8,472 research outputs found

    Multifractal Analysis of Packed Swiss Cheese Cosmologies

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    The multifractal spectrum of various three-dimensional representations of Packed Swiss Cheese cosmologies in open, closed, and flat spaces are measured, and it is determined that the curvature of the space does not alter the associated fractal structure. These results are compared to observational data and simulated models of large scale galaxy clustering, to assess the viability of the PSC as a candidate for such structure formation. It is found that the PSC dimension spectra do not match those of observation, and possible solutions to this discrepancy are offered, including accounting for potential luminosity biasing effects. Various random and uniform sets are also analyzed to provide insight into the meaning of the multifractal spectrum as it relates to the observed scaling behaviors.Comment: 3 latex files, 18 ps figure

    Neutron detector simultaneously measures fluence and dose equivalent

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    Neutron detector acts as both an area monitoring instrument and a criticality dosimeter by simultaneously measuring dose equivalent and fluence. The fluence is determined by activation of six foils one inch below the surface of the moderator. Dose equivalent is determined from activation of three interlocked foils at the center of the moderator

    Flame Instability and Transition to Detonation in Supersonic Reactive Flows

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    Multidimensional numerical simulations of a homogeneous, chemically reactive gas were used to study ignition, flame stability, and deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) in a supersonic combustor. The configuration studied was a rectangular channel with a supersonic inflow of stoichiometric ethylene-oxygen and a transimissive outflow boundary. The calculation is initialized with a velocity in the computational domain equal to that of the inflow, which is held constant for the duration of the calculation. The compressible reactive Navier-Stokes equations were solved by a high-order numerical algorithm on an adapting mesh. This paper describes two calculations, one with a Mach 3 inflow and one with Mach 5.25. In the Mach 3 case, the fuel-oxidizer mixture does not ignite and the flow reaches a steady-state oblique shock train structure. In the Mach 5.25 case, ignition occurs in the boundary layers and the flame front becomes unstable due to a Rayleigh-Taylor instability at the interface between the burned and unburned gas. Growth of the reaction front and expansion of the burned gas compress and preheat the unburned gas. DDT occurs in several locations, initiating both at the flame front and in the unburned gas, due to an energy-focusing mechanism. The growth of the flame instability that leads to DDT is analyzed using the Atwood number parameter

    Surface activation of Concorde by Be-7

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    Activation analysis of two airframe components from the Concorde aircraft has identified the presence of Be-7, a nuclide found by other investigators that was deposited on the forward edge of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) structure. The results of the Concorde analysis indicate that this phenomenon is very much a surface effect, and that the areal densities of the Be-7 are comparable to those found for LDEF. The collection of Be-7 by the aircraft must be greater than in the case of LDEF (since duration for which Concorde is accumulating the nuclide is shorter) and is of the order of 1.2 to 41 nuclei/sq cm(-)s(exp -1) depending upon assumptions made regarding the altitude at which collection becomes appreciable, and the efficiency of the process which removes the radionuclide

    The energy dilemma and its impact on air transportation

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    The dimensions of the energy situation are discussed in relation to air travel. Energy conservation, fuel consumption, and combustion efficiency are examined, as well as the proposal for subsonic aircraft using hydrogen fuel

    Ablation debris control by means of closed thick film filtered water immersion

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    The performance of laser ablation generated debris control by means of open immersion techniques have been shown to be limited by flow surface ripple effects on the beam and the action of ablation plume pressure loss by splashing of the immersion fluid. To eradicate these issues a closed technique has been developed which ensured a controlled geometry for both the optical interfaces of the flowing liquid film. This had the action of preventing splashing, ensuring repeatable machining conditions and allowed for control of liquid flow velocity. To investigate the performance benefits of this closed immersion technique bisphenol A polycarbonate samples have been machined using filtered water at a number of flow velocities. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the closed immersion technique: a 93% decrease in debris is produced when machining under closed filtered water immersion; the average debris particle size becomes larger, with an equal proportion of small and medium sized debris being produced when laser machining under closed flowing filtered water immersion; large debris is shown to be displaced further by a given flow velocity than smaller debris, showing that the action of flow turbulence in the duct has more impact on smaller debris. Low flow velocities were found to be less effective at controlling the positional trend of deposition of laser ablation generated debris than high flow velocities; but, use of excessive flow velocities resulted in turbulence motivated deposition. This work is of interest to the laser micromachining community and may aide in the manufacture of 2.5D laser etched patterns covering large area wafers and could be applied to a range of wavelengths and laser types

    Rapid Mixing for Lattice Colorings with Fewer Colors

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    We provide an optimally mixing Markov chain for 6-colorings of the square lattice on rectangular regions with free, fixed, or toroidal boundary conditions. This implies that the uniform distribution on the set of such colorings has strong spatial mixing, so that the 6-state Potts antiferromagnet has a finite correlation length and a unique Gibbs measure at zero temperature. Four and five are now the only remaining values of q for which it is not known whether there exists a rapidly mixing Markov chain for q-colorings of the square lattice.Comment: Appeared in Proc. LATIN 2004, to appear in JSTA

    Technical management techniques for identification and control of industrial safety and pollution hazards

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    Constructive recommendations are suggested for pollution problems from offshore energy resources industries on outer continental shelf. Technical management techniques for pollution identification and control offer possible applications to space engineering and management
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