6 research outputs found

    Multiword expressions in an LFG grammar for Norwegian

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    This chapter describes the analysis of multiword expressions in NorGram, an LFG grammar of Norwegian. All multiword expressions need to be accounted for in the lexicon, but in different ways depending on the flexibility of the expression. Each multiword expression is provided with a lexical entry that has a special predicate name incorporating the lexical items that the multiword consists of and that specifies the argument structure of the predicate. In this way, analyses are provided for a wide range of multiword types, including fixed expressions, phrasal verbs, verbal idioms, and others.publishedVersio

    Kollokasjonar - språkets R2-D2 og C-3PO

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    I revisjonen av Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka treng leksikografane reiskapar som effektivt og etterretteleg finn ordsekvensar som seier noko om typisk bruk og kva frekvente uttrykk ord inngår i. Artikkelen tek føre seg korleis ein definerer og studerer kollokasjonar i ulike tradisjonar, då fleire tilnærmingar til omgrep som kollokasjon og fleirordsuttrykk møtest i eit praktisk felt som leksikografi. Hovudvekta i artikkelen ligg på korleis ulike reiskapar kan nyttast for å finne kollokasjonar som er relevante å ha med i ordbøkene. Korpuskel-leks er eit korpusgrensesnitt utvikla for leksikografisk bruk. Der kan brukarane søkje etter kollokasjonar ved hjelp av statistiske assosiasjonsmål og ved regulære uttrykk på tvers av mange korpus. NorGramBank er ein trebank med søkjetemplat utvik­la for leksikografisk bruk. Der er kollokasjonar ikkje berre eit reint statistisk fenomen av ord som førekjem saman og kan søkjast etter lineært, men søket kan òg referere til syntaktisk struktur og syntaktiske relasjonar mellom orda.publishedVersio

    Multiword expressions in an LFG grammar for Norwegian

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    This chapter describes the analysis of multiword expressions in NorGram, an LFG grammar of Norwegian. All multiword expressions need to be accounted for in the lexicon, but in different ways depending on the flexibility of the expression. Each multiword expression is provided with a lexical entry that has a special predicate name incorporating the lexical items that the multiword consists of and that specifies the argument structure of the predicate. In this way, analyses are provided for a wide range of multiword types, including fixed expressions, phrasal verbs, verbal idioms, and others

    Words, Words! Resources and Tools for Lexicography at the CLARINO Bergen Centre

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    The CLARINO Bergen Centre, which provides scholars with access to digital language data and processing services, has in recent years provided substantial services to research and development in lexicography. This chapter describes the interplay between three major lexicography efforts and the centre. Easy access to large corpora in CLARINO and powerful tools for searching and analysing corpus materials help to secure an empirical foundation which far exceeds the lexicographical resources and possibilities available to lexicographers in Norway only a few years ago.publishedVersio

    The enrichment of lexical resources through incremental parsebanking

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    Automatic syntactic analysis of a corpus requires detailed lexical and morphological information that cannot always be harvested from traditional dictionaries. Therefore the development of a treebank presents an opportunity to simultaneously enrich the lexicon. In building NorGramBank, we use an incremental parsebanking approach, in which a corpus is parsed and disambiguated, and after improvements to the grammar and the lexicon, reparsed. In this context we have implemented a text preprocessing interface where annotators can enter unknown words or missing lexical information either before parsing or during disambiguation. The information added to the lexicon in this way may be of great interest both to lexicographers and to other language technology efforts