13 research outputs found

    Women’s Role in Indian American Family in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies

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    ABSTRACT Among hundred years ago, women have been marginalized, alienated and defeated by society. Women are assumed as the second sex, it happens because women are weaker than men physically. The society attitudes toward women lead into the imbalance and unequal right between men and women. One of them is related to the gender role. The society construction mentions that women’s role is just related to the private area. Women do not have the equal chance as men in almost aspect of life, such as economical, social, and educational aspect. But, as the developing period and the struggle of feminism, women’s condition has changed. Now, women also work outside the house, having broader chance in educational and economical aspect. The women’s condition is also reflected in literary works, one of them is Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies. It tells about Indian-American women’s background and sensitive dilemma of Indian Immigrant who stay in America. The objective of this study is to analyze about women’s role in Indian-American family that is viewed from traditional and modern women’s role. To achieve the above objectives of the study, the researcher applies a feminist literary criticism, which insists on linking the women’s role in literary work. Since, this study emphasizes on the analysis of literary work, it is then classified as literary criticism. The primary data of this study is two from nine short stories Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies, they are The Temporary Matter and Mrs. Sen’s. The discussion of this analysis finds out the kinds of the traditional women’s roles in India American family. The first kind is that women just work in domestic affair including cooking, cleaning the house and taking care the children. Second, women are dependent, and the last is women are submissive to their husbands. On the contrary, the modern women’s roles in Indian-American family include women work outside home, women are autonomous, women who can exchange the husband’s role, women who have the right to make decision, and women who have a high education. The researcher, then, concludes that there some women’s roles that can be seen from traditional and modern women’s role as reflected in the stories of The Temporary Matter and Mrs. Sen’s

    “English Ramadhan Camp” Meningkatkan Keilmuan Bahasa Inggris Dan Keislaman Di Bulan Ramadhan

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of the program is to design English learning combined with the religious lesson namely Fiqh. The program was conducted in Ramadhan month.  The materials of the programs are specialized for public speaking skill improvement such as Speech and Master of ceremony and Fiqh which focuses on sexual health and reproduction for teenagers. The program was implemented in SMK Ibnu Sina Genteng district, Banyuwangi Regency. Through this program, it is hoped to provide opportunities for practice teaching method for IAI Darussalam students assisted by lectures, and to build a tight corporation between IAI Darussalam and community. The result of the program is the students are very enthusiast and having adequate knowledge about public speaking in English as well as a proper knowledge about Fiqh.   Keyword: Ramadhan Camp, English Learning, Public Speakin

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Lonely Song Lyrics by Justin Bieber

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    Music is one of the means used by musicians to introduce a country's culture to the international community. In addition to the message they want to convey, their ideology and thoughts are also reflected in their songs. This study aims to determine the text analysis on Justin Bieber's song, entitled Lonely. Then, knowing the social cognition of the song Lonely created by Justin Bieber, as well as the social context in which the song developed. Text, social cognition, and social context were analyzed using Teun A. van Dijk's discourse analysis model. The research used in this study is a qualitative research type of library research. The research method used in this study is the intralingual and extralingual equivalent method. Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the words used in the lonely song use simple words with a little figure of speech so that they are easy to understand. The social cognition of the song is based on the singer's mental awareness based on his personal experience and the social context in lonely song is a narrow view of the possible bouts of depression experienced by idols caused by society

    Self Reliance Among Muslim Rural Community Toward Children With Disability:The Case Of School For Disabled Children Lentera Hati Nahdlotul Ulama Kecamatan Pesanggaran Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Nahdlatul Ulama as the biggest Islamic mass organization in Indonesia have contributed to the educational and social welfare of Muslim especially in rural community. One of autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama which concern to Muslim women, Muslimat in Pesanggaran district in Banyuwangi have a special attention toward disabled children from low income family in rural community. Muslimat pesanggaran are founder of school of disabled Children (SLB)NU Lentera HAti In Pesanggaran. this study will expose the realiance of Muslimat NU pesanggaran on giving special attenction toward disabled children. the main data is the SLB NU Lentera Hati,the collected data came from depth interview of some teachers, Muslimat board and some social activist in Banyuwangi. The study concluded that every body has the responsibility on helping each other especially toward disabled children. what have been done by Muslimat in Pesanggaran should be followed by any support of government and any other organization so that every disabled children have the opportunity to get their educational right

    The Use of Describing Picture in Teaching Speaking Skill

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    This study aims to determine the use of picture descriptions in teaching speaking English and to determine the progress of students' ability in speaking English after being taught using picture description media. The population of this research is the eleventh-grade students of religion two MA Al Amiriyyah Blokagung Banyuwangi. Describing pictures can motivate students to learn English and can also help teachers to make students interested and comfortable in learning, especially in speaking, according to Killer and Huebner, "As a learning medium, pictures can help teachers to make students interested and comfortable learning. especially English. What's more, pictures can present real situationsâ€. It is expected that students can improve their speaking skills. Also, describing pictures can be used to stimulate their imagination and motivation to learn English, especially in speaking skills. This study uses the Qualitative method. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation

    The Analysis of Translation Method on “Kesombongan Jerapah (The Giraffe Arrogance)” Book: A Children Story

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    Many people understand English, like in Indonesia. People who understand English  give a chance for everyone to understand anything written in English with translation. Thus,  translation is very important for knowledge and communication. Translation is integrated into  language learning practices along with commonly used learning activities, such as reading,  listening, writing, and vocabulary development. Translation is the process of transferring a  message or meaning from one language to another language. The object of the study is to  explain the method used by the translator in translating the Kesombongan Jerapah (The Giraffe Arrogance) book. This book consists of thirty-two pages and twenty-three sentences.  This research is classified into descriptive qualitative research. The descriptive qualitative  method is used in this study to uncover the findings using Peter Newmark’s concept of  translation method. the data of this research are collected doing the following steps, they were  the researcher read Kesombongan Jerapah (The Giraffe Arrogance) children’s storybook in  Indonesian version and English version intensively and carefully to comprehend the text  thoroughly, the researcher identifies the data, the researcher make tables to analyze data, and  the researcher makes a conclusion of the research. The result of the research shows that there  are two methods found in the data. They are namely, word-for-word and literal translation  methods. The total data are twenty-three sentences of thirty-two pages. There are seventeen  sentences using word-for-word translation methods and six sentences using literal translation methods


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    Novel contains the moral value of the story told by the author. Therefore, if I had your face novel tells the story of the lives of four women in Korea with different problems. There is only one research problem in this study, what kinds of moral value that appears in the novel if I had your face. The methodology of this research is the descriptive qualitative method. In this paper, the writer researched moral values in the novel if I had your face. The writer did several steps in collecting data, starting with reading the entire book carefully and repeatedly, then marking the sections that contained moral values, then grouping them according to the type of moral values. The result of this research after analyzing if I had your face novel, the writer found nine kinds of moral values such as Bravery, Humbleness, Honesty, Steadfastness, Sympathetic to Others, Thankfulness, Trustworthiness, Sincerity, and Kind-Hearted

    Upaya Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual Pada Anak Melalui Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Sejak Dini

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    Sexual abuse of children in Indonesia is becoming more prominent this time with a number of cases were aired by some media, data protection commission children and women in 2013 stated that cases of sexual violence to be the most dominant among other cases. Komnas children even mention the year 2013 as an emergency sexual crimes against children .According to data reported by P2TP2A Banyuwangi, cases of violence experienced by children in Banyuwangi in 2015 as many as 113 cases, and 13 of them occur in children under age. Until recently, this figure is still rising with the discovery of several cases of early 2016. The reproductive health education, and sexuality developed from early sex education should be taught to children as the bulwark preventing violence in children. To combat sexual violence on children, it is considered necessary given the knowledge about reproductive health education to the teachers and parents in the neighborhood kindergarten. Early childhood education at the kindergarten level is believed to be the starting point for the formation of character so that the material on the prevention of sexual abuse in children is very appropriate when administered at age kindergarten through teachers and parents.  Key words : sexual abuse, children, sexual education &nbsp

    Dampak Pengolahan Limbah Peternakan Menjadi Pupuk Organik terhadap Kesuburan Lahan Pertanian di Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Usaha peternakan di Kecamatan Tegaldlimo selama ini hanya mementingkan hasil produksi yang diperoleh dan mengabaikan limbah yang timbul dari usaha peternakan. Salah satu dampak negatif yang timbul akibat usaha pemeliharaan peternakan adalah pencemaran lingkungan yang diakibatkan dari limbah peternakan yang berupa urine, faces, sisa makanan, keringat atau sisa-sisa metabolisme yang mengganggu masyarakat sekitar.Tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mengidentifikasi dampak pengolahan limbah peternakan menjadi pupuk organik terhadap lingkungan di Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi; 2) Mengidentifikasi dampak pemanfaatan pupuk organik terhadap kesuburan lahan pertanian di Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi.Penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian diskriptif dengan jenis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari pengamatan dilapangan dan data yang bersumber dari BPS Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Dinas Peternakan dan Dinas Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perkebunan dan diolah dengan softwere SPSS dengan menggunakan Uji Q Cochran, Uji Kendall’s, Uji Friedman dan Uji Statistik Deskriptif. Sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi dilapangan. Hasil analisis dampak pengolahan limbah peternakan menjadi pupuk organik terhadap lingkungan adalah mengurangi tingkat pencemaran lingkungan baik pencemaran air, tanah, maupun udara. Pemanfaatan tersebut juga menghasilkan nilai tambah yang bernilai ekonomis yaitu pupuk organik yang berkualitas sehingga limbah peternakan yang sebelumnya dijual langsung dengan harga murah yaitu Rp. 6000 / karung akan bisa menjadi Rp. 50.000 / karung ketika menjadi pupuk organik. Sedangkan dampak pemanfaatan pupuk organik terhadap kesuburan lahan pertanian di Kecamatan Tegaldlimo adalah terdapat tiga variabel (X) yaitu PDO, PMO dan TPO pada tanaman sawi, bayam dan timun yang mempengaruhi enam variabel Y yaitu laju pertumbuhan tanaman, berat tanaman, jumlah helai daun tanaman, berat daun, berat bagian non daun dan warna daun. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada tanaman sawi terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dari tiga variabel (X) terhadap  enam variabel (Y), pada tanaman bayam terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dari tiga variabel (X) terhadap enam variabel (Y), pada tanaman timun hanya variabel warna daun yang terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan, untuk  kelima variabel (Y) tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan

    Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Industri Tahu sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) di Kecamatan Gambiran Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    If waste is utilized properly, it will create new production and advance SMEs in Gambiran District so that it can minimize unemployment and increase the amount of income per capita of the community. This study has three objectives, namely: (1) To analyze the technology used in processing tofu industrial waste into nata de soya in Gambiran District, Banyuwangi Regency, (2) To analyze the technology used for processing tofu industrial waste into soy sauce in Gambiran District Banyuwangi, (3) To analyze the amount of production costs and costs of production sales from nata de soya and soy sauce products as an effort to develop Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in Gambiran District, Banyuwangi Regency. This research is classified into descriptive research with quantitative and qualitative types of data from the results of the experimental application to examine the act of making nata and soy sauce food products by the Gambiran District community by collecting data through surveys, observations, documentation, interviews and document analysis. In analyzing the document the results of the study will compare the feasibility of the two products obtained from whey to Nata de Soya and Ketchup products using the following feasibility analysis: TCI = FCI + WCI, TC = TFC + TVC, TR = P x Q,   = TR – TC, dan BEP =  . The analysis shows that the technology used in making nata de soya is biotechnology from the bacterium Acetobacter xylinum which has been fermented with sugar, vinegar and micin. While the technology of utilizing tofu industrial waste into soy sauce is one strategy to reduce environmental pollution. Experiments of making soy sauce are carried out by fermentation by methanogen bacteria from soaking solid waste and fermented with salt water bath after the tofu waste is dried until the moisture content reaches 12%. To analyze the production cost of making nata de soya with 3 liters of liquid waste is TCI = 16,500, TC = 16,500, TR = 25,500, Π = 9,000, BEP = 6 Liters. While for the analysis of the production cost of making soy sauce is TCI = 33,000, TC = 33,000, TR = 75,500, Π = 42,000, BEP = 2.2 Lite