480 research outputs found

    Metaphor, Meaning and Translation

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    Over the last decades, metaphor has been subject to intensive research within philoso-phy, psychology, psychiatry, pedagogics, etc., whereas there has been less focus on the study of metaphor as a linguistic utterance. But to a translator metaphor is a very intriguing practical linguistic problem. How do we translate for instance the Danish metaphor blæksprutte? In this article, we will discuss to what extent ordinary dictionaries may be of use (can you look up the metaphor blæksprutte?) and will describe the data-base of metaphors that we are establishing with examples from economic and political texts in Danish, French and Italian. The database is organized as a thesaurus where metaphorical utterances are categorized under Meaning and Source domain and where translators may find inspiration when having to render metaphors in the three lan-guages

    Replik til artikel af Kirsten Wølch Rasmussen i Hermes 4 - 1990

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    Venstreorienterede der blev højreorienterede uden at vide det

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    In the article I argue that today’s Left has adopted several characteristics, which used to identify the reaction- ary right. e basic reason is that since the late 1940s it has gradually adopted a culturalist outlook and thus turned against the Enlightenment tradition. I locate 6 shifts in the last 7 decades, which come in pairs. e critique of modernity and the irt with conservative anti-imperialism in the late 1940s; the anti-authoritarian critique and the resentment against post-scarcity society and the anti-imperialism in the rst post-trend in the 1960/70s; and the disillusioned relativism and multiculturalism of the second post-trend in the 1980/90.

    Clickers – forbedring af traditionelle forelæsninger?

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    Artiklen beskriver baggrunden for et speciale1 omhandlende forelæsninger som undervisningsform og brugen af clickers deri på Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet, og behandler et uddrag af resultaterne derfra. Ud over en generel positiv holdning til clickers er konklusionen at både de studerende og deres underviser oplever et stort læringsudbytte ved diskussioner mellem de studerende som faciliteres af clickers, og at aktivitetsniveauet er højt når clickers benyttes. Afslutningsvist gives et bud på hvordan clickers med fordel kan benyttes for optimal udnyttelse af læringspotentialer. The article describes the background for a thesis about lectures as teaching form and the use of clickers in lectures at The Faculty of Science, University of Southern Denmark and gives an extract of the results from the thesis. Besides a general positive attitude towards clickers the conclusion is that both students and their teacher experiences great learning outcomes from peer discussions facilitated by clickers and that class activity increases when using clickers. In closing, an assessment of optimal future use of clickers is given taking learning potentials into account. 


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    Den fagsproglige ordbogsartikels fysiognomi

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss various problems arising when working with bilingual lexicography. The discussion is based on a current project: a bilingual French/Danish dictionary in the field of law intended for translators. Before embarking on our main subject(the structure ofthe dictionary article), we brie fly examine the lexicographic structures currently used in the metalexicographic literature and present the lexicographic structures which we have chosen to operate with. We then describe the macrostructure of our dictiona1y and the princip les used when selecting the lemmata of the dictiona1y (the mediostructure ). We base our examination on concrete examples from the French-Danish dictionary and concentrate on the microstructure, that is the article notes following the lemma and the structure of this information. The essential element of the microstructure being the statement of equivalents, we focus on the information to be provided in the equivalent field. Finally we examine the collocation field which includes both the collocations as such and such material as we consider illustrative of the use of the different lemmata
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