611 research outputs found

    Streamlining the CERIF XML data exchange format: towards CERIF 2.0.

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    The Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) is an established standard for Current Research Information Systems (CRISs) facing the increasing need for information sharing and exchange. euroCRIS released the first official CERIF XML exchange format in 2007; it followed the structure of the relational data model. Based on experience with the format and consulting with the CRIS community on newer interoperation and exchange concepts, the authors proposed an update to the CERIF XML exchange format. This updated CERIF XML aimed at compactness with expression and backwards compatibility. With this article, we provide insight into the motivation for change, present the updated format, and finally outline possible next steps

    Atmospheric attenuation of the Ku band along the space-earth path due to clouds and rain

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    The weather conditions formed in troposphere causes the greatest signal attenuation in satellite communication systems especially at frequencies above 10 GHz. This paper describes possible signal attenuations on the satellite-earth path due to rain and clouds. It was measured whether it is advantageous to use the Ku band for data transmission over other bands. The measurement was carried out in the Czech Republic using a beacon signal from Eutelsat 12W satellite at 12.5 GHz. Clouds and the rainfall rate at the measured location were obtained from the CHMI portal. The measurements show that the clouds cause negligible attenuation. Significant attenuation was caused by rainfall. The measured values of slant path rain show a significant decrease in signal strength even in light rain. The measured cumulative rainfall rate was found to be close to the ITU-R model. The measurements show that the Ku band is advantageous for data transmission in rain poorer regions including Central Europe

    Fast Dynamic Graph Algorithms for Parameterized Problems

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    Fully dynamic graph is a data structure that (1) supports edge insertions and deletions and (2) answers problem specific queries. The time complexity of (1) and (2) are referred to as the update time and the query time respectively. There are many researches on dynamic graphs whose update time and query time are o(G)o(|G|), that is, sublinear in the graph size. However, almost all such researches are for problems in P. In this paper, we investigate dynamic graphs for NP-hard problems exploiting the notion of fixed parameter tractability (FPT). We give dynamic graphs for Vertex Cover and Cluster Vertex Deletion parameterized by the solution size kk. These dynamic graphs achieve almost the best possible update time O(poly(k)logn)O(\mathrm{poly}(k)\log n) and the query time O(f(poly(k),k))O(f(\mathrm{poly}(k),k)), where f(n,k)f(n,k) is the time complexity of any static graph algorithm for the problems. We obtain these results by dynamically maintaining an approximate solution which can be used to construct a small problem kernel. Exploiting the dynamic graph for Cluster Vertex Deletion, as a corollary, we obtain a quasilinear-time (polynomial) kernelization algorithm for Cluster Vertex Deletion. Until now, only quadratic time kernelization algorithms are known for this problem. We also give a dynamic graph for Chromatic Number parameterized by the solution size of Cluster Vertex Deletion, and a dynamic graph for bounded-degree Feedback Vertex Set parameterized by the solution size. Assuming the parameter is a constant, each dynamic graph can be updated in O(logn)O(\log n) time and can compute a solution in O(1)O(1) time. These results are obtained by another approach.Comment: SWAT 2014 to appea

    Change of Colour and pH-value in Pheasant Meat after Exposure to Ionizing Radiation

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    Concurrent Design of Railway Vehicles by Simulation Model Reuse

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    This paper describes a concurrent design approach to railway vehicle design. Current railway vehicles use many different concepts that are combined into the final design concept. The design support for such systems is based on reusing components from previous design cases. The key part of the railway vehicle design concept is its simulation model. Therefore the support is based on support for reuse of previous simulation models. The simulation models of different railway component concepts are stored using the methodology from the EU CLOCKWORK project. The new concept usually combines stored components

    Egg Yolk Colour Depending upon the Composition of the Feeding Mixture for Laying Hens

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    The aim of this study was to verify the possibility of replacement of fish meal by specially treated meal made of yellow lupin seed in relation to the yolk colour. The experiment was performed with 72 laying hens divided into two groups. The experimental group including 36 laying hens received a feeding mixture containing meal made of yellow lupin seed (the JUNO variety) which replaced fish meal used as an animal protein component in feeding mixtures in the control group. Samples of eggs were collected monthly in the course of seven months to determine the colour of egg yolk. Yolk colour was determined by the spectrophotometric method using the CIELAB system. Measurement with the exclusion of gloss was carried out using a portable spectrophotometer. The average values of parameter L* decreased significantly (α = 0.05), which confirmed the darkening of eggs. Parameters a* showed a significant increase (ANOVA α = 0.01), whereas the differences in the individual months ranged from 1.1 to 3.9. Yolk had distinct red-orange colour. Parameters b* did not show significant differences, however, the yolk tended to have an intensive yellow colour. The presence of yellow lupin seed meal in the feeding mixture resulted in a more distinct yellow-red colour of egg yolk

    The toxic effect of cytostatics on primary cilia frequency and multiciliation

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    The primary cilium is considered as a key component of morphological cellular stability. However, cancer cells are notorious for lacking primary cilia in most cases, depending upon the tumour type. Previous reports have shown the effect of starvation and cytostatics on ciliogenesis in normal and cancer cells although with limited success, especially when concerning the latter. In this study we evaluated the presence and frequency of primary cilia in breast fibroblasts and in triple negative breast cancer cells after treatment with cytostatics finding that, in the case of breast fibroblasts, primary cilia were detected at their highest incidence 72 hours after treatment with 120 nM doxorubicin. Further, multiciliated cells were also detected after treatment with 80 nM doxorubicin. On the other hand, treatment with taxol increased the number of ciliated cells only at low concentrations (1.25 and 3.25 nM) and did not induce multiciliation. Interestingly, triple negative breast cancer cells did not present primary cilia after treatment with either doxorubicin or taxol. This is the first study reporting presence of multiple primary cilia in breast fibroblasts induced by Doxorubicin. However, the null effect of these cytostatics on primary cilia incidence in the evaluated TNBC cell lines requires further research

    OpenAIRE guidelines for CRIS managers: supporting interoperability of open research information through established standards

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    OpenAIRE is the European infrastructure enabling researchers to comply with the European Union requirements for Open Access to research results. OpenAIRE collects metadata from data sources across Europe and beyond and defines interoperability guidelines to assist providers in exposing their information in a way that is compatible with OpenAIRE. This contribution focuses on a specific type of data source, CRIS systems, and the respective OpenAIRE guidelines, based on CERIF XML. A range of issues, spanning different aspects of information representation and exchange, needed to be addressed by the guidelines in order to define a complete solution for interoperability

    Levels of Plasmatic Macro- and Microelements in Late-pregnant Cows and Their Foetuses

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