15 research outputs found


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    Data associated with quantitative synthesis examining Nb/Nc relationships among three salmonid fishe

    Data from a transplant experiment involving hybridized and non-hybridized populations of brook trout

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    This data file contains field, genetic and morphological data from a transplant experiment in which brook trout from two hybridized (Welcome and Charles Lakes), one non-hybridized (Dickson Lake) and one hatchery population (Hills Lake strain) were match planted into three experimental study lakes. A 5th population (Shallnot Lake) is included in the data but was not included in the publication due to its uncertain genetic background

    Brown trout microsatellite data

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    The file contains microsatellite data (21 loci) from six wild brown trout populations in Western Jutland, Denmark, along with samples from two hatchery strains used for stocking the rivers. The samples from the wild populations consist of contemporary samples (2000-2006) and historical pre-stocking samples (1927-1956), the latter obtained by analyzing DNA from archived scale samples. See Hansen et al. (2009) for further details on the data and study. The file format is MSA [Dieringer D, Schlotterer C (2003) Microsatellite Analyser (msa): a platform independent analysis tool for large microsatellite data sets. Molecular Ecology Notes, 3, 167–169]