40 research outputs found

    Succession Planning As A Tool Of Employee Retention And Reduction In Recruitment Cost

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    With the aim to measure the practice of Succession Planning as a tool for employee retention and reduction in recruitment costs. Succession planning is a hard process for an organization that ensures that the employees are recruited and more developed to fit in each required key role within the company. By succession planning process, organizations recruit superior employees, train and develop their knowledge & abilities, and prepare them for advancement to face more challenging roles. Succession planning ensures that employees are constantly developed as per the needed role. As the organization expands its branches, it provides promotional opportunities, and increases sales, during this succession planning guarantees to have employees, ready and waiting to face new challenges. And if the employees are empowered by continuous learning and development processes and can avail better career opportunities in the organization a concern can retain its talent for longer tenure with low recruitment costs

    Biofuels for Defence Use: Past, Present And Future

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    Defence sector desires to attain energy self-sufficiency and security. In recent years, emergence of biofuel as an alternative source has raised the hopes of Defence. Ethanol and bio-diesel are currently being used as blends in different parts of the world. While, bio-diesel is mostly being blended in 2-20% in different parts of the world, ethanol blending has reached upto 85%. Owing to the sustainability reasons, the choice of feedstock for ethanol production is gradually changing from corn to lignocelluloses biomass. Jatropha curcas, is still the choice feedstockfor bio-diesel in most third world countries. This institute has put in rigrous efforts to identify high yielding varieties of Jatropha, improving its yield, standardizing trans-esterification to obtain high quality bio-diesel and its trials and testing in various vehicles and equipment. Second generation biofuels using biomass such as farm and forest wastes as feedstocks are promising in terms of their overall sustainability and volume produced. They can be used as drop in fuels. However, time is required to utilize their potential fully. Algae, the third generation biofuel feedstock still needs extensive R&D to make it economically sustainable. Whatever, the technology used, defence forces will accept any biofuel, which should be available constantly and priced below the existing petroleum fuels. The scope of producing by-products and finding a lucarative market for these products can ensure that prices ofbiofuels remain lower than the petroleum fuel

    De novo sequencing, assembly, and characterization of Asparagus racemosus transcriptome and analysis of expression profile of genes involved in the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway

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    Asparagus racemosus is known for its diverse content of secondary metabolites, i.e., saponins, alkaloids, and a wide range of flavonoids. Flavonoids, including phenols and polyphenols, have a significant role in plant physiology and are synthesized in several tissues. Despite the diverse role of flavonoids, genetic information is limited for flavonoid biosynthesis pathways in A. racemosus. The current study explores full-scale functional genomics information of A. racemosus by de novo transcriptome sequencing using Illumina paired-end sequencing technology to elucidate the genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis pathways. The de novo assembly of high-quality paired-end reads resulted in ∼2.3 million high-quality reads with a pooled transcript of 45,647 comprising ∼76 Mb transcriptome with a mean length (bp) of 1,674 and N50 of 1,868bp. Furthermore, the coding sequence (CDS) prediction analysis from 45,647 pooled transcripts resulted in 45,444 CDS with a total length and mean length of 76,398,686 and 1,674, respectively. The Gene Ontology (GO) analysis resulted in a high number of CDSs assigned to 25,342 GO terms, which grouped the predicted CDS into three main domains, i.e., Biological Process (19,550), Molecular Function (19,873), and Cellular Component (14,577). The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway database was used to categorize 6,353 CDS into 25 distinct biological pathway categories, in which the majority of mapped CDS were shown to be related to translation (645), followed by signal transduction (532), carbohydrate metabolism (524), folding, sorting, and degradation (522). Among these, only ∼64 and 14 CDSs were found to be involved in the phenylpropanoid and flavonoid biosynthesis pathways, respectively. Quantitative Real-time PCR was used to check the expression profile of fourteen potential flavonoid biosynthesis pathway genes. The qRT-PCR analysis result matches the transcriptome sequence data validating the Illumina sequence results. Moreover, a large number of genes associated with the flavonoids biosynthesis pathway were found to be upregulated under the induction of methyl jasmonate. The present-day study on transcriptome sequence data of A. racemosus can be utilized for characterizing genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis pathways and for functional genomics analysis in A. racemosus using the reverse genetics approach (CRISPR/Cas9 technology)

    Developing Standard Treatment Workflows—way to universal healthcare in India

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    Primary healthcare caters to nearly 70% of the population in India and provides treatment for approximately 80–90% of common conditions. To achieve universal health coverage (UHC), the Indian healthcare system is gearing up by initiating several schemes such as National Health Protection Scheme, Ayushman Bharat, Nutrition Supplementation Schemes, and Inderdhanush Schemes. The healthcare delivery system is facing challenges such as irrational use of medicines, over- and under-diagnosis, high out-of-pocket expenditure, lack of targeted attention to preventive and promotive health services, and poor referral mechanisms. Healthcare providers are unable to keep pace with the volume of growing new scientific evidence and rising healthcare costs as the literature is not published at the same pace. In addition, there is a lack of common standard treatment guidelines, workflows, and reference manuals from the Government of India. Indian Council of Medical Research in collaboration with the National Health Authority, Govt. of India, and the WHO India country office has developed Standard Treatment Workflows (STWs) with the objective to be utilized at various levels of healthcare starting from primary to tertiary level care. A systematic approach was adopted to formulate the STWs. An advisory committee was constituted for planning and oversight of the process. Specialty experts' group for each specialty comprised of clinicians working at government and private medical colleges and hospitals. The expert groups prioritized the topics through extensive literature searches and meeting with different stakeholders. Then, the contents of each STW were finalized in the form of single-pager infographics. These STWs were further reviewed by an editorial committee before publication. Presently, 125 STWs pertaining to 23 specialties have been developed. It needs to be ensured that STWs are implemented effectively at all levels and ensure quality healthcare at an affordable cost as part of UHC

    Synthesis, spectral and biological studies of copper (II) and iron (III) complexes derived from 2-acetyl benzofuran semicarbazone and 2-acetyl benzofuran thiosemicarbazone

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    Metal complexes of general composition [M(L)2]X2 (where M = Cu(II) and X = Cl−, NO3-) and [M(L)2]X3 (where M = Fe(III) and X = Cl−, NO3-) were synthesized by the condensation of metal salts with semicarbazone (La)/thiosemicarbazone (Lb) derived from 2-acetyl benzofuran. The ligands and metal complexes were characterized by NMR, elemental analysis, molar conductance, magnetic susceptibility measurements, IR, atomic absorption, and electronic spectral studies. On the basis of electronic, molar conductance and infrared spectral studies, the complexes were found to have tetrahedral geometry. The Schiff bases and their metal complexes were tested for their antioxidant, radical scavenging and antibacterial activities

    Impact of Fertilization of Sulphur and Iron on Yield Attributes and Economics of Greengram (Vigna radiata L.)

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    At Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj, UP (India), a field experimentation was undertaken in zaid 2021. The experimental plot's soil texture was sandy loam. At the same time pH, low organic carbon, available N, available P and available K were (7.4), (0.32%), (188.3 kg/ha), (34.5 kg/ha) and (87.5 kg/ha) respectively. The experiment was set up in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 12 treatments and three replica. The results showed that treatment 5 with application of 20kg/ha Sulphur as Gypsum + 20kg/ha Sulphur as Single Super Phosphate + 25kg/ha FeSO4 as basal dose application was recorded maximum no. of pods per plant (36.07), no. of seeds per pod (12.07), test weight (37.03 g), seed yield (1421.00 kg/ha), stover yield (3306.00 kg/ha), harvest index (30.06%), gross return (1,31,196.00 INR/ha), net return (87,806.00 INR/ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.02) as compared to other treatments

    Giant pulmonary artery aneurysm in a patient with rheumatic mitral stenosis

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    Pulmonary artery (PA) aneurysm is a rare condition, frequently associated with pulmonary hypertension. However, the evolution and treatment of this pathology is still not clear. We report a case of a 45-year-old female patient with giant PA aneurysm associated with rheumatic mitral stenosis and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension. The patient had undergone balloon mitral valvotomy around 7 years back; aneurysm was first identified 3 years back during routine follow-up. The PA aneurysm size, however, had remained almost unchanged with associated severe pulmonary regurgitation. Surgical correction was advised but denied by the patient. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of such a large PA aneurysm in association with rheumatic heart disease. Although medical therapy for pulmonary hypertension was started, surgical correction of the aneurysm was advised in order to prevent the future complications