27 research outputs found

    75. Validity of accelerated hyperfractionated conformal radiation therapy and monitoring of treatment results in patients with advanced NSCLC. Assessment of tolerance and early failure

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    AimThe assessment of the early failure and toxicity of treatment for the advanced NSCLC using the accelerated hyperfractional conformal irradiationMaterial13 patients (12 men, 1woman, aged 50 – 74), in good performance status/70–90 points of Karnofsky scale/were treated.Patients have been irradiated with 15 MV or 6 MV photon two times a day with 6 hours break using 1.25 Gy fraction to total dose 50 Gy. PTV ranged from 599 to 1104 cm3 (mean 858 cm3).MethodsThe mean tumor dimension before and 6 weeks after finishing treatment with the use of CT have been assessed.Results3 early failure have been observed, all outside of PTV. The 2/3 of that recurrence have been recognized by CT. These patients have been ordered to chemotherapy. The mean tumor dimension was equal to 2,38 cm 6 weeks after finishing of treatment. This means 44% regression of the mean tumor dimension. No side effects and deteriorations of performance status have been observed.All patients have finished the treatment, all are in follow up, alive.ConclusionsThe accelerated hyperfractioned regimen can be carried out in outpatients service if PTV is smaller than 1000 cm3.Observed early recurrence two months of follow up are connected with a progression of a tumor outside of irradiated volume

    Total hemoglobin mass, aerobic capacity, and hbb gene in polish road cyclists

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    The relationship between genes, amount of hemoglobin, and physical performance are still not clearly defined. The aim of this study was to examine the association between-551C/T and intron 2, +16 C/G polymorphisms in the beta hemoglobin (HBB) gene and total hemoglobin mass (tHbmass) and aerobic capacity in endurance athletes. Total hemoglobin mass and aerobic capacity indices, i. e.,VO2max, oxygen uptake at anaerobic threshold (VO2AT), maximal power output (Pmax), and power at anaerobic threshold (PAT) were determined in 89 young road cyclists, female (n = 39) and male (n = 50), who were genotyped for 2 polymorphisms in the HBB gene. The relative values of aerobic capacity indices differed significantly among intron 2, +16 C/G polymorphisms of the HBB gene only in female cyclists; athletes with GG genotype had significantly higher values of V O2max (p = 0.003), VO2AT (p = 0.007), PAT (p = 0.015), and Pmax (p = 0.004) than C carriers. No relationships were found between the C-carrier model (CC + CG vs. GG in the case of intron 2, +16 C/G and CC + CT vs. TT for -551 C/T polymorphisms of the HBB gene) and relative values of tHbmass. Our results demonstrated that the HBB gene could be related to aerobic capacity, but it seems that it does not result from an increase in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood

    Comorbid mental disorders in substance users from a single catchment area - a clinical study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The optimal treatment of patients with substance use disorders (SUDs) requires an awareness of their comorbid mental disorders and vice versa. The prevalence of comorbidity in first-time-admitted SUD patients has been insufficiently studied. Diagnosing comorbidity in substance users is complicated by symptom overlap, symptom fluctuations, and the limitations of the assessment methods. The aim of this study was to diagnose all mental disorders in substance users living in a single catchment area, without any history of treatment for addiction or psychiatric disorders, admitted consecutively to the specialist health services. The prevalence of substance-induced versus substance-independent disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), in SUD patients will be described.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>First-time consecutively admitted patients from a single catchment area, aged 16 years or older, admitted to addiction clinics or departments of psychiatry as outpatients or inpatients will be screened for substance-related problems using the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test and the Drug Use Disorder Identification Test. All patients with scores above the cutoff value will be asked to participate in the study. The patients included will be diagnosed for SUD and other axis I disorders by a psychiatrist using the Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders. This interview was designed for the diagnosis of primary and substance-induced disorders in substance users. Personality disorders will be assessed according to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV axis II disorders. The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, the Inventory of Depressive Symptoms, the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale, the Young Mania Rating Scale, and the Angst Hypomania Check List will be used for additional diagnostic assessments. The sociodemographic data will be recorded with the Stanley Foundation's Network Entry Questionnaire. Biochemical assessments will reveal somatic diseases that may contribute to the patient's symptoms.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study is unique because the material represents a complete sample of first-time-admitted treatment seekers with SUD from a single catchment area. Earlier studies have not focused on first-time-admitted patients, so chronically ill patients, may have been overrepresented in those samples. This study will contribute new knowledge about mental disorders in first-time-admitted SUD patients.</p

    Heat transfer in two-phase liquid - liquid flow

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    Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest doświadczalne wyznaczenie współczynnika wnikania ciepła dla dyspersyjnych układów dwufazowych typu O/W i W/O podczas przepływu w rurze poziomej. Na podstawie wyników badań własnych wskazano na odmienność procesów ruchu ciepła w układach ciecz - ciecz odmiennego typu i zróżnicowanym poziomie rozproszenia.This work aimed experimental determination of heat transfer coefficient for O/W and W/O disperse two-phase liquid - liquid flow in a horizontal pipe. The test results showed differences in heat transfer process for different ' types of liquid - liquid systems and their dispersion level

    Heat transfer analogy and differences during two-phase gas - liquid and liquid - liquid flow

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    Praca dotyczy sposobu obliczania wartości współczynnika wnikania ciepła w warunkach przepływu dwufazowego. Scharakteryzowano w niej równania proponowane w literaturze przedmiotu dla układów dwuskładnikowych. Na podstawie danych eksperymentalnych dokonano oceny skuteczności- metod słusznych dla układów gaz - ciecz w odniesieniu do układów ciecz - ciecz.The paper describes methods for heat transfer coefficient calculation in two-phase flow. The literature equations for predicting heat transfer in two-component systems are presented. On basis of experimental data the effectiveness of calculation methods for heat transfer in liquid — liquid systems originally used for calculations of heat transfer in gas - liquid systems was evaluated

    Rheometry of unstable water-oil mixture in two-phase flow conditions

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    Praca prezentuje eksperymentalną ocenę właściwości reologicznych nietrwałej mieszaniny wodno-olejowej płynącej w rurze. W warunkach przepływu dwufazowego układ ciecz-ciecz nie jest emulsją, lecz tylko nietrwałym układem dyspersyjnym. Zależne od warunków przepływu istotne zmiany jego struktury wewnętrznej wymuszają stosowanie specyficznych technik reometrycznych. W pracy opisano próby wykorzystania w tym celu reometru rurowego. Przedstawiono również metodykę prowadzenia eksperymentów oraz zakres możliwych do uzyskania wyników.The paper concerns an experimental assessment of rheological properties of unstable water-oil mixture flowing in a pipeline. In liquid-liquid two-phase flow the mixture does not represent an emulsion but an unstable dispersion system. Significant changes of internal structure which are dependent on flow conditions force the use of specific rheometry techniques. Attempts to apply a tubular rheometer for this purpose are described in the paper. The experimental methodology and a range of results possible to obtain are also presented

    Rising velocity of dispersed phase in oil - water two-phase upflow

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    Praca dotyczy zjawiska poślizgu faz, a szczególnie prędkości dry fu kropel oleju w strumieniu wody płynącym ku górze. Wskazano w niej na równania mogące znaleźć zastosowanie do opisu swobodnego ruchu kropel w cieczy. Na podstawie wyników własnych eksperymentów zweryfikowano celowość ich wykorzystania.A slip phenomenon of phases in liquid - liquid two-phase upflow is discussed in the paper. Especially the drift velocity of oil droplets in water stream is discussed. Equations describing the oil droplet terminal velocity in water are presented. The drift velocity values calculated from the equations were compared with those obtained experimentally

    Heat transfer in the flow of two immiscible liquids

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych przebiegu procesu reaktywnej ekstrakcji kwasu cytrynowego z roztworu wodnego z użyciem dwutlenku węgla w stanie nadkrytycznym. Zbadano wpływ parametrów procesowych (temperatury, szybkości mieszania, czasu realizacji) na przebieg i efektywność procesu. Wyniki badań doświadczalnych prowadzonych z zastosowaniem dwutlenku węgla w stanie nadkrytycznym porównano z wynikami otrzymanymi przy użyciu rozpuszczalników organicznych: 1 -oktanolu i n-heptanu.In this paper the results of experiments of reactive extraction of citric acid from aqueous solution with the use of supercritical carbon dioxide are presented. The influence of process parameters (temperature, stirrer speed, time) on the process course and efficiency was investigated. The results of experiments obtained with the use of supercritical carbon dioxide were compared with those obtained using organic solvents: 1-octanol and n-heptan

    Method for determination of a type of liquid - liquid system flowing in horizontal pipe

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    Praca dotyczy inwersji faz zachodzącej podczas przepływu ciekłego układu dyspersyjnego w rurze poziomej. Badania prowadzono dla układów tworzonych przez wodę i cztery rodzaje olejów. Ich wyniki pozwoliły opracować metodę określania typu nietrwałego układu ciecz - ciecz będącego w przepływie. Proponowana metoda uwzględnia jedynie właściwości fizyczne oraz wielkość strumieni obu cieczy i jest łatwa do praktycznego stosowania.The paper concerns phase inversion phenomenon occurring when the unstable, two-phase liquid - liquid system flows through a horizontal pipe. The experiments were conducted for water and four types of oil mixtures. The results enabled one to determine a type of unstable liquid — liquid system during the flow. The suggested method is simple and can be easily employed in practice

    Research methodology of non-isothermal liquid dispersion flow system

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    W niniejszej pracy opisano budowę i możliwości pomiarowe instalacji badawczej służącej do eksperymentalnej oceny zjawisk towarzyszących nieizotermicznemu przepływowi układu dwufazowego ciecz - ciecz w poziomych rurach o różnej średnicy. Wskazano na przyjęte sposoby pomiaru określonych parametrów procesowych i interpretacji ich wyników oraz ilościową oceną dokładności pomiaru.The paper describes measurement possibilities of experimental set-up assigned to the evaluation of phenomena occurring during non-isothermal liquid - liquid two-phase flow in horizontal pipes of different diameters. Methods accepted in measurement of process parameters were indicated. The detailed interpretation of obtained results and the quantitative evaluation of measurement accuracy were discussed