29 research outputs found

    Effectiveness measurement: when will we get it right?

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    Credible demonstration of policy or program impacts depends on understanding the distinction between inputs outputs outcomes and indicators. Moreover in order to be trusted public reports on a programs' performance need to focus more selectively on identifying the key measures of performance. In the first place the aim of the article is to provide those involved in the practice of program evaluation with enhanced understanding of the current literature reports and documentation on estimating impacts and results of government programs and policies. Secondly it is designed to share definitions and guidelines used to determine economic impacts. Finally this article includes current best practices involved in measuring incremental impacts all of which we contend enable program evaluation staff providing them with new ways of approaching measurement effectiveness and accountability in a strategic and comprehensive manner.Una demostración confiable sobre el impacto de políticas o programas depende de la comprensión de la diferencia entre lo que son aportes rendimientos resultados e indicadores. Es más para que los informes públicos sobre el desempeño de los programas sean confiables necesitan enfocarse de manera más selectiva o identificar las pautas claves de su actuación. En primer lugar el objetivo de este artículo es proveer a aquellos que están involucrados en la práctica de evaluación de programas de un mayor entendimiento de la literatura disponible en este momento así como informes y documentación para estimar los impactos y resultados de los programas y políticas de gobierno. En segundo lugar está redactado para compartir las definiciones y guías que se usan para determinar los impactos económicos. Finalmente este artículo incluye las mejores prácticas para calcular los incrementos en el impacto lo que argüimos habilita al personal evaluador de programas con nuevas aproximaciones a aspectos como mediciones efectividad y responsabilidad de gestión de una manera estratégica e integral

    Can Four Generations Create Harmony Within a Public-Sector Environment?

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    The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between generational cohort and cohort perceptions of managerial effectiveness within the context of the federal public service. Data in this study were derived from the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, which included 421,748 full-time, part-time, and nonseasonal federal government employees geographically dispersed across the United States and overseas. The results of the study indicated that ratings of managerial effectiveness by all four generational cohorts for all three levels of managers studied were relatively high with correlation coefficients ranging from .96 to .99. However, the only cohort association that consistently had a statistically significant relationship with managerial effectiveness across all three levels was Generation Xers and Millennials. The p value for this relationship was p \u3c .05 for all three managerial levels studied. Based on the study’s data, there was little difference in perceptions regarding managerial effectiveness among the four cohorts. Recommendations for future research include adding perspectives from Generation Z employees who are now entering the federal workforce, and studying how supervisors rate their own supervisors, given their unique managerial experience and perspective within the context of their generational cohort, would add to the body of knowledge on managerial effectiveness among generational cohorts

    How Leaders Market and Commercialize Healthcare Technology Innovation

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    This study investigates what strategies technology development marketing leaders utilized to commercialize a new product innovation in the healthcare market. Analysis of data generated 3 major themes: strategies implemented during the prelaunch phase, strategies implemented during the pilot customer phase, and strategies implemented in the broader market launch phase of the CoI process. Findings from this study may contribute to maximizing commercial success and the diffusion of new product innovations in healthcare, which might lead to better patient outcomes and enhanced ways of practicing medicine

    How Does a Responsible Leader Win in a Competitive World?

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    Competitiveness demonstrates a firm’s effectiveness in achieving an advantage over others. A leader’s competitiveness can facilitate higher profits and growth. It can also lead to unethical and irresponsible corporate dealings. This paper suggests competitiveness can be responsible. Responsible Leadership defines two main responsible leaders (RL), integrative and instrumental. Integrators are linked to social responsibility and multiple stakeholders, while Instrumentalists are associated with competitive advantage and shareholders. Missing from extant research frameworks is how the two RLs experience competitiveness. We examined the lived experience of a group of Top 100 Leaders in Canada, finding that both RLs practiced responsible competitiveness. A more nuanced group, they shared characteristics and personal values that seemed to curb the overreach or hyper-competitiveness associated with irresponsibility

    Impact of information and communication technology in Nigerian small-to medium-sized enterprises

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    Purpose – The purpose of this (qualitative, multiple-case) study is to determine how small-to medium-sized enterprise (SME) leaders in Nigeria use information and communication technology (ICT) adoption as a business strategy to increase profitability and compete globally. Design/methodology/approach – The participants for this study consisted of executive-level SME leaders who had the authority to approve ICT implementation within their respective organizations. Individual interviews were undertaken with participants to gain an understanding of their experience of determining the merits of and implementing ICT. The technology acceptance model, which specifies the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward computer use and intention to use technology, was applied as a framework to explain the Nigerian SME’s ICT adoption strategies. Findings – Four major themes emerged from the data analysis: ICT adoption factors, ICT roles and benefits, role of government and SME success factors. The findings of this study may help SME leaders and government leaders address many of the factors inhibiting the adoption of ICT in SMEs in Nigeria. Practical implications – This study may ensure that SMEs are successful and able to create jobs, which in turn may help to promote socioeconomic development through adoption of ICT. Originality/value – The findings from this study contribute to the knowledge base regarding factors that affect ICT adoption by SME leaders as a business strategy to increase profitability and compete globally, particularly within SMEs in Lagos, Nigeria. It further addressed the gap in existing literature regarding other factors such as the influence of culture on ICT adoption, cost of ICT implementation, available ICT skills, infrastructure and ICT knowledge gap as the primary impeding factors of ICT adoption in Nigerian SMEs.Objetivo - El propósito de este estudio (cualitativo, de casos múltiples) es determinar cómo los líderes de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) en Nigeria utilizan la adopción de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) como estrategia comercial para aumentar la rentabilidad y competir a nivel mundial. Diseño / metodología / enfoque - Los participantes de este estudio consistieron en líderes de pymes de nivel ejecutivo que tenían la autoridad para aprobar la implementación de las TIC dentro de sus respectivas organizaciones. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales con los participantes para comprender su experiencia en la determinación de los méritos y la implementación de las TIC. El modelo de aceptación de la tecnología, que especifica la relación entre la utilidad percibida, la facilidad de uso percibida, la actitud hacia el uso de la computadora y la intención de utilizar la tecnología, se aplicó como marco para explicar las estrategias de adopción de las TIC de la PYME nigeriana. Recomendaciones - Del análisis de datos surgieron cuatro temas principales: factores de adopción de las TIC, funciones y beneficios de las TIC, función del gobierno y factores de éxito de las PYME. Los hallazgos de este estudio pueden ayudar a los líderes de las PYME y los líderes gubernamentales a abordar muchos de los factores que inhiben la adopción de las TIC en las PYME en Nigeria. Implicaciones prácticas - Este estudio puede garantizar que las PYME tengan éxito y puedan crear puestos de trabajo, lo que a su vez puede ayudar a promover el desarrollo socioeconómico mediante la adopción de las TIC. Originalidad / valor - Los hallazgos de este estudio contribuyen a la base de conocimientos sobre los factores que afectan la adopción de las TIC por parte de los líderes de las pymes como estrategia comercial para aumentar la rentabilidad y competir a nivel mundial, particularmente dentro de las pymes en Lagos, Nigeria. Además, abordó la brecha en la literatura existente con respecto a otros factores como la influencia de la cultura en la adopción de las TIC, el costo de la implementación de las TIC, las habilidades disponibles en TIC, la infraestructura y la brecha de conocimiento de las TIC como los principales factores que obstaculizan la adopción de las TIC en las PYME nigerianas

    Returning to Solvency Through Quality Improvement

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore quality improvement strategies senior manufacturing production managers use to reduce Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) to increase profit. The participants for this study were production managers within a manufacturing company located in the southeastern region of the United States who successfully developed and implemented strategies to lower COPQ to increase profitability. Six major themes emerged from the study: continuous improvement, quality assurance, employees as agents of quality improvement, communication between stakeholders, holding all firm members accountable for quality, and training. Manufacturing managers can use these strategies to lower COPQ and increase profits, which could result in enhancing other organizations’ financial performance. Findings from this study may enable manufacturing managers to improve organizational performance when continuous quality improvement processes are implemented throughout the manufacturing process and senior leaders champion lessons learned, support the training program approach, and implement a quality assurance program that empowers frontline employees as agents of quality throughout the manufacturing process

    Are Hospital Efficiency and Quality of Care Affordable without External Revenue?

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    This qualitative study explored strategies academic research hospital administrators in Ontario, Canada, apply to generate nongovernment revenue to remain sustainable. The participants in the study consisted of senior-level academic research hospital executives with extensive experience in the subject area from major academic research hospitals, ranking the hospitals from highest to lowest in revenue generation. From this study, five themes emerged: working within the fiscal reality, the impact of the political environment, the focus on the mission, nongovernment revenue generation, and opportunities for the Ontario academic research hospitals. Findings from this study may contribute to discussions on implementing change by encouraging hospital executives to adopt a more coordinated and consistent approach to generating nongovernment revenue to support the mission of their hospitals

    Developing Workforce Capability in Nonprofits Through Effective Leadership

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    Leaders of nonprofit organizations in the United States must build workforce capabilities to meet increasing demands for services. This single-case study explored strategies nonprofit leaders used to build workforce capability to address increasing service demands. The conceptual lens for this study was the full-range leadership theory. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with senior executives of a single nonprofit organization located in the Midwestern region of the United States, which included internal organizational and workforce performance data, strategy plans, annual reports internal and external financial documents, and publicly available information. Four major themes related to building workforce capacity emerged from a thematic analysis of the data: (1) an emphasis on employee development, (2) the expansion of technology systems, (3) a concentration on developing a culture of autonomy and trust, and (4) the introduction of processes and measurements. The findings from this study might contribute to positive social change by providing nonprofit leaders with strategies and data to support a deeper understanding of how to effectively build workforce capability to address increasing service demands

    Effectiveness measurement: When will we get it right?

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    Credible demonstration of policy or program impacts depends on understanding the distinction between inputs outputs outcomes and indicators. Moreover in order to be trusted public reports on a programs' performance need to focus more selectively on identifying the key measures of performance. In the first place the aim of the article is to provide those involved in the practice of program evaluation with enhanced understanding of the current literature reports and documentation on estimating impacts and results of government programs and policies. Secondly it is designed to share definitions and guidelines used to determine economic impacts. Finally this article includes current best practices involved in measuring incremental impacts all of which we contend enable program evaluation staff providing them with new ways of approaching measurement effectiveness and accountability in a strategic and comprehensive manner.Una demostraci?n confiable sobre el impacto de pol?ticas o programas depende de la comprensi?n de la diferencia entre lo que son aportes rendimientos resultados e indicadores. Es m?s para que los informes p?blicos sobre el desempe?o de los programas sean confiables necesitan enfocarse de manera m?s selectiva o identificar las pautas claves de su actuaci?n. En primer lugar el objetivo de este art?culo es proveer a aquellos que est?n involucrados en la pr?ctica de evaluaci?n de programas de un mayor entendimiento de la literatura disponible en este momento as? como informes y documentaci?n para estimar los impactos y resultados de los programas y pol?ticas de gobierno. En segundo lugar est? redactado para compartir las definiciones y gu?as que se usan para determinar los impactos econ?micos. Finalmente este art?culo incluye las mejores pr?cticas para calcular los incrementos en el impacto lo que arg?imos habilita al personal evaluador de programas con nuevas aproximaciones a aspectos como mediciones efectividad y responsabilidad de gesti?n de una manera estrat?gica e integral