2 research outputs found

    The Suitability of Distance Education for Students With Mental Health Issues and Economically Disadvantaged Students in East Java

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    Distance learning is not the only effective way to achieve the goals of education in the post-pandemic era, and it is not suitable for some students, in part because of the implications on mental health of following distance learning implementation. This research used qualitative methods together with a case study approach and it took place in East Java. The results showed that distance learning was not as effective with the students with mental health issues who were studied in this research. This was due in part to the lack of internet access in certain facilities. Students also experienced stress due to distance learning, especially sociology students. Most assignments which students were asked to do via distance learning were categorized as projects. Such projects forced students to think critically, while distance learning conditions rendered critical thinking more difficult. Another case study showed that economically disadvantaged students were not favored through distance learning. Many students were disturbed by the fact that their parents had become unemployed, and many students’ needs could not be fulfilled by their parents because of this economic problem. Keywords: remote learning, mental health student

    an Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s speech features on International Speeches in 2013

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    ENGLISH: The way how the women in delivering their utterances showed the special linguistics style evoked by them. This linguistics phenomena cause the women created the different language happened in terms of speaking. Therefore, women tend to use the women’s language in delivering the speaking. This study actually focuses on the way how Hillary Clinton acquired the women’s speech features in delivering the speeches in International events. The aim of this study is to answer two problems of the study. They are what types of women’s speech features are used by Hillary Clinton and how those features are used by her. Considering the significance of the study, there are two objectives of the study. The first objective is to identify the types of women’s speech features used by Hillary Clinton in delivering the speech. The second objective is to describe how the women’s speech features used by Hillary Clinton in some international speech events. The findings of this study performed the data which are found in the present research. Actually, not all the types of women’s speech features are found in this research. There are seven features are classified as women’s speech features used by Hillary Clinton. They are hypercorrect grammar, super polite form, lexical items, empty adjectives, hedges, question intonation, and intensifiers. While the other speech features are not found such as precise color terms and absence of humor. The result proved that Hillary Clinton used the women’s speech features to show her high level of education and her high position in the country which indicated a proper language must be used by her. Therefore, she used those terms in delivering the speech to achieve the goal of speech that is the audience’s understanding. In short, these styles of languages are used as the strategy to raise the purpose of speech is uttered. Furthermore, it is essential to conduct the same linguistics field for the next researchers in a different object such as the women in a particular community while doing a conversation to get a deeper analysis in case of women’s practices. INDONESIA: Cara bagaimana perempuan dalam memberikan ucapan-ucapan mereka menunjukkan gaya linguistik khusus yang diutarakan oleh mereka. Fenomena linguisik ini menyebabkan perempuan menciptakan bahasa yang berbeda terjadi dalam hal berbicara. Oleh karena itu, perempuan cenderung menggunakan bahasa perempuan dalam berbicara. Penelitian ini fokus pada cara bagaimana gaya bahasa Hillary Clinton dalam memberikan pidato pada acara-acara Internasional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab dua masalah penelitian. Yang pertama adalah jenis fitur bahasa perempuan apa yang digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton dan bagaimana fitur-fitur tersebut digunakan olehnya. Mengingat pentingnya penelitian ini, ada dua tujuan dari penelitian ini. Tujuan pertama adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis fitur bahasa perempuan yang digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton dalam memberikan pidato. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana fitur tersebut digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton dalam beberapa acara pidato internasional. Dalam penelitian ini tidak semua jenis fitur bahasa perempuan ditemukan. Ada tujuh fitur yang diklasifikasikan sebagai fitur bahasa perempuan oleh Hillary Clinton, seperti penggunaan hypercorrect grammar, super polite form, lexical items, empty adjectives, hedges, question intonation, dan intensifiers. Sementara fitur bahasa lainnya tidak ditemukan seperti precise color terms and absence of humor. Hasilnya membuktikan bahwa Hillary Clinton menggunakan fitur bahasa perempuan untuk menunjukkan tingkat tingginya pendidikan dan posisinya yang tinggi di negara yang menunjukkan bahasa yang tepat harus digunakan olehnya. Oleh karena itu, dia menggunakan istilah-istilah tersebut dalam memberikan pidato untuk mencapai tujuan pidato yaitu agar penonton paham akan isi pidato tersebut. Singkatnya, gaya bahasa tersebut digunakan sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan tujuan pidato yang diucapkan. Selain itu, penting untuk melakukan penelitian selanjutnya di bidang linguistik yang sama dalam sebuah objek yang berbeda seperti perempuan dalam komunitas tertentu saat melakukan percakapan untuk mendapatkan analisis yang lebih dalam tentang fenomena-fenoma lain dalam bahasa perempuan