14 research outputs found

    Design of Control and Monitoring System of Oyster Mushroom Filling With Moisture, Temperature, and Weather Conditions Based on Telegram: Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol dan Monitoring Penyubur Jamur Tiram Dengan Kelembaban, Suhu, dan Kondisi Cuaca Berbasis Telegram

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     Oyster mushroom that has many benefits and is popular with the public. The oyster mushroom cultivation process requires temperature and humidity in the mushroom house every time so farmers have to check the temperature and humidity directly. A tool is needed to monitor and control the temperature and humidity of the mushroom house based on the Internet of Things using Telegram. The design of this tool uses the DHT-11, ESP32 Cam and Nodemcu sensors. DHT-11 sensor to monitor temperature and humidity. The results of sensor readings can be found via Telegram Bot. Humidifiers and mini portable air conditioners are used to control humidity and temperature. By implementing the design  in the oyster mushroom barn, it can help and increase the efficiency level of farmers in obtaining optimal oyster mushroom yields.

    Automatic Roof Prototype On Aviary With Telegram Based Monitoring

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    Aviary is a large cage that is designed to resemble the natural habitat of the flora and fauna contained therein. The purpose of making an aviary is as a breeding place for several flora and fauna within the scope of the community. Apart from that, some people build an aviary in their yard as a place to channel their hobbies. The success of aviary development has many supporting factors, one of which is weather conditions. Many aviaries out there do not have a protective roof so that the aviary experiences bad conditions when it rains, considering that Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate where rain can fall at any time. Based on these problems, this research was carried out by designing an automatic roof prototype that was placed on the aviary with a working system to detect the conditions that existed in the aviary and to protect the aviary from exposure to heat and excess rain. The prototype will detect the light intensity value and the value from the rain sensor reading, when it exceeds the specified value limit the tool will work and the roof will be closed. Contribution of this research The application of this prototype directly has a success rate of up to 90% as long as the components used can work optimally. The contribution to this research is the use of the Research and Development method as a research method and the use of telegram bots as a monitoring tool in this study

    Analisis Karakteristik Pemakaian MCB DC Untuk Pemakaian Beban AC dan DC

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    One of the most important and expensive power lines in the distribution method is the low line voltage. In case of overload or short circuit current, it protects the electrical installation. MCB is an important component in electrical installations. The formation of sparks due to a short circuit can eventually cause a fire which has the potential to cause a fire, which is an unwanted MCB nuisance. This MCB can be used as a direct current breaker with a load, either manually or automatically. When the MCB is switched from "ON" to "OFF", the mechanical part in the MCB cuts off the electric current. The manual method involves turning off the toggle switch in front of the MCB (usually blue or black). The finished tool is then tested to see how well components such as AC MCB, DC MCB, Volt meter, LED lamps, Outlets, and lamp fittings perform. The function of the analysis of the characteristics of the use of DC MCBs for the use of DC loads works to compare the use of DC MCBs on AC loads and which ones are the most effective and the circuit is given a load until the MCB trips and amperes and volts are measured in the circuit

    Design of an Automatic Control System for a Conventional LPG Gas Stove Based on Arduino Uno: Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Otomatis Kompor Gas Elpiji Konvensional Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    One of the activities associated with the use of LPG stoves is cooking. Cooking consists of several types, one of which is boiling water. However, in the process of lighting the LPG gas stove, housewives often find it difficult because the lighter does not work properly. This research was conducted to design and create an automatic control system on a conventional LPG gas stove with a two-position control type (on-off control). The system uses a metal detector sensor to detect metal. The microcontroller used is Arduino Uno, the resulting system output is an LPG gas stove that turns on automatically. Thus, with the control system can overcome the problems due to the lighter does not work optimally

    A Design Of Temperature Monitoring Tool Using MLX90614 sensor on Xerox Workcentre 7535 Digital Printing Machine: Perancangan alat monitoring suhu menggunakan sensor mlx90614 pada mesin digital printing Xerox workcentre 7535

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    The digital printing business is a business that is in great demand in today's era. Digital printing with a minimum size of A3+ has become a trend nowadays. Many advantages can be obtained from this A3+ digital printing machine. Printing needs that are chased by time are very suitable for using this machine. In this study the authors designed a thermometer for temperature on a digital printing machine using the MLX90614 sensor with the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller, a 16x2 LCD as an output display, and a buzzer for warnings. The results of testing the design of this system are generated for the results of testing the temperature sensor readings obtained 100% accurate. The results for the reading of the MLX90614 sensor readings are obtained by calculating the proportion of errors that are 0.9%, which means the sensor is running well.

    Design of IOT Based Hoist Crane system at PT SPINDO UIII: Rancang Bangun Sistem Hoist Crane Berbasis IOT di PT SPINDO UIII

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    The control system on the Crane Hoist generally still uses a control cable that is connected to the control panel box and attached to the crane body, and is minimal from the range of maintenance, the condition is less effective because the operator has too much movement power close to the crane so that in certain positions can result in work accidents towards the operator. The use of control cables in the crane control system has a relatively short time or period of use due to the heat generated, resulting in frequent shortages between the cables, and unable to carry out effective engine maintenance procedures. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to develop an IOT-based wireless hoist crane control system. Microcontroller used in the design of this system is Arduino Nano, WEMOS D1 mini as a communication to Android, and using the MQTT method / protocol.&nbsp


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    Technology plays a very important role in human life. Many devices and applications are created to facilitate human work. In the world of chicken farming many problems are found both in terms of objects and their management. In chicken farms, problems often arise about the decline in the quality of livestock due to disease attacks. Diseases in chicken farms arise due to poor chicken coop conditions and lack of attention from the management. To maintain the condition of the chicken coop remains sterile from disease attacks, then spraying disinfectant chemicals. Disinfectant chemicals are classified as dangerous when exposed to the human body directly. Automatic chicken cage disinfectant spray with Android-based arduino UNO aims to simplify and provide a sense of security when spraying disinfectant for farmers. The process of spraying disinfectant can be done remotely using an Android smart phone application and Arduino Uno microcontroller hardware with Bluetooth communication. HC-05 bluetooth module as a communication medium between Android smart phone with arduino Uno, diarfaghma 12 vdc pump, 80 psi as spray disinfectant while disinfectant spray drive uses 5 vdc motor. Automatic chicken cage disinfectant spray can be done at a maximum distance of 10 meters

    Conductivity Value Monitoring Tool to Know Water Quality Based IOT: Alat Pembaca Nilai Konduktiviti Untuk Mengetahui Kualitas Air Berbasis Iot

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    PLTGU Grati has three Gas and Steam Power Plant Blocks with a maximum total power of each block capable of producing 450 MW of power. Water in steam power plants is very necessary as the main raw material for making steam. The raw water used comes from the sea which is then processed into fresh water using a desalination plant. After becoming fresh water, the mineral content will be removed again to obtain water with a conductivity value below 1 s/cm. To support plant operations, the generator has several auxiliary equipment units. Monitoring tools at the Grati PLTGU plant are very conventional so monitoring is felt to be less efficient. Monitoring productivity values using IoT is considered to be one of the innovations that can make it easier to monitor generating equipmen

    Design of Automation of Watering Zinnia Plant Based on The Internet of Things: Rancang Bangun Otomatisasi Penyiraman Tanaman Zinnia Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Indonesia a country that has abundant wealth, example a fertile land. Various types of plants can found in Indonesia, one of which is the Zinnia plant which is often known as a paper flower. Zinnia plants generally grown as house fence ornamental plants. Although the Zinnia plant easy to cultivate, but plant still requires sustainable handling, for example, the need for water. If the Zinnia plant is’t paid attention the conditions of water, temperature, and light for a long time, it can cause Zinnia plant not develop properly, it can even wither and die. This is what many plant owners worry about. IoT-based automatic watering monitoring is one way that can used in terms of monitoring and maintaining plants in good condition. So, it can streamline time and energy of plant owners in carrying out their activities without taking care of plants they own directly.&nbsp


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    Technology plays a very important role in human life. Many devices and applications are created to facilitate human work. In the world of chicken farming many problems are found both in terms of objects and their management. In chicken farms, problems often arise about the decline in the quality of livestock due to disease attacks. Diseases in chicken farms arise due to poor chicken coop conditions and lack of attention from the management. To maintain the condition of the chicken coop remains sterile from disease attacks, then spraying disinfectant chemicals. Disinfectant chemicals are classified as dangerous when exposed to the human body directly. Automatic chicken cage disinfectant spray with Android-based arduino UNO aims to simplify and provide a sense of security when spraying disinfectant for farmers. The process of spraying disinfectant can be done remotely using an Android smart phone application and Arduino Uno microcontroller hardware with Bluetooth communication. HC-05 bluetooth module as a communication medium between Android smart phone with arduino Uno, diarfaghma 12 vdc pump, 80 psi as spray disinfectant while disinfectant spray drive uses 5 vdc motor. Automatic chicken cage disinfectant spray can be done at a maximum distance of 10 meters