95 research outputs found

    The Transformation Of Local Governance And Public Participation A Study Of Four Villages In Java After The Reformasi

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    Gerakan reformasi telah membawa perubahan hampir di segala aspek ke The reformasi movement brought about changes in nearly all aspects of social life in Indonesia.hidupan sosial di Indonesia

    Public Service Integrity Perception: Case Study In Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Indonesia

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    This paper was aimed to measure the integrityof public service at Kutai KartanegaraRegency, East Borneo Province, Indonesia.The public service integrity can be seen frommany perspective such as how the citizenssatisfied with the public services provided bythe government, how the public perception oncombating corruption, and how success thegovernment providing minimum servicestandard to the public at large. This threeforms of public service integrity was the mainfocuses of this research in Kutai Kartanegararegency. The phenomenon of public service inKutai Kartanegara Regency shown out of thetracks and missing to convey the importanceof public service values, characterized byuncertainty of charges, time, and procedures.The research used the quantitative methodsby scoring 3 indexes, which are the CitizenSatisfaction Index, Corruption PerceptionIndex, and Minimum Service Standard Index.This research used Non- probability Samplingmethod, also Judgment Sampling procedure,in the development and compilation of thecitizens satisfaction index. There were 57local government agencies that served as thesamples. The results of this research were thepublic service integrity perceptions in KutaiKartanegara regency was need to beimproved on the quantity and quality of publicservice delivery, commitment and efforts tocreate a clean government, transparency andaccountability espe cially on e-procurementand to implement minimu

    Pemberdayaan Cabang Aisyiyah Ngampilan Yogyakarta melalui Literasi "Media Sehat"

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    We currently live amid the rapid development of communication systems and the media's tightness, which makes everyone aware of any information conveyed. The coverage of lies or hoaxes is the focus of attention, especially in online media. Hoax is information that is engineered to cover up real information. Based on the Community Service Team's interviews and observations with partners, PCA members and administrators are acting as consumers of mass media, especially TV and internet media, namely WA, as daily information media. In its management activities, media literacy has never been carried out, even though media literacy needs an empowered and information literate society. Thus, Community Service will be carried out through this community service activity in the form of Empowerment of Aisyiyah Ngampilan Branches through Healthy Media Literacy. The method carried out by the community service team is workshops related to the importance of media literacy in dealing with hoaxes; media literacy assistance in dealing with hoaxes; digital-based "Tabayun on information to be smart as a media literate person"; making a guide book for Healthy Media Literacy; Smart As Media literate individuals face hoaxes"; providing facilities for the Aisyiyah Ngampilan Branch office that can be used to support management activities of the Aisyiyah Ngampilan Yogyakarta Branch. This Muhammadiyah-based community service is the increased ability of the board and members, especially related to healthy media literacy in dealing with hoaxes

    Tata Kelola Kebijakan Qanun Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Maisir (Perjudian) Di Kabupaten Gayo Lues Provinsi Aceh

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    The concept of regional autonomy and the views from the historical Aceh considered appropriate to enforce ShariaLaw kaffah. Qanun No.13 of 2003 about Maisir (Gambling) is one of the five existing Qanun in the implementationIslamic Sharia in Aceh, with the aim of preventing all forms of implementation and support for implementing gambling,to implement Islamic Sharia there are three institutions that run(1) Department of Islamic Sharia, (2) Satpol PP andWH, (3) Syariah Court. Bu tthe reality is still going on various forms of gambling. The above considerations, there viewwas conducted in order to see how the Governance Policy Qanun No.13 of 2003 about Maisir (Gambling) in Gayo LuesRegencyof Aceh province and Relationships between Implementing Agencies. The method used in answering thereview using qualitative descriptive method to obtain aclear description of the public participation, LSM in the implementationof Qanun No.13 of 2003 and the relationship between the executing agency. Therefore, the technique incollecting the data that used is observation technique which is observe the objects condition in the field, interview theperformers who involved in implementing Qanun Nomor 13 in 2013 about Maisir (gambling) in regency of GayoLueswith record it in a document

    Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Layanan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan di RSUD Morangan Sleman DIY

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    Act No. 24 of 2011 is in force since one January 2014 throughout the local government, is no exception SlemanYogyakarta. However, implementation of this BPJS still encountered many problems in the field. But the boomingcommunity participation has not been matched by an adequate system so much going problems field. Moreover, lackof socialization by BPJS cause the crux of information in society. In addition, a lot of complaints from health insuranceparticipants who feel lost its facilities, especially in the referral process, medicines and other support services. Thepurpose of this study was to determine how the implementation BPJS Sleman district in managing the National HealthInsurance in Sleman. This research is descriptive quantitative research. Data collection techniques in this study questionnaireand documentation techniques. As for the number of samples in this study were 100 people with purposivesampling technique. The technique used to analyze the data in this study is the analysis technique by using the indexand Test Independent Sample T test using SPSS software. Based on the results of this study concluded that the publicperception of the Institution of Social Security ministry of health in hospitals Morangan Sleman Yogyakarta based onArticle 10 of Act No. 24 of 2011 which consists of 1) Conduct and / or receiving Participant registration, 2) Pickingup and collecting dues from participants and Employers, 3) Receive contribution of Government assistance, 4) Collectand manage data participants Social Security program, 5) Paying Benefits and / or pay for health services in accordancewith the provisions of the Social Security program and 6) Provide information regarding the conduct of theSocial Security program the participants and the community has been good with a range of index values of 2.78 s / d3.43. The results of this study also concluded that 1) there was no significant difference in perception between thegroups of beneficiaries and the contribution of non beneficiaries of contributions based on the implementation and oraccept registration of participants in the Health BPJS Sleman.2) there was no significant difference in perceptionbetween the groups receiving communities tuition assistance and contribution of non beneficiaries based data managementBPJS participants in Sleman. 3) there are significant differences in perceptions between groups of beneficiariesdues and non-beneficiary communities dues by the payment of benefits or pay for health services BPJS in Slemanand 4) there are significant differences in perceptions between groups of beneficiaries and the contribution of nonbeneficiaries dues based on the implementation of information provision BPJS Slema

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Wilayah 3T oleh Komunitas Mahardika Bakti Nusanatara Studi Kasus: Masyarakat Adat Kokoda di Kampung Warmon Kab. Sorong

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    Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang kondisi masyarakat adat Kokoda yang ada di Papua yang mana merupakan sangat terbelakang dibandingkan dengan suku-suku yang ada di sekitarnya, maka dengan kehadiran tim MBN yang bekerja sama beberapa stakeholder untuk melakukan pemberdayaan diharapkan mampu mengubah masyarakat yang dulunya terbelakang dan tertinggal menuju masyarakat yang mandiri dan sejahtera.Kampung Warmon yang dihuni oleh suku Kokoda merupakan komunitas adat yang bermukim dilingkungan komunitas pendatang (Jawa, Bugis dan Makassar), namun terjadi ketimpangan diantara mereka yang mana komunitas Kokoda sebagai OPA (Orang Asli Papua) justru tertinggal dan terbelakang dibandingkan komunitas pendatang yang telah sejahtera di semua sektor. Hasil survei yang dilakukan tim MBN menunjukkan bahwa kampung warmon dari segi pendidikan, kesehatan dan kehidupan sosial masih terbelakang tercatat dari 158 kepala keluarga belum memperoleh jaminan dan kepastian ruang hidup dan penghidupan. Mahardika Bakti Nusantara (MBN) sebagai Tim KKN yang didelegasikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) sebgai tim pengabdi yang mengabdikan diri kepada masyarakat adat Kokoda yang berada di Kampung Warmon. Adapun prioritas yang perlu dikembangkan oleh tim MBN yaitu: a). Penguatan sektor pendidikan anak-anak dan pemuda, karena melalui pendidikan mereka memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan. b). Pemberdayaan pengelolaan sumber daya lokal dengan tujuan masyarakat adat Kokoda mampu mengelolah sumber daya yang dilingkungannya. c). Pemeberdayaan sektor ekononomi melalui pengembangan UMKM dengan tujuan masyarakat lebih mandiri secara ekonomi. Metode pemberdayaan yang tepat diterapkan adalah pelatihan, pendidikan, dan pendampingan. Hasil dari pemberdayaan ini untuk sektor pendidikan yaitu anak-anak dan pemuda mulai menyadari pentingnya pendidikan yang mana 5 orang anak diantaranya memiliki tekan untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya di wilayah Jawa, sektor ekonomi yaitu mayarakat kokoda mulai melakukan usaha mikro sehingga harapannya masyarakat kokoda dapat mandiri secara ekonomi

    Kebijakan Anggaran Dana Keistimewaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    As a country where the economic system still depend on financing of the public sector, the expectation that decentralizationpolicy in Indonesia can improve significantly society welfare has not been fulfilled yet. Happened in Yogyakartawhich has special authority in control government affairs. Constitution no 13 years 2012 about DIY privileges consistof 5 things like filling the positions, seat, job and authorities governor and vice governor, institutional affairs, cultureaffairs, land affairs, and spatial affairs. With the constitution expected DIY government can guarantee right of societyto live in prosperity. However, the expectation still can not fulfilled either. This study aims to identify and explain thepolicy configuration of DIY Privileged Funds and determine the contribution of the DIY privileged funds in publicwelfare acceleration. The research type used is a qualitative approach. Data collection methods technique is deptinterview and elite interviews, and documentation

    Konsistensi Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Dengan Anggaran Daerah

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    Development in Indonesia so far has achieved planning approach. Based on Law No. 17 Year 2003 on State FinanceRegional Budget that contained in the budget based on the RKPD, and the mandate of Law Number 25 Year 2004 onNational Development Planning System, states that the planning process should be through participatory musrenbang.The planning process in Gunung Kidul Regency musrenbang promote participatory, although it has been difficult torealize the consistency, and the problems in the development gaps between regions. This thesis examines theconsistency of the results musrenbang on RKPD, until the budget to determine the success of the planning andbudgeting areas of physical infrastructure in the 2013-2015 fiscal year Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta SpecialProvince and the factors that affect consistency. This research was conducted at 3 SKPD that administer physical andinfrastructure fields. Research using qualitative approach with case study method in which the collection of data,information, through interviews and direct observation in the field related to the planning begin planning meetings,RKPD, until the budget. Observations researchers carried out by conducting direct observation to the field in obtainingdata relevant to the problems of researchers, while the sampling technique used is the technique of non-probabilitysampling with purposive sampling and analysis techniques used triangulation to test the validity of the data by utilizingresearchers with data sources either through the primary data key. The level of consistency during the three years of2013, 2014, 2015 on the physical plane and infrastructure SKPD DPU showed no increase in the year 2013 by 77%, in2014 by 82%, and 96% in 2015. The level of consistency in the SKPD Dishubkominfo 2013 to 2015 is getting better isevidenced in 2013 by 83%, in 2014 by 88%, and in 2015 amounted to 94%. The level of consistency in the SKPDKapedal from 2013 to 2015 have shown improved in 2013 by 88%, in 2014 by 88%, in 2015 by 100%.Perencananaan consistency with the regional development budgets in areas that span the 'hierarchy RKPD, KUA andGunung Kidul district budget of the year 2013-2015 in the field of physical and infrastructure DPU SKPD, Dishubkominfo,and Kapedal for three years tend to rise. Factors that influence the consistency is understanding between SKPD, TAPD;their central policy; the results of the evaluation budgets by the governor; and terwadahinya basic thoughts ofParliament to the program of activities on education

    Implementasi Kebijakan Badan Layanan Umum Daerah: Studi Kasus RSUD dr. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Tanjung Selor Kabupaten Bulungan

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    The purpose of  this study was to describe the policy implementation Public Service Agency (BLUD) in RSUD TanjungSelor. This study uses descriptive qualitative research with data collection through the data collection process impirismove from facts to theory building. Results of  research policy implementation BLUD in RSUD Tanjung Selor show thatSPM has not run optimally meets standards and criteria set. BLUD running quite well due to the availability of  medicalfacilities and hospital equipment, adequate human resource quality, health care procedures and treatment costs areaffordable. However, for many services still complained of  patients considered less swift in responding to complaints.A common perception among the leaders of  positive effect on the delivery of  public health services, especially fromthe aspect of  equity, and affordability of  health care. In addition coordination and functional with health agencieshelped smooth implementation of  accountable implementation. The ability of  the police still lacked discipline officers,and less friendly. Comfort aspect of  this facility is an extra burden on the patient. In the sense of  this study indicate thatthe change of  status into BLUDs at RSD Dr. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Tanjung Selor Bulungan did not show a significantimpact on changes in the quality of service

    Dampak Kebijakan Alokasi Dana Desa (Add) Terhadap Pembangunan Desa Di Kabupaten Bulungan Tahun 2011 – 2014

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    Village Fund Allocation given to all villages in the district of Bulungan gives hope that the greater will be the realizationof equitable development, equitable and participatory. Village Fund Allocation policy implementation makes a verysignificant change, the village that was once get a very limited budget that is managed centrally by governmentagencies above the village are now getting a large enough budget and was given the authority to manage independently.The purpose of this study was to: (1) determine the impact of policies Village Allocation Fund in the SilvaRahayu Village, Tanjung Buka Village, Gunung Seriang Village, dan Bunyu Selatan Village, and (2) determine factorscausing variations in the impact of policies Village Allocation Fund in Silva Rahayu Village, Tanjung Buka Village,Gunung Seriang Village, dan Bunyu Selatan Village.The research is a qualitative research. This study was conducted inBulungan, precisely in the Silva Rahayu Village, Tanjung Buka Village, Gunung Seriang Village, dan Bunyu SelatanVillage. Data collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is dataanalysis with qualitative methods to measure data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.Theresults showed that the village has an impact Village Fund Allocation most suited to the purpose of the Village FundAllocation is expected Silva Rahayu village and the village of Tanjung Buka. Village at least in accordance with theoriginal purpose of the program is the Village Fund Allocation Bunyu Selatan Village. This is due to Silva Rahayu Villageand the Tanjung Buka Village has implemented the Village Fund Allocation program in accordance with the rules andregulations. The village is still having an inhibiting factor is the village of Tanjung Buka. The quantity and quality ofhuman resources in the village Tanjung Buka still fairly minimal and require further training. Silva Rahayu village,Gunung Seriang village, and the Bunyu Selatan Village not having problems associated with factors that can influencepolicy implementation Village Fund Allocation program. In all three villages of both quality and quantity of humanresources are sufficient to implement the Village Fund Allocation program. Human resources and apparatus also hasa mental attitude that is ready to implement the program properly