11 research outputs found

    Comparison of genetic diversity of continental and coastal populations of European sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Croatia

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    Genetička raznolikost jedan je od najvažnijih elemenata prilagodbe svih živih bića na neprestane promjene u okolišu. Intenzivno iskorištavanje kestenovih šuma i bolest poznata kao rak kestenove kore ostavili su trajne negativne posljedice na populacije europskog pitomog kestena. Svaka spoznaja o genetičkoj varijabilnosti europskog pitomog kestena izravno doprinosi razvoju učinkovitijih planova zaštite i gospodarenja ovom vrstom. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je bio usporediti genetičku raznolikost između i unutar tri kontinentalne (Bilogora, Medvednica, Moslavačka gora) i tri primorske populacije (Poreč, Buje, Cres) pitomog kestena u Hrvatskoj analizom devet SSR i devet EST-SSR mikrosatelitnih biljega. Dobiveni rezultati nisu potvrdili jasnu genetičku diferencijaciju kontinentalnih i primorskih populacija pitomog kestena u Hrvatskoj. Svojom genetičkom raznolikošću populacije Medvednica, Bilogora, Moslavačka gora i Buje ukazivale su na prirodno podrijetlo, dok su populacije Poreč i Cres ukazivale na jako veliki antropogeni utjecaj u njihovom formiranju. Protok gena iz nasada lovranskih maruna u prirodnu populaciju Cres moguće je objašnjenje specifične genetičke raznolikosti ove populacije, dok bi populacija Poreč mogla biti kombinacija gena talijanskih prirodnih populacija i/ili kultivara, istarskih prirodnih populacija i lovranskog maruna. U odvojenim SSR i EST-SSR analizama svi dobiveni populacijsko-genetički parametri bili su gotovo isti pa se u budućim istraživanjima preporučuje analiza ujedinjenih podataka.Genetic diversity is one of the most important elements in adapting of all living beings to the continual changes in the environment. The intensive exploitation of chestnut forests and the disease known as chestnut blight have left negative effects on the populations of European chestnut. Any knowledge of the genetic variability of the chestnut directly contributes to the development of more effective conservation and management plans for this species. The aim of this thesis was to compare genetic diversity between and within three continental (Bilogora, Medvednica, Moslavačka gora) and three coastal populations (Poreč, Buje, Cres) of European chestnut in Croatia using nine SSR and nine EST-SSR microsatellite markers. The obtained result did not confirm the clear genetic differentiation between continental and coastal populations of European chestnut in Croatia. Due to their genetic diversity, the populations of Medvednica, Bilogora, Moslavačka Gora and Buje indicated their natural origin, while the populations of Poreč and Cres indicated a very large anthropogenic influence during their formation. Gene flow from Lovran Marron plantations to the natural population of Cres is a possible explanation for the specific genetic diversity of this population, while the population Poreč could be a combination of the genes of Italian natural populations and / or cultivars, Istrian natural populations and Lovran Marron. In the separate SSR and EST-SSR analyzes, all obtained population-genetic parameters were almost the same, so the recommendation is that in the future data analysis should be applied on the combined data set


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    Epigenetics investigates connection between our genes and our environment. It has been hypothesized that certain conditions we experience can influence our gene expression and can probably be passed onto our children, transgenerational transfer of trauma being one of them. We postulate that the notion of compassion has also been passed on from one generation to another. Our ancestors discovered that groups have a higher chance of survival than individuals. Thus, psychological traits that help form social cohesion, like compassion, are proven beneficial and passed onto the next generation. However, our perception of compassion has changed through time. In the beginning, it was expressed as a feeling of sympathy for the vulnerable, for example the elderly, the sick, pregnant women and children. These groups were innately perceived as deserving compassion. As our social awareness grew, so did the list of vulnerable groups, including members of different races, sexual or gender orientations, etc. Over time, a shift in the way we feel compassion has occurred. Nowadays, it almost seems like only those belonging to a vulnerable group are justified to feel suffering or oppression. At the same time, the suffering of those who do not belong to these exclusive vulnerable groups is marginalized. Mental illnesses like anxiety or depression are trivialized if the person in question is perceived as being privileged (in any sense), while at the same time, they are seen as warning signs if the person suffering is vulnerable. If one truly needs attention, help, or both, the easiest way is to declare oneself vulnerable. If this trend continues, we postulate that a lack of compassion in our modern society will have an impact on future societies as well. Through transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, this can create future societies whose sense of compassion will be shaped only by the definition/perception of those who are currently perceived as vulnerabl

    Students safety in university laboratories

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    Sveučilišni laboratoriji percipirani su kao mjesta niskog rizika. Međutim, stopa vjerojatnosti nesreća u sveučilišnim laboratorijima, posebice onim koji koriste opasne kemikalije, je veća nego u industrijskim laboratorijima i postrojenjima zbog ležernijeg pristupa i neiskustva studenata. Cilj ovog rada je temeljem sustavnog pregleda literature odrediti najčešće probleme povezane sa sigurnošću studenata u sveučilišnim laboratorijima kao i načine njihova rješavanja/prevencije te donijeti preporuke koje bi se mogle primijeniti uniformno na svim sveučilištima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Sustavna pretraga elektroničkih baza podataka WoSCC, MEDLINE i Scopus provedena je u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2017. do 7. lipnja 2022. godine. Razmatrani su samo recenzirani radovi na engleskom jeziku koji su istraživali sigurnost studenata u laboratorijima diljem svijeta. Najveći broj istraživanja odnosi se na laboratorije u kojima se koriste opasne kemikalije. Istraživanja ukazuju da studenti imaju problema s prepoznavanjem i razumijevanjem piktograma, ne poznaju svojstva osnovnih kemikalija te ne odlažu otpad u pravilne spremnike. Također, istraživanja su pokazala da na sigurnost studenata utječe i psihofizičko stanje, odnosno strah i zabrinutost zbog mogućih ozljeda te socioekonomski status, točnije neadekvatna zaštitna oprema. Studente treba educirati o propisima i praksama sigurnog rada u laboratoriju i GHS piktogramima već od srednje škole. Također, treba izraditi pravilnike o zaštiti studenata ili zaštitu studenata implementirati u postojeći zakonski okvir. Osim toga, trebalo bi izraditi i javno dostupan registar ozljeda prilikom laboratorijskih vježbi.University laboratories are perceived as low-risk places. However, the probability rate of accidents in university laboratories, especially those using hazardous chemicals, is higher than in industrial laboratories and plants due to the more casual approach and inexperience of students. The aim of this paper is to determine the most common problems related to the safety of students in university laboratories, as well as methods of solving/preventing them, and to make recommendations that could be applied uniformly at all universities in the Republic of Croatia. A systematic search of the literature was performed through the electronic databases WoSCC, MEDLINE, and Scopus, from January 1, 2017 to June 7, 2022. Only peer-reviewed articles in English investigating student safety in laboratories around the world were considered. Most studies refer to laboratories where hazardous chemicals are used. Research shows that students have a problem recognising and understanding pictograms, do not know the properties of basic chemicals, and do not dispose of waste in the correct containers. Furthermore, research has shown that students\u27 safety is affected by their psychophysical condition, that is, fear and concern for possible injuries, as well as socioeconomic status, specifically regarding inadequate protective equipment. Students should be educated about the regulations and practises of safe laboratory work and GHS pictograms beginning in high school. In addition, regulations on student protection should be drawn up, or student protection should be implemented in the existing legal framework. In addition, a record of injuries during laboratory practise should be created, as a basis for interventions

    Comparison of genetic diversity of continental and coastal populations of European sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Croatia

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    Genetička raznolikost jedan je od najvažnijih elemenata prilagodbe svih živih bića na neprestane promjene u okolišu. Intenzivno iskorištavanje kestenovih šuma i bolest poznata kao rak kestenove kore ostavili su trajne negativne posljedice na populacije europskog pitomog kestena. Svaka spoznaja o genetičkoj varijabilnosti europskog pitomog kestena izravno doprinosi razvoju učinkovitijih planova zaštite i gospodarenja ovom vrstom. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je bio usporediti genetičku raznolikost između i unutar tri kontinentalne (Bilogora, Medvednica, Moslavačka gora) i tri primorske populacije (Poreč, Buje, Cres) pitomog kestena u Hrvatskoj analizom devet SSR i devet EST-SSR mikrosatelitnih biljega. Dobiveni rezultati nisu potvrdili jasnu genetičku diferencijaciju kontinentalnih i primorskih populacija pitomog kestena u Hrvatskoj. Svojom genetičkom raznolikošću populacije Medvednica, Bilogora, Moslavačka gora i Buje ukazivale su na prirodno podrijetlo, dok su populacije Poreč i Cres ukazivale na jako veliki antropogeni utjecaj u njihovom formiranju. Protok gena iz nasada lovranskih maruna u prirodnu populaciju Cres moguće je objašnjenje specifične genetičke raznolikosti ove populacije, dok bi populacija Poreč mogla biti kombinacija gena talijanskih prirodnih populacija i/ili kultivara, istarskih prirodnih populacija i lovranskog maruna. U odvojenim SSR i EST-SSR analizama svi dobiveni populacijsko-genetički parametri bili su gotovo isti pa se u budućim istraživanjima preporučuje analiza ujedinjenih podataka.Genetic diversity is one of the most important elements in adapting of all living beings to the continual changes in the environment. The intensive exploitation of chestnut forests and the disease known as chestnut blight have left negative effects on the populations of European chestnut. Any knowledge of the genetic variability of the chestnut directly contributes to the development of more effective conservation and management plans for this species. The aim of this thesis was to compare genetic diversity between and within three continental (Bilogora, Medvednica, Moslavačka gora) and three coastal populations (Poreč, Buje, Cres) of European chestnut in Croatia using nine SSR and nine EST-SSR microsatellite markers. The obtained result did not confirm the clear genetic differentiation between continental and coastal populations of European chestnut in Croatia. Due to their genetic diversity, the populations of Medvednica, Bilogora, Moslavačka Gora and Buje indicated their natural origin, while the populations of Poreč and Cres indicated a very large anthropogenic influence during their formation. Gene flow from Lovran Marron plantations to the natural population of Cres is a possible explanation for the specific genetic diversity of this population, while the population Poreč could be a combination of the genes of Italian natural populations and / or cultivars, Istrian natural populations and Lovran Marron. In the separate SSR and EST-SSR analyzes, all obtained population-genetic parameters were almost the same, so the recommendation is that in the future data analysis should be applied on the combined data set

    3D modeling of the profile angle-bending device

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    U završnom radu na temu ''3D oblikovanje naprave za kutno savijanje profila'' opisan je postupak konstruiranja, razrade i izrade 3D modela svih elemenata naprave, sklopa i potrebne tehničke dokumentacije. Iako na tržištu postoje slične naprave, kada govorimo o specifičnoj namjeni nekog stroja, alata ili naprave, uvijek su moguća poboljšanja koja se tiču sigurnosti na radu, povećane proizvodnosti, smanjenja troškova i sličnih parametara. Izrada 3D modela i potrebne tehničke dokumentacije danas se lako izvodi pomoću moćnih softvera za 3D modeliranje. Razvoj novog proizvoda bez takvih softvera u današnjem svijetu je nezamisliv. Za izradu modela naprave za kutno savijanje korišten je softver ''Solidworks'' koji se bazira na parametarskom modeliranju, te je jedan od najkorištenijih softvera za tu primjenu u svijetu.The final paper on the topic ''3D modelling of the device for angle bending of profiles'' describes the process of constructing, working out and making a 3D model of all device elements, the assembly and the necessary technical documentation. Although similar devices exist on the market, when we talk about a specific purpose of a machine, tool or device, improvements are always possible regarding safety at work, increased productivity, cost reduction and similar parameters. The creation of 3D models and the necessary technical documentation is easily performed today using powerful 3D modeling software. New product development without such software is unthinkable in today's world. The software ''Solidworks'', which is based on parametric 3D modeling, was used to create the model of the angle bending device and it is one of the most used software in the world for this application

    3D modeling of the profile angle-bending device

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    U završnom radu na temu ''3D oblikovanje naprave za kutno savijanje profila'' opisan je postupak konstruiranja, razrade i izrade 3D modela svih elemenata naprave, sklopa i potrebne tehničke dokumentacije. Iako na tržištu postoje slične naprave, kada govorimo o specifičnoj namjeni nekog stroja, alata ili naprave, uvijek su moguća poboljšanja koja se tiču sigurnosti na radu, povećane proizvodnosti, smanjenja troškova i sličnih parametara. Izrada 3D modela i potrebne tehničke dokumentacije danas se lako izvodi pomoću moćnih softvera za 3D modeliranje. Razvoj novog proizvoda bez takvih softvera u današnjem svijetu je nezamisliv. Za izradu modela naprave za kutno savijanje korišten je softver ''Solidworks'' koji se bazira na parametarskom modeliranju, te je jedan od najkorištenijih softvera za tu primjenu u svijetu.The final paper on the topic ''3D modelling of the device for angle bending of profiles'' describes the process of constructing, working out and making a 3D model of all device elements, the assembly and the necessary technical documentation. Although similar devices exist on the market, when we talk about a specific purpose of a machine, tool or device, improvements are always possible regarding safety at work, increased productivity, cost reduction and similar parameters. The creation of 3D models and the necessary technical documentation is easily performed today using powerful 3D modeling software. New product development without such software is unthinkable in today's world. The software ''Solidworks'', which is based on parametric 3D modeling, was used to create the model of the angle bending device and it is one of the most used software in the world for this application


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    Epigenetics investigates connection between our genes and our environment. It has been hypothesized that certain conditions we experience can influence our gene expression and can probably be passed onto our children, transgenerational transfer of trauma being one of them. We postulate that the notion of compassion has also been passed on from one generation to another. Our ancestors discovered that groups have a higher chance of survival than individuals. Thus, psychological traits that help form social cohesion, like compassion, are proven beneficial and passed onto the next generation. However, our perception of compassion has changed through time. In the beginning, it was expressed as a feeling of sympathy for the vulnerable, for example the elderly, the sick, pregnant women and children. These groups were innately perceived as deserving compassion. As our social awareness grew, so did the list of vulnerable groups, including members of different races, sexual or gender orientations, etc. Over time, a shift in the way we feel compassion has occurred. Nowadays, it almost seems like only those belonging to a vulnerable group are justified to feel suffering or oppression. At the same time, the suffering of those who do not belong to these exclusive vulnerable groups is marginalized. Mental illnesses like anxiety or depression are trivialized if the person in question is perceived as being privileged (in any sense), while at the same time, they are seen as warning signs if the person suffering is vulnerable. If one truly needs attention, help, or both, the easiest way is to declare oneself vulnerable. If this trend continues, we postulate that a lack of compassion in our modern society will have an impact on future societies as well. Through transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, this can create future societies whose sense of compassion will be shaped only by the definition/perception of those who are currently perceived as vulnerabl

    Medical Students’ Perception of Organization and Informatization of Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background and aim: Outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had big impact on higher education system. To prevent spreading of the disease, distance learning was organised. The aim of this research was to assess medical students’ perception of quality of educational process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents and methods: Online research was conducted during May 2021 on 142 students of fourth, fifth and sixth year of School of Medicine University of Zagreb. This research was conducted using Questionnaire for Assessing Quality of Distance Learning in Biomedicine Studies. It consists of 28 items which are rated using 7-point Likert scale and are distributed in six subscales. All statistical analyses were conducted using IBM® SPSS® Statistics for Windows (Version 25.0). Results: Statistically significant difference was found in Perception of Teachers’ Work between fourth and sixth year (p = 0.012), as well as Perception of Educational Environment and Personal Academic Achievements between fourth and fifth, and fourth and sixth year of study (p < 0.001). The lowest mean for all subscales was found in fourth year, except subscales Perception of Personal Academic Activity (3.51 ± 1.32) and Perception of Equipment Quality (6.22 ± 1.04). The highest mean was found in sixth year for subscales Perception of Distance Learning Organization (3.47 ± 1.04), Perception of Cooperation (4.39 ± 1.04) and Perception of Teachers’ Work (4.73 ± 0.96). For subscales Perception of Educational Environment and Personal Academic Achievements and Perception of Equipment Quality, the highest mean was found in the fifth year (5.42 ± 1.14 and 6.28 ± 1.01, respectively). Majority of students were satisfied with equipment quality and Internet connection they used, however most of them (N = 68, 47.9 %) thought that teachers were not qualified enough to use tools for online teaching. Conclusion: The highest quality of educational process was perceived by sixth-year (64.9 % of the total score), and the lowest by fourth-year medical students (58.7 % of the total score). Teachers should continue with their education in order to maximize the use of digital technology in achieving educational outcomes, especially in biomedical area