22 research outputs found

    Designing a test asset and validating the accuracy of GPS/GNSS speed measurement

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    Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers are now widely used for navigation and speed measurements. The increasing demand for vehicles monitoring in regulatory and non-regulatory environments has led to a growing number of GNSS applications in the automobile industry. In addition, GNSS receivers are commonly used by civilian users for navigation and speed measurements. Manufacturers of GNSS receivers supply speed accuracy parameters in the receiver specification data sheets. However, little information is provided regarding specific conditions when the specified speed accuracy of GNSS receivers might be met. Also, there is limited research available about practical speed accuracy parameters of receivers in a variety of challenging GNSS environments. Finally, to the author’s knowledge, there is no research conducted to understand if adding more satellites from different constellations to GPS, for example, GLONASS provides an improvement in GNSS speed accuracy reporting. This thesis presents the design of a test asset system capable of testing GNSS receivers for speed accuracy and the Uncertainty of Measurements (UOM) analysis for this system. The test asset system utilises a variety of engineering solutions and is capable of maintaining high accuracy benchmarks in speed measurements. The test asset system has an UOM equal 0.4 km/h for the entire range of speeds used for GNSS speed testing. The system was designed, assembled and tested to ensure the system maintains its integrity and capability to test GNSS receivers for speed measurement. Subsequently, several field experiments were performed to collect GNSS speed data records in a variety of driving environments using different receivers. The receivers ranged from geodetic grade to low cost receivers. Test routes were selected specifically to reflect real world and challenging GNSS environments, such as freeways with overpasses and roads with tree canopies. Detailed analyses of outliers and statistical results are presented to demonstrate that GNSS receivers may not measure speed correctly under challenging environments. The results also show that different GNSS receivers perform differently in measuring speed. Methods to filter potentially unreliable speed records were also investigated

    The importance of the physical culture in formation of future teacher’s personality

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    The importance of the physical culture in formation of future teacher’s personality as a factor of formation of professional readiness of future specialist for professional activity is consideredРассматривается значимость физической культуры в становлении личности будущего педагога как фактор формирования профессиональной готовности будущего специалиста к профессиональной деятельност

    Rare complications after thoracoplasty in children with congenital pectus excavatum

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    In this study we presented 4 rare postoperative complications at children after 202 cases of thoracoplasty concerning pectus excavatum deformity of the thorax in the period between 2002 and 2014. The operations were performed by the method proposed by D. Nuss. We revealed following complications: fracture of a body of sternum in the field of its joint with the handle in 1,5 months after operation; massive hemorrhage in a cavity of the fibrous capsule created around a metalwork in 2 years after performance of the thoracoplasty; incarceration of a portion of the latissimus dorsi muscle under "shoulder" of metal construction in 1,5 years after operation; violation of venous outflow at the level of a subclavian vein and a partial compression of a subclavial vein in the early postoperative period. We analyzed possible reasons, clinical symptoms, diagnostics, methods of treatment and offered methods of prevention of these complications


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    Abstract. Injuries of pancreas in the closed abdominal trauma remain the one of most challenging issues in diagnosis and choice of optimal therapy.Objectives. To analyze clinical results of the improved diagnostic and treatment tactics in patients with blunt abdominal trauma and damage to the pancreas.Material and methods. We report the results of treatment for 141 patients with pancreatic trauma treated from 1991 to 2015 at City Hospital No. 3 and City Hospital No. 40. All patients were divided into 2 groups. These groups were formed according to the time factor. The groups were comparable in age, gender, and pancreatic trauma severity. The study group consisted of 59 patients, treated in 2004-2015, and the comparison group consisted of 82 patients (1991–2003). The advanced diagnostic and treatment algorithm for the study group included modern instrumental diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound, computed tomography, diagnostic laparoscopy and improved surgical tactics to lower indications for omental plug, omentobursostomy, suturing capsule of pancreas and cholecystostomy.Results. This algorithm reduced the duration gap between hospitalization and surgery averagely from 10.7 to 4.0 hours, and the modified treatment tactics decreased the incidence of septic complications from 15.8% to 6.8%, and the mortality from 27.6% to 16.9%.Conclusion. As a rule, methods of radiodiagnosis detect only indirect signs of pancreatic injury in blunt abdominal trauma. It is advisable to perform omental plugging only as medical tactics of «damage control»


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    Abstract. Injuries of pancreas in the closed abdominal trauma remain the one of most challenging issues in diagnosis and choice of optimal therapy.Objectives. To analyze clinical results of the improved diagnostic and treatment tactics in patients with blunt abdominal trauma and damage to the pancreas.Material and methods. We report the results of treatment for 141 patients with pancreatic trauma treated from 1991 to 2015 at City Hospital No. 3 and City Hospital No. 40. All patients were divided into 2 groups. These groups were formed according to the time factor. The groups were comparable in age, gender, and pancreatic trauma severity. The study group consisted of 59 patients, treated in 2004-2015, and the comparison group consisted of 82 patients (1991–2003). The advanced diagnostic and treatment algorithm for the study group included modern instrumental diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound, computed tomography, diagnostic laparoscopy and improved surgical tactics to lower indications for omental plug, omentobursostomy, suturing capsule of pancreas and cholecystostomy.Results. This algorithm reduced the duration gap between hospitalization and surgery averagely from 10.7 to 4.0 hours, and the modified treatment tactics decreased the incidence of septic complications from 15.8% to 6.8%, and the mortality from 27.6% to 16.9%.Conclusion. As a rule, methods of radiodiagnosis detect only indirect signs of pancreatic injury in blunt abdominal trauma. It is advisable to perform omental plugging only as medical tactics of «damage control».Резюме. Травматические повреждения поджелудочной железы (ПЖ) при закрытой травме живота по трудности диагностики и выбора оптимальной лечебной тактики остаются одними из самых сложных среди травм органов брюшной полости.Цель. Анализ клинических результатов усовершенствованной лечебно-диагностической тактики у пострадавших с закрытой травмой живота с повреждением ПЖ.Материал и методы. Представлены результаты лечения 141 пострадавшего с закрытой травмой ПЖ, находившихся на лечении в городских больницах № 3 и № 40 города Санкт-Петербурга с 1991 по 2015 г. Все пациенты были разделены на 2 группы. Группы сформированы по временному фактору и были сопоставимы по половому и возрастному признакам, а также по тяжести повреждений ПЖ. Группу исследования составили 59 пострадавших, пролеченных в период с 2004 по 2015 г., группу срав- нения — 82 пациента (1991–2003 гг.). В основной группе в диагностический алгоритм были включены современные инструментальные методы диагностики, такие как ультразвуковое исследование, компьютерная томография, диагностическая лапароскопия, а также усовершенствована хирургическая тактика — сокращены показания к тампонированию, оментобурсостомии, отказ от ушивания капсулы железы, холецистостомии.Результаты. Использование данного диагностического алгоритма уменьшило время, проходящее от момента госпитализации до оказания пострадавшему оперативного пособия в среднем с 10,7 до 4,0 ч, а усовершенствование лечебной тактики снизило частоту гнойно-септических осложнений с 15,8 до 6,8%, а также общую летальность с 27,6 до 16,9%.Заключение. Методы лучевой диагностики как правило позволяют выявить лишь косвенные признаки повреждения ПЖ при закрытой травме живота. С целью уменьшения риска развития гнойно-септических осложнений целесообразно ограничить использование тампонирования сальниковой сумки лишь рамками лечебной тактики «damage control»

    Ergodesign and composite materials

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    This article is devoted to the study of the relationship between materials and ergodesign with various attributes. Examples of experimental research demonstrating the possibilities of using materials, along with other design and ergonomics tools, are given. The article describes the history of the development of Russian design and ergonomics as stages of the creation of the theory and methodology of ergodesign. The trends of formation and new developments in this area are considered. It is concluded that the creation of new objects of the subject world and systems cannot be carried out without integrated design activities with the introduction of the achievements of ergodesign, which is an innovative technology of integrated design. The article also responds to the problem, because of which the concept of ergodesign was adopted, namely the rapid development of technology without taking into account the needs and characteristics of a person. The urgency of the research is due to the rapid development of technologies that impose new requirements on various design products. This also applies to materials that are the basis of any material form, and from the point of view of innovative design, they must have unique properties, ensuring high-quality human activity at a new higher level

    Search for design solutions to prevent the Kessler effect

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    The article deals with the problems of near-earth space associated with the formation of objects called "space debris". The main sources of the appearance of "space debris" in near-earth orbits are highlighted. Examples of the negative impact of "space debris" on functioning spacecraft and stations are given. The general statistics of observations of near-Earth space, obtained by specialized complexes for recognizing space objects, are presented. Conceptual design solutions are proposed to prevent the Kessler effect


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    An analysis of the treatment results was made in 447 patients with closed abdominal injury combined with liver damage. An individualized treatment-and-diagnostic program considering the data of field surgery- MT scale was applied in victims with closed abdominal trauma with liver damage. At the same time the classification E. Moore et.all (1990) for liver injuries was used for assistance. The indications for endovideosurgical homeostasis, a primary suture of liver wound and the hepatic resection were determined. The indications for packing the liver wound were specialized using strategy of «Damage control». An application of given individualized surgical strategy allowed reduction of the lethality level from 32,3% to 17,1% in the case of closed abdominal trauma with liver damage