polish nobility, convened during the interregnum after the death of King Stephen Bathory to elect the new monarch, to the book De bello Moschovitico commentariorum libri VI by Reinhold Heidenstein, which treated on recent historical events. Heidensteins work conveyed the offi cial views of the ruling circles, and Chancellor Jan Zamoyski was personally engaged in its preparation. However, the opposition was of the opinion that in combination with preventive censorship the book was supposed to impose upon the public a vision of the past favourable to the governing elite, e.i. a biased one. This episode, exceptional in the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, did not result in the confi scation of the book. The anti-Zamoyski faction failed both to bring about the election of their candidate to the Polish throne, and to persuade the Sejm to delegalize censoring historical works. Nevertheless, the affair resulted in refraining by the ruling circles from such actions during the reign of the next king, Sigismund III Vasa. Most probably, Jan Zamoyski, who soon after the election found himself in opposition to the throne, himself a master of political propaganda, decided that it would be much more effective to manipulate public opinion with anonymous effemeral prints

    Anna Sucheni-Grabowska (12 VIII 1920–30 VI 2012)

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