100 research outputs found

    Psychological safety in high performance teams

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    Erfaringsbasert master, 90 st.p.Dette forskningsprosjektet har sitt utspring i et funn i forskningen til Amy Edmondson. I sin bok The Fearless Organization beskriver hun at team som rapporterer feil, ogsĂ„ er de som leverer det beste produktet. Gjennom arbeide med boken ble det raskt klart for oss at temaet psykologisk trygghet og hvordan lederen kan pĂ„virke dette var et omrĂ„de som var meget spennende. I denne masteroppgaven har vi fokusert pĂ„ hvordan man oppnĂ„r psykologisk trygghet i team, og sĂŠrlig hvilken rolle lederen spiller i denne. Etter Ă„ ha arbeidet med temaet en periode, ble derfor problemstillingen: «Hvordan kan ledere lykkes med Ă„ etablere psykologisk trygghet i et hĂžyprestasjonsteam?» Vi fikk tilgang til en relativ nyetablert avdeling ved Oslo Politidistrikt, Utrykningsenheten. Vi gjennomfĂžrte intervjuer med et utvalg av teamledere og medarbeidere ved avdelingen. Samtlige var Ă„pne, og delte av sine erfaringer og perspektiver. Gjennom disse samtalene fikk vi en god innsikt i avdelingens indre, og hva de enkelte teamledere og medarbeidere tenkte og gjorde som relateres opp mot psykologisk trygghet i deres gruppe. Gjennom en enkel spĂžrreundersĂžkelse fikk vi fastslĂ„tt at teamene hadde gjennomgĂ„ende hĂžy grad av psykologisk trygghet. I de semistrukturerte intervjuene fokuserte vi derfor pĂ„ hva de konkret gjorde for Ă„ bygge psykologisk trygghet. Ved bruk av kvalitativ metode opplever vi Ă„ ha fĂ„tt tak i de nyanser som framkom i intervjuene, og denne mĂ„ten Ă„ drive datainnsamling pĂ„ fungerte etter vĂ„r mening godt. Ved bruk av refleksiv analysemetode fikk vi kategorisert og analysert dataene pĂ„ en oversiktlig mĂ„te. Ved Ă„ gjĂžre bruk av allerede tilgjengelig relevant litteratur har vi drĂžftet de forskjellige pĂ„standene som kom fram i arbeidet med denne oppgaven. Masteroppgavens hovedfunn er at lederne mĂ„ ta ansvar for relasjonene for Ă„ etablere psykologisk trygghet i teamet, og mĂ„ lede gjennom gjensidig tillit. Lederne mĂ„ mestre lederrollen, og teamet mĂ„ sammen skape en effektiv tilbakemeldingskultur gjennom aktive og ansvarlige medarbeidere.Engelsk sammendrag (abstract): This project has its origins in a discovery reported in the research of Amy Edmondson. In her book “The Fearless Organization” she describes how teams that feel able to report errors are also those which deliver the best results. Working with her book, it quickly became clear to us that the theme of psychological safety and how a leader can influence this, was an extremely relevant and important area of study. In this Master’s thesis, we have focused on how one achieves safety within a team and, especially, what role does the team leader play in this process. After thorough consideration of our topic, we have chosen to focus on the following question: “How can a leader be successful in establishing psychological safety in a highperformance team? We were allowed access to a relatively newly-established section within the Oslo Police District, Rapid Response Unit, and we then carried out a series of interviews with both team-leaders and their team- members. Through these interviews, we obtained very good insight into the inner workings of the unit and how and what the team-leaders and individual team –members thought and did in their work that relates to the establishment of feelings of psychological safety within their group. Using a simple questionnaire method, we found that we were able to detect nuances that were revealed in the interviews and we concluded that this method of data- collection worked well. By using a reflexive analysis method, we could categories and then analyze the data in a coherent manner. By using already available literature, we have discussed the relevant claims that have emerged from our work on this project. Our Master’s thesis main conclusion is that leaders must take responsibility for interpersonal relations within their team in order to establish feelings of psychological safety, and lead through reciprocal trust. Leaders must master their leadership role and the team must work together to create an effective and responsible culture of reciprocal sharing of information through active and responsible colleagues

    Graphene for spintronics: giant Rashba splitting due to hybridization with Au

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    Graphene in spintronics has so far primarily meant spin current leads of high performance because the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling of its pi-electrons is very weak. If a large spin-orbit coupling could be created by a proximity effect, the material could also form active elements of a spintronic device such as the Das-Datta spin field-effect transistor, however, metal interfaces often compromise the band dispersion of massless Dirac fermions. Our measurements show that Au intercalation at the graphene-Ni interface creates a giant spin-orbit splitting (~100 meV) in the graphene Dirac cone up to the Fermi energy. Photoelectron spectroscopy reveals hybridization with Au-5d states as the source for the giant spin-orbit splitting. An ab initio model of the system shows a Rashba-split dispersion with the analytically predicted gapless band topology around the Dirac point of graphene and indicates that a sharp graphene-Au interface at equilibrium distance will account for only ~10 meV spin-orbit splitting. The ab initio calculations suggest an enhancement due to Au atoms that get closer to the graphene and do not violate the sublattice symmetry.Comment: 16 pages (3 figures) + supplementary information 16 pages (14 figures
