161 research outputs found

    Navigating New Trade Routes: The rise of Value chains, and the Challenges for Canadian Trade Policy

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    In the new paradigm of international trade, Canada needs a trade policy that recognizes both the increasing importance of global value chains and the critical role of Canada-US commercial and regulatory integration in gaining full benefit from their exploitation.border papers, international policy

    Mapping nn grid points onto a square forces an arbitrarily large Lipschitz constant

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    We prove that the regular n×nn\times n square grid of points in the integer lattice Z2\mathbb{Z}^{2} cannot be recovered from an arbitrary n2n^{2}-element subset of Z2\mathbb{Z}^{2} via a mapping with prescribed Lipschitz constant (independent of nn). This answers negatively a question of Feige from 2002. Our resolution of Feige's question takes place largely in a continuous setting and is based on some new results for Lipschitz mappings falling into two broad areas of interest, which we study independently. Firstly the present work contains a detailed investigation of Lipschitz regular mappings on Euclidean spaces, with emphasis on their bilipschitz decomposability in a sense comparable to that of the well known result of Jones. Secondly, we build on work of Burago and Kleiner and McMullen on non-realisable densities. We verify the existence, and further prevalence, of strongly non-realisable densities inside spaces of continuous functions.Comment: 60 pages (43 pages of the main part, 13 pages of appendices), 10 figures. This is a revised version according to referees' comments. Our version of the proof of the theorem about bilipschitz decomposition of Lipschitz regular mappings was greatly simplified. To appear in GAF

    Typical differentiability within an exceptionally small set

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    We verify the existence of a purely unrectifiable set in which the typical Lipschitz function has a large set of full differentiability points. The example arises from a construction, due to Cs\"ornyei, Preiss and Ti\v{s}er, of a universal differentiability set in which a certain Lipschitz function has only a purely unrectifiable set of differentiability points.Comment: 33 pages, Appendix 6 pages Accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Some revisions made following the referees' feedbac

    Porosity phenomena of non-expansive, Banach space mappings

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    For any non-trivial convex and bounded subset CC of a Banach space, we show that outside of a σ\sigma-porous subset of the space of non-expansive mappings CCC\to C, all mappings have the maximal Lipschitz constant one witnessed locally at typical points of CC. This extends a result of Bargetz and the author from separable Banach spaces to all Banach spaces and the proof given is completely independent. We further establish a fine relationship between the classes of exceptional sets involved in this statement, captured by the hierarchy of notions of ϕ\phi-porosity.Comment: A few corrections and improvements made. To appear in Israel Journal of Mathematic

    Highly irregular separated nets

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    In 1998 Burago and Kleiner and (independently) McMullen gave examples of separated nets in Euclidean space which are non-bilipschitz equivalent to the integer lattice. We study weaker notions of equivalence of separated nets and demonstrate that such notions also give rise to distinct equivalence classes. Put differently, we find occurrences of particularly strong divergence of separated nets from the integer lattice. Our approach generalises that of Burago and Kleiner and McMullen which takes place largely in a continuous setting. Existence of irregular separated nets is verified via the existence of non-realisable density functions ρ:[0,1]d→(0,∞). In the present work we obtain stronger types of non-realisable densities

    A dichotomy of sets via typical differentiability

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    We obtain a criterion for an analytic subset of a Euclidean space to contain points of differentiability of a typical Lipschitz function, namely, that it cannot be covered by countably many sets, each of which is closed and purely unrectifiable (has zero length intersection with every C1C^1 curve). Surprisingly, we establish that any set failing this criterion witnesses the opposite extreme of typical behaviour: In any such coverable set a typical Lipschitz function is everywhere severely non-differentiable.Comment: Accepted for publication in Forum of Mathematics Sigma. Some revisions made according to the referee's repor