2,767 research outputs found

    Gravitational lens magnification by Abell 1689: Distortion of the background galaxy luminosity function

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    Gravitational lensing magnifies the luminosity of galaxies behind the lens. We use this effect to constrain the total mass in the cluster Abell 1689 by comparing the lensed luminosities of background galaxies with the luminosity function of an undistorted field. Since galaxies are assumed to be a random sampling of luminosity space, this method is not limited by clustering noise. We use photometric redshift information to estimate galaxy distance and intrinsic luminosity. Knowing the redshift distribution of the background population allows us to lift the mass/background degeneracy common to lensing analysis. In this paper we use 9 filters observed over 12 hours with the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope to determine the redshifts of 1000 galaxies in the field of Abell 1689. Using a complete sample of 151 background galaxies we measure the cluster mass profile. We find that the total projected mass interior to 0.25h^(-1)Mpc is (0.48 +/- 0.16) * 10^(15)h^(-1) solar masses, where our error budget includes uncertainties from the photometric redshift determination, the uncertainty in the off-set calibration and finite sampling. This result is in good agreement with that found by number count and shear-based methods and provides a new and independent method to determine cluster masses.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to MNRAS (10/99); Replacement with 1 page extra text inc. new section, accepted by MNRA

    Orbit equivalence rigidity for ergodic actions of the mapping class group

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    We establish orbit equivalence rigidity for any ergodic, essentially free and measure-preserving action on a standard Borel space with a finite positive measure of the mapping class group for a compact orientable surface with higher complexity. We prove similar rigidity results for a finite direct product of mapping class groups as well.Comment: 11 pages, title changed, a part of contents remove

    Measurement of intrinsic alignments in galaxy ellipticities

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    We measure the alignment of galaxy ellipticities in the local universe over a range of scales using digitized photographic data from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey. We find for a magnitude cut of b_J < 20.5, corresponding to a median galaxy redshift of z = 0.1, and 2x10^6 galaxies, that the galaxy ellipticities exhibit a non-zero correlation over a range of scales between 1 and 100 arcminutes. In particular, we measure the variance of mean galaxy ellipticities, sg^2(theta), in square angular cells on the sky as a function of cell size and find it lies in the range, 2 x 10^{-4} > sg^2(theta) > 1 x 10^{-5} for cell side lengths between 15 < theta < 100 arcminutes. Considering the low median redshift of the galaxies in the sample and hence the relatively low effective cross-section for lensing of these galaxies by the large-scale structure of the Universe, we propose that we have detected an intrinsic alignment of galaxy ellipticities. We compare our results to recent analytical and numerical predictions made for the intrinsic galaxy alignment and find good agreement. We discuss the importance of these results for measuring cosmic shear from upcoming shallow surveys (e.g. Sloan Digital Sky Survey) and we outline how these measurements could possibly be used to constrain models of galaxy formation and/or measure the mass distribution in the local universe.Comment: revised, 10 pages, 16 figures, matches version accepted for publication in MNRA

    Defining fishers in the South African context: subsistence, artisanal and small-scale commercial sectors

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    Evolution of a new policy for the management of marine fisheries in South Africa led to the Marine Living Resources Act of 1998 (MLRA). Among other innovations, this requires that management strategies be developed for subsistence fisheries. As a prerequisite, definitions and criteria are needed to identify and distinguish them. To achieve this, the Chief Director of Marine & Coastal Management (MCM), the authority responsible for managing marine fisheries, appointed a Subsistence Fisheries Task Group (SFTG) to make recommendations about definitions and modes of management. The process involved successive surveys and consultations with fishing communities, communication with MCM, and a national workshop of all participants. This led to consensus about the following definition: Subsistence fishers are poor people who personally harvest marine resources as a source of food or to sell them to meet the basic needs of food security; they operate on or near to the shore or in estuaries, live in close proximity to the resource, consume or sell the resources locally, use low-technology gear (often as part of a long-standing community-based or cultural practice), and the kinds of resources they harvest generate only sufficient returns to meet the basic needs of food security. This definition builds on the facts that existing subsistence fisheries are usually: (1) local operations; (2) customary, traditional or cultural; (3) undertaken for personal or family use; (4) primarily for nutritional needs (though excess resources may be sold to ensure food security); (5) based on minimal technology; and (6) undertaken by people with low cash incomes. They are specifically non-commercial and non-recreational. The definition was designed to allow protection of the rights of these people and sustainability of the resources. While developing this definition, it became obvious that the definition of “commercial fishing” in the MLRA is also inadequate, and a new definition was developed. Commercial fisheries span a wide spectrum, and the SFTG defined “small-scale commercial fishers” as a distinct component that has not received adequate attention, and for whom specific management plans need to be developed. They are distinguished by living on or close to the coast, having a history of involvement with fishing, being personally involved in hands-on day-to-day running of their enterprises, operating with limited amounts of capital investment and low levels of technology, and employing small numbers of people.Keywords: defining subsistence, fisheries management, subsistence fishersAfrican Journal of Marine Science 2002, 24: 475–48

    Changes in copepod distributions associated with increased turbulence from wind stress

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    Vertical profiles of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate (ε), current velocity, temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and copepods were sampled for 4 d at an anchor station on the southern flank of Georges Bank when the water column was stratified in early June 1995. Copepodite stages of Temora spp., Oithona spp., Pseudocalanus spp., and Calanus finmarchicus, and all of their naupliar stages except for Temora spp., were found deeper in the water column when turbulent dissipation rates in the surface mixed layer increased in response to increasing wind stress. Taxa that initially occurred at the bottom of the surface mixed layer at 10 to 15 m depth ( ε ¾ 10-8 W kg-1) before the wind event were located in the pycnocline at 20 to 25 m depth when dissipation rates at 10 m increased up to 10-6 W kg-1. Dissipation rates in the pycnocline were similar to those experienced at shallower depths before the wind event. After passage of the wind event and with relaxation of dissipation rates in the surface layer, all stages returned to prior depths above the pycnocline. Temora spp. nauplii did not change depth during this period. Our results indicate that turbulence from a moderate wind event can influence the vertical distribution of copepods in the surface mixed layer. Changes in the vertical distribution of copepods can impact trophic interactions, and movements related to turbulence would affect the application of turbulence theory to encounter and feeding rates

    Papers in New Guinea Linguistics No. 18

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    Elastic precursor of the transformation from glycolipid-nanotube to -vesicle

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    By the combination of optical tweezer manipulation and digital video microscopy, the flexural rigidity of single glycolipid "nano" tubes has been measured below the transition temperature at which the lipid tubules are transformed into vesicles. Consequently, we have found a clear reduction of the rigidity obviously before the transition as temperature increasing. Further experiments of infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) have suggested a microscopic change of the tube walls, synchronizing with the precursory softening of the nanotubes.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Inferring the flow properties of epithelial tissues from their geometry

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    Amorphous materials exhibit complex material properties with strongly nonlinear behaviors. Below a yield stress they behave as plastic solids, while they start to yield above a critical stress sigma(c). A key quantity controlling plasticity which is, however, hard to measure is the density P(x) of weak spots, where x is the additional stress required for local plastic failure. In the thermodynamic limit P(x) similar to x(theta) is singular at x = 0 in the solid phase below the yield stress sigma(c). This singularity is related to the presence of system spanning avalanches of plastic events. Here we address the question if the density of weak spots and the flow properties of a material can be determined from the geometry of an amorphous structure alone. We show that a vertex model for cell packings in tissues exhibits the phenomenology of plastic amorphous systems. As the yield stress is approached from above, the strain rate vanishes and the avalanches size S and their duration tau diverge. We then show that in general, in materials where the energy functional depends on topology, the value x is proportional to the length L of a bond that vanishes in a plastic event. For this class of models P(x) is therefore readily measurable from geometry alone. Applying this approach to a quantification of the cell packing geometry in the developing wing epithelium of the fruit fly, we find that in this tissue P(L) exhibits a power law with exponents similar to those found numerically for a vertex model in its solid phase. This suggests that this tissue exhibits plasticity and non-linear material properties that emerge from collective cell behaviors and that these material properties govern developmental processes. Our approach based on the relation between topology and energetics suggests a new route to outstanding questions associated with the yielding transition

    Fatigue cracking in gamma titanium aluminide

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    Fatigue crack initiation and growth were examined in cast and HIP'ed \textgamma-TiAl 4522XD. It was found that fatigue crack growth rates were higher at 750\celsius than 400\celsius, but that ΔKth\Delta K_\mathrm{th} was also higher. Temperature excursions between 400400 and 750\celsius during fatigue crack growth resulted in retardation of the crack growth rate, both on heating and cooling; however heating from 400 to 750\celsius at a ΔK\Delta K that would then be below threshold did not result in complete crack arrest. It was also found that for notches 0.60.6~mm in length and smaller, initiation from the microstructure could instead be observed at stresses similar to the material failure stress; a microstructural initiation site exists. Secondary cracking around borides could also be observed. A change from trans- to mixed trans-, inter- and intra-lamellar cracking could be observed where the estimated size of the crack tip plastic zone exceeded the colony size. Changes in fracture surface morphology could not be related to the temperature of fatigue crack growth, although this could be observed from the oxide scale colouration. Compressive pre-loading of a crack results in retardation of the crack, which could also be observed from the oxide
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