9 research outputs found

    Analisis Risiko Hydrogen Recovery Unit (Hru) dan Prioritas Risiko Kegagalan Komponen Pipa Gas Hidrogen di PT Petrokimia

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    ABSTRACTHydrogen Recovery Unit (HRU) is a unit which serves to purify hydrogen gas and an advanced process of Pure Gas Recovery Unit (PGRU) which serves to separate of ammonia gas from the other gaseous in the process. HRU is a high potential of firesdue to the characteristics of hydrogen which is a highlyflammablegas. In 2006, there was an explosion onpipelinein AmmoniaPlantofPT PetrokimiaGresik.Thereforeweneedare-analysisoftheunitasapreventive measurementtoavoidsimilaraccidentsinthefuture.TheobjectiveofthisstudywastoanalyzetherisklevelofHRU in AmmoniaPlantarea.Thisresearchwasadescriptivestudywithanobservationalmethod.Datawereobtainedfrom interviews and observations. Data analysis was performed by using qualitative approach of Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) American Petroleum Institute (API) 581 and Failure Mode and EffectAnalysis (FMEA) method to identify the risk failure each component of hydrogen pipeline.The study was conductedat the HRU by using expertjudgment as a subjectin the assessment of data collection. The result showed that PT. Petrokimia Gresik has not been done a risk analysis unit using RBI andidentify the riskfailureanalysisineach unit. Theresearchconcludes that HRUrisklevel ismediumandthe high risk component failure is the pipeline body.Keywords: FMEA, hydrogen pipeline, risk-based inspectio

    Hubungan Kompensasi Finansial Dan Stres Kerja Dengan Kinerja Karyawan PT. Dok Dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero)

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    The worker performance must be considered by company due to worker who have good performance can help the company to achieve its goal. Company should give responsibilities according to workers\u27s ability and expertise for making good performance. The ups and down of worker performance happened because of the tough workload, uncomfortable work environment, and unfilled employee demands. This research analyzed the correlation between financial compensation and work stress on worker performance in PT. Dok and Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero). This research was descriptive which collected observationally with cross-sectional design. The population of study was construction worker in PT. Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero), the sample was taken by total population which is consist of 40 workers. Independent variables were financial compensation and work stress. Dependent variable was worker performance. The primary data using questionnaires, observation, and interview while secondary data was profile company. The result from questionnaires were calculated using Spearman correlation. It showed that correlation level between financial compensation and worker performance was moderate with 0.332 correlation coefficient value. The level of correlation between work stress toward worker performance is moderate with 0.445 correlation coefficient value. It suggested to industry to improve the concern toward worker by creating safe and comfortable work environment. Giving reward to worker who has good achievement or who can create something useful for company

    Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak Usia di Bawah Dua Tahun (Baduta) dari Ibu Penderita Gondok

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    The objective of this research was to study the growth and development pattern of under two year age children of mother with maternal goiter. The research design was retrospective cohort. The Study was conducted in Banyu Arang village, Ngoro Sub distric, Jombang Distric, because this village was categorized as severe endemic goiter area. The observed variables were iodine status of children, the growth parameters such as body weight gain, nutritional status, head circumference, chest circumference; the development parameters such as motor miles stone, and score of pre screening questionnaire for development (KPSP).The result of the study indicated that prevalence of maternal goiter was 48.21%, prevalence of iodine deficiency among under two years children was 8.93%. Median of urinary iodine excretion amongchildren of mother with maternal goiter was 404 μg/L and 506 μg/L for children of mother without maternal goiter. Mean of birth weight among children of mother with maternal goiter was 3.02 kg and 2.96 kg for children of mother without maternal goiter. The growth rate of children of mother with maternal goiter was 278.33 gram and 264.16 gram for children of mother without maternal goiter. The head circumference among children of mother with maternal goiter was 46.35 cm compared with 46.05 cm for children of mother without maternal goiter. Ratio of head circumference and chest circumference were 0.96 and 0.97 respectively, and indicated that no asymetric growth retardation among two groups. Despite no significant diference of total score of KPSP between children of mother with maternal goiter and without maternal goite, but there were 2 (two) children that detected under developed children because total score of KPSP less than 7, and they were found from mother with maternal goiter.It was concluded that there was no significant difference of growth pattern between children of mother with maternal goiter and without maternal goiter. It found that generally development of children of mother without goiter better than children of mother with maternal goiter.Key words: growth, development, IDD, maternal goite

    Accident and Health Problems of Traditional Diver and the Factors That Affect the District Seram, Maluku

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    Accident and occupational diseases in traditional divers of Seram Regency, Maluku increase every year. Steps to socialize the prevention, also the know-how of diving technique must be taken by government institutions as well as non-governmental organizations. The purpose of this research is to learn the accidents and health disturbances experienced by divers and the correlation with diving activities of traditional divers in West Seram County of Maluku Province. This is an observational study carried out from July until December 2010 using cross sectional method. The population is traditional divers in Piru District, West Seram Regency of Maluku Province. Samples are taken from a selected population as many as 38 respondents. Variables observed are respondents characteristics, experienced accidents, health disturbances and diving activities. Data is collected through observation and direct interviews using questionnaires and interview guidelines. The collected data is analyzed descriptively in frequency table, graphic and cross tabulation forms. The research result showed that respondents age was 16-55 years old, work tenure was 2 months to 20 years, 81.6% was married, education ranged from no schooling to high school graduates. Experienced accidents consisted of scratched by corals, bitten by fish and corals, poisonous sea animals, compressor pipe was trapped, and drowned. Health disturbances experienced by divers were bleeding, headache, pain in joints and backbone, blurred vision, deaf, excessive fatigue, itchiness, tremor, unconscious/faint, difficulty in urinating, and vertigo. Respondents dived from 5-120 minutes, dived in 5-25 meters underwater, diving activity was done everyday (76.3%) and 68.4% used compressor. Factors of diving gear, work tenure, length and depth of diving, and diving frequency had a tendency to affect divers accident; while factors of diving gear, work tenure, length and depth of diving, and diving frequency had a tendency to affect divers health disturbances. To protect divers, it is suggested to implement the SAFE (slowly ascend for every dive) principle for every diver, to do safety stop while ascending, and enough interval before next diving.Keywords: accident, health disturbances, traditional diver