88 research outputs found

    A Conceptual Framework of Jewish Diaspora

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    Man moves from one place to another in the search of comfort and prosperity. Such movement of people, voluntary or involuntary, is studied in the social sciences of literature under the head of Diaspora. The present study of Diaspora, has emerged with the multiplicity of histories, variety of culture, tradition, and a deep instinct for survival in the adapted country of the migrants. The present paper explores the conceptual framework of Jewish diaspora

    Alienation or Assimilation: The Problem of Indian Diaspora in the Select Novel of Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri

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    The migration of human beings has always been found in quest for a better life and future. Since the very beginning of the archaic world of human perception till today, the human migration has been continued in the exploration of better life, progress, prosperity, happiness and contentment but often it found only struggle and discontentment due to social, emotional or psychological disorder in the cultural background of detachment or alienation. Many branches of knowledge try to explore such migration in their terms and origination of human beings. In literature such migration comes to be studied under the head of Diaspora which deals with the literary sensibility of human beings and reveals certain features like nostalgia, homesickness, identity crisis, alienation, assimilation, cultural discourses and social upheavals that are fully responsible for the misfortunes of such migrant communities, located, dislocated and relocated without roots into the different parts of the world. The condition of such migrant people living under the umbrella of diaspora, has always been a dual state of mind which creates confusion and clashes into the sense of dislocation, alienation and other issues that these expatriates or immigrants deal with. Diasporic literature is exemplified with the perception of literature written on Diaspora or by Diaspora. The literary criteria of the diaspora, compresses the complexities and dynamic conditions of human migration: emigration and immigration. This paper explores the alienation or assimilation, the diasporic sensibility of Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri in their selected novels, The Tiger’s Daughter, Jasmine and The Namesake respectively

    The Self-Actualization of Indian Diaspora in the Select Novels of Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri

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    The migration of human beings into the various countries of the world, has been in the search of betterment of chances for their literary as well as the social contributions in the present era of the diasporic world for the second and the third generation of migrants communities. It has been a journey for establishing a new identity of self-actualization of any individuality in the context of Diaspora. The term self-actualization is coined and developed as the psychological term by Abraham Maslow to describe the growth of an individual towards the fulfillment of their highest social as well as the emotional requirements. Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri are the Indian Diasporic writers of novels as well as short stories, who write about the problems of Indian Immigrants, especially with the perspectives of feminine immigrant sensibilities. Very skillfully, both of them portray the struggle of Indian women for self- actualization and establishing new identity of Indianness with the self-fascination of foreignness through their novels as well as short stories. Their feminine characters are the representations of contemporary women who strive to live their life on their owns with the portrayal of full potential and capabilities and become an individual, they want to be. Most of their writings seem autobiographical to the extent that they reflect the diasporic experiences of the migrants as they writers are. This paper aims to bring out the journey of the migration to self-actualization of the some portrayals of Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri in their works, Jasmine and The Lowlands, respectively that leads them to fluid identities of a diasporic life. Jyoti, the protagonist of Jasmine, is an Indian Immigrant who faces the problems of acculturation and alienation in the United States of America while the self actualization of Gauri in The Lowland seems to be destroyed in the hands of destiny in self-fascination of the diasporic lowlands. Both of these protagonists try to assimilate themselves into the foreign country as well as culture but Jasmine of Mukherjee seems to gain an independent identity towards the end of the novel while Gauri seems to be erased her Indian identity of motherhood in the self-fascination of Americanization. The readers can find in Mukherje and Lahiri, very successful presentation of the predicaments of The Third World women with all their frustrations, longings, hopes and aspirations in an alien land of migration

    Estimation of Total Saponins and Evaluate Their Effect on in vitro Methanogenesis and Rumen Fermentation Pattern in Wheat Straw Based Diet

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    The present experiment was carried out to estimate the total saponins and evaluate their effect on methanogenesis and rumen fermentation by in vitro gas production techniques. Three plant material, rough chaff tree seed (Achyranthus aspara, T1), gokhru seed (Tribulus terrestris, T2) and Siris seed (Albizia lebbeck, T3) were selected for present study. The total saponins content in T1, T2 and T3 were 45.75, 25.65 and 48.26% (w/w), respectively. Three levels of each saponins (3, 6 and 9% on DM basis) and wheat straw based (50R:50C) medium fiber diet (200±10 mg) were used for the evaluation of their effect on methanogenesis and rumen fermentation pattern. Results showed the maximum methane reduction (49.66% in term of mM/gDDM) and acetate propionate ration (35.08%) were found in T1 at 6 and 3% levels. Result show that propionate production (mM/ml) was increased; protozoa population decreased (75%) significantly on addition with T3 at 6% level. No significant variation was found in dry matter digestibility in all cases. The present results demonstrate that total saponins extracted from different herbal plants are a promising rumen modifying agent. They have the potential to modulate the methane production, dry matter digestibility and microbial biomass synthesis

    Unsteady CFD Studies for Gust Modeling in Store Separation

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    Aircraft and different store configurations must be certified before a flight. There is a small but finite probability of aircraft being hit by gust wind at the time of separation. Most store separation analyses from airborne platforms do not consider the gust phenomena because of the complexity and inadequate knowledge of its behavior. A dedicated task group was recently created to understand the gust-related phenomena in aircraft safety. Of the various gust cases, vertical gust is most severe and can cause instability leading to store collision. The situation is compounded in a long and heavy store due to its large projected area. No test procedures exist for simulation or practical tests of gust. A study was conducted to identify a test procedure for gust simulation using MIL standard data and Indian conditions. The current paper studies the emergency release condition where a vertical gust is hitting the aircraft to ascertain safe separation. A discrete gust with a 1-cosine shape and specified length and amplitude is imposed at the inflow boundary. The gust is allowed to sweep the computational domain containing the airborne platform and the store. The computed trajectory of the store, the miss distance, and its angular rates in the presence of gust are analysed in this work to study the safe separation of a store from an airborne platform. Simulations are also carried out to determine the effect of gust at the highest dynamic pressure in the flight envelope

    Performance Evaluation of Cabbage Cultivars under Open Field Cultivation in High Altitude of Tawang Arunachal Pradesh

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    The study has been undertaken to evaluate the performance of locally available commercial cultivars of cabbage in open field during summer season of 2019 at Defence Research Laboratory Research and Development Centre Tawang (Arunachal Pradesh). The commercial cultivars of these vegetables were evaluated based on the growth parameters and their yield performance under open field with paired row system of planting. It was found that the cultivar Green Express performance was outstanding among test edcultivars and it superseded cv. Royal Ball BC-51 and cv. Blue Jayes in terms of growth parameters as well as marketable yield (2.62 kg/m2) and biological yield (3.47 kg/m2). The cv. Royal Ball BC-86 was also found next best performing cultivar after cv. Green Express as former was at par with growth and yield parameter and harvest maturity of later. The head of cv. Green express attended harvest maturity (149.25 days) approximately one week earlier as compared to cv. Blue Jayes (155.0 days). However, the productivity of cultivars Green Express and Royal Ball BC-86 was found within the range of national average, therefore, these two cultivars could be recommended for the commercial cultivation with paired row system of planting under open field cultivation during summer season in high altitude areas of Tawang (Arunachal Pradesh)


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    Background: Appendicitis is the commonest abdominal surgical emergency in the world which may lead to complications like appendicular abscess or mass, gangrene, perforation and peritonitis. Present research aimed to evaluate the wellbeing and the effectiveness of laparoscopy for managing complicated appendicitis. Material and methods: Present study was carried out on 50 patients at tertiary care institution of Chhattisgarh in Central India for the period of 2 year. This study is including patients of complicated appendicitis undergoing laparoscopic management. Parameters studied included Age, Gender, WBC count, wound infection and hospital stay. Results: There was increase of total leucocytic count in most of the patients; Mean WBCs was 12.71±5.37. 33 patients had pus free IPF collection and perforated appendicitis (PA), 11 patients had turbid free IPF collection with AA (highly inflamed appendix), 2 case was mucocele of the appendix, 2 cases of appendicular abscess (3.3%) and 2 cases of gangrenous appendix. Conclusion: Management of complicated appendicitis laparoscopically is practicable, secure and can present a small occurrence of infectious impediments, fewer post-operative pain, fast revival and improved cosmesis on the cost of extended operating time than Open Appendectom

    Hydrogenation of Styrene Oxide to 2-Phenylethanol over Nanocrystalline Ni Prepared by Ethylene Glycol Reduction Method

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    Nanocrystalline nickel prepared by glycol reduction method and characterized by XRD and magnetic measurements has been used as a catalyst for hydrogenation of styrene oxide to 2-phenylethanol. Effect of process variables such as particle size of the catalyst, temperature, and pressure have been optimized to achieve a maximum conversion of 98% of styrene oxide with 99% selectivity towards 2-phenylethanol. The structure of the transition state has been computed employing density functional theory and using Gaussian 09 suite. The enthalpy of reaction (ΔH) and activation energy (Ea) are calculated to be 85.3 kcal·mol−1 and 123.03 kcal·mol−1, respectively. A tentative mechanism for the reaction is proposed according to which atomized hydrogen and styrene oxide react together over the catalyst surface to produce 2-phenylethanol

    Modelling and Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon using Digital Soil Mapping in the Thar Desert Region of India

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    Not AvailableIn the present study, the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) was investigated using digital soil mapping for an area of ~29 lakhs ha in Bikaner district, Rajasthan, India. To achieve this goal, 187 soil profiles were used for SOC estimation by Quantile regression forest (QRF) model technique. Landsat data, terrain attributes and bioclimatic variables were used as environmental variables. 10-fold cross-validation was used to evaluate model. Equal-area quadratic splines were fitted to soil profile datasets to estimate SOC at six standard soil depths (0-5, 5-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-100 and 100-200 cm). Results showed that the mean SOC concentration was very low with values varied from 1.18 to 1.53 g kg-1 in different depths. While predicting SOC at different depths, the model was able to capture low variability (R2 = 1–7%). Overall, the Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) values ranged from 0.01 to 0.18, indicating poor agreement between the predicted and observed values. Root mean square error (RMSE) and mean error (ME) were 0.97 and 0.16, respectively. The values of prediction interval coverage probability (PICP) recorded 87.2–89.7% for SOC contents at different depths. The most important variables for predicting SOC concentration variations were the annual range of temperature, latitude, Landsat 8 bands 2, 5 and 6. Temperature-related variables and remote sensed data products are important for predicting SOC concentrations in arid regions. We anticipate that this digital information of SOC will be useful for frequent monitoring and assessment of carbon cycle in arid regions.Not Availabl
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