
Analisis Risiko Hydrogen Recovery Unit (Hru) dan Prioritas Risiko Kegagalan Komponen Pipa Gas Hidrogen di PT Petrokimia


ABSTRACTHydrogen Recovery Unit (HRU) is a unit which serves to purify hydrogen gas and an advanced process of Pure Gas Recovery Unit (PGRU) which serves to separate of ammonia gas from the other gaseous in the process. HRU is a high potential of firesdue to the characteristics of hydrogen which is a highlyflammablegas. In 2006, there was an explosion onpipelinein AmmoniaPlantofPT PetrokimiaGresik.Thereforeweneedare-analysisoftheunitasapreventive measurementtoavoidsimilaraccidentsinthefuture.TheobjectiveofthisstudywastoanalyzetherisklevelofHRU in AmmoniaPlantarea.Thisresearchwasadescriptivestudywithanobservationalmethod.Datawereobtainedfrom interviews and observations. Data analysis was performed by using qualitative approach of Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) American Petroleum Institute (API) 581 and Failure Mode and EffectAnalysis (FMEA) method to identify the risk failure each component of hydrogen pipeline.The study was conductedat the HRU by using expertjudgment as a subjectin the assessment of data collection. The result showed that PT. Petrokimia Gresik has not been done a risk analysis unit using RBI andidentify the riskfailureanalysisineach unit. Theresearchconcludes that HRUrisklevel ismediumandthe high risk component failure is the pipeline body.Keywords: FMEA, hydrogen pipeline, risk-based inspectio

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